Interpret "New College Entrance Examination" ⑥ | How to ensure the implementation of the "new college entrance examination" in various places?

Author:Chengdu Daily Jinguan Time:2022.06.27

How to strengthen the supervision and assessment of the basic guarantee conditions of the comprehensive reform of college entrance examinations in various places and ensure that the reform is smoothly landing?

Answer: In 2018, the provincial government issued the "Guiding Opinions on Further improving the basic guarantee conditions of the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination", and clearly incorporated the local government's comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination into the scope of the evaluation of education duties in the performance of local governments. This year, the provincial government wrote the "Active and Stable Promoting Comprehensive Reform of the College Entrance Examination" into the government work report. The provincial government's supervision room incorporated the comprehensive reform of college entrance examinations in various places into the 2022 provincial government's target performance management evaluation system.

In recent years, on the basis of self -inspection in various places, the Provincial Government's Education Supervision Office has increased inspections, regularly random inspections of the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examinations from time to time, and reported the problems discovered in a timely manner in time to urge rectification. In May of this year, the Provincial Party Committee Education Working Committee and the Education Department led them to form 11 supervision teams with six departments including the Provincial Party Committee Security Office, including the basic guarantee conditions of the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination of 21 cities (states). In order to urge reform, the overall reflection of the effect is good.

In the next step, the Provincial Government Education Supervision Office will continue to strengthen the supervision of the city and county government's performance. In particular, focus on the construction of school buildings, the guarantee of teachers, the resolution of the large class, and the construction of the recruitment agency. And take supervision and inspection results as an important basis for evaluating government performance, strengthen accountability and rectification within a time limit for problems discovered, and ensure the smooth implementation of the reform.

Chengdu Daily Jinguan News Reporter Zhao Zijun Editor He Qixie Editor Liu Yonghao

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