Wuhan University official announcement!

Author:Yangtze Cloud Time:2022.06.27

June 26

Wuhan University Admissions Policy in 2022

Official release

How many people are planning to enroll this year?

Which majors have increased?

Take a look

Enrollment plan

Wuhan University's 2022 undergraduate enrollment plan is 7,268, of which 1,695 enrollment plans were launched in Hubei Province.

The number of popular professional plans, major majors include dental medicine, the PPE test class of Hongyi Academy, the PLE test class of Hongyi Academy, computer, economics, etc.

New professional highlight

Six new majors are added, namely: big data management and application, intelligent manufacturing engineering, energy storage science and engineering, intelligent construction, Chinese Communist Party history, political, economics and philosophy (PPE test class of Hongyi Academy).

Big data management and application majors are targeted at the rapid growth of the big data industry to cultivate professionals providing big data support for IT companies and large -scale industrial and commercial enterprises.

Intelligent manufacturing engineering specializes in the strategic needs of national manufacturing power, and fills the needs of new talents in the field of intelligent manufacturing.

Energy storage science and engineering majors have followed my country's new strategy of energy security, promote the high -quality development of the energy storage industry, and solve the bottleneck in the field of new energy.

Intelligent construction specializes in providing powerful talents for the completion of complex construction projects for the construction industry and high -tech industries.

The Chinese Communist Party's historical majors meet the social development trends in the new era, and cultivate party history party building professionals in terms of party and government management, scientific research, teaching, editing, and enterprise and institutional party building.

Political Science, Economics and Philosophy (PPE Test Class of Hongyi Academy) serve the national macro strategy and cultivate cross -disciplinary talents who are proficient in "political science, economics and philosophy".

370 enrollment (including Ben Popularly) enrolled 370 people

This year, 370 students were enrolled in Wuhan University's masterpieces (including Benporton).

The first is that the medical education major directly faces 130 students from the college entrance examination. Including clinical medicine (8 years), stomatology (8 years), Hongyi Academy (8 years of clinical medicine). In eight years, this Pokémon has been completed, and 5 certificates have been obtained by the academic players: undergraduate graduation certificate and bachelor's degree certificate; doctoral diploma and doctoral degree certificate; qualification certificate for practicing physicians.

The second is that the strong base plans to enroll 150 students. The school's basic discipline is strong, and mathematics and applied mathematics, physics, chemistry, biological science, basic medicine, philosophy, Chinese language and literature (direction of ancient literature), and history have entered the "strong base plan" of the Ministry of Education. The school will take into account the study and scientific research of the students, the master, and the blog stage, and implement separate class and small classes. Essence

The third is 90 enrollment of popular professional characteristic talents training classes. 30 people in the carbon neutralization class of the Academy of Water Resources and Hydropower, facing the secondary selection of the major category of the major category of the engineering test class (B with the excellent engineer education and training plan). 30 people in the digital culture test class of the School of Information Management, which are selected for the college freshmen. 30 people at the School of Network Security's Internet Security Self -Strong Class, and conduct a second selection for the college freshmen.

These opportunities enter the special talent training test class

First, Hongyi Academy, as a model for the cultivation of interdisciplinary training of Wuhan University, cultivates international competitive innovative talents with international competitiveness through large -scale enrollment and classification. Based on the advantages of cross -disciplinary integration of Wuhan University, various cross -development fields are opened in the field of emerging cross -development development fields major. There are two ways to enter the Hongyi School test class. The first can be enrolled directly through the college entrance examination. This year's enrollment plan is 310; the second can enter the school after entering the school.

Second, the new national characteristic demonstration software college. The first batch of demonstration software colleges in Hubei Province, which is established in the country, was jointly constructed by Wuhan University School of Computer, Remote Sensing Information Engineering, and leading enterprises in the IT industry. It aims to train high -end software talents with Chinese characteristics and solve key software technology "card "Neck" problem. There are 2 professional directions: 60 people in software engineering (Smart IoT's new platform software direction), and the secondary selection of freshmen for computer colleges; 30 people in space information and digital technology (the application software direction of time and space information processing industry), facing the school's freshmen Secondary selection.

Optimize the enrollment method of engineering test class

In 2022, Wuhan University's Engineering Test Class was divided into three categories: A, B, and C.

Class A of the Engineering Test Class, including the engineering test class (A electrical excellent engineer training plan), the engineering test class (A smart robot test class), the engineering test class (A civil engineering innovative talent training plan), the engineering test class (A A A A Smart Hydropower Test Class), directly admitted to majors and no longer divert.

工科试验班(B含卓越工程师教育培养计划),在四个学院以下专业中打通分流:电气工程及其自动化、智能制造工程、智能建造、储能科学与工程、机械设计制造及自动化、自动化、 Water conservancy and hydropower engineering, energy and power engineering, hydrology and water resources engineering. Among them, it can be selected to carbon neutralization (Benshuo). The carbon neutralized test class (Benshuo) 30 people were selected in the secondary selection from the new student of the engineering test class.

Engineering test class (C contains national first -class undergraduate majors), divert in the following majors: nuclear engineering and nuclear technology, civil engineering, energy chemistry engineering, water supply and drainage science and engineering, engineering mechanics, port channel and coastal engineering, agricultural water conservancy engineering Essence

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