Financial business education, many countries are grabbing from dolls

Author:Global Times Time:2022.06.27

[Global Times Mojia Liu Guangxin, Mojia Shuangcheng, a special reporter in the United Kingdom, Russia, and Japan] As online shopping and online loans are becoming more and more convenient, many youth consumption and loan quota are out of control, and some are even involved in financial fraud cases. Regarding when family, schools, and society start to educate the financial business of adolescents, the practice of many countries is worth learning from: British children invest in wealth management, start at the age of 6; the central bank of Russia develops games to help children build money, and The concept of income, expenditure, and budget; Japanese teach children to spend money first, and the consequences need to be considered.

Britain: At the age of 6, he started learning investment and financial management

For children aged 3 to 5, small pigs are a common birthday or Christmas gift. British parents not only teach them to stuff coins inside, save money to buy candy, but also tell them how to do to make limited coins more. British children started to class before school at the age of 4. After arriving at school, the teacher will gradually teach children to find currencies with different face value, knowing that money is obtained by labor. When you return home, the intentional parents will teach their children to make a brief bookkeeping. In the face of a piece of cake or a supermarket advertisement, it will discuss with the children what the necessities and which are "I want", but it is not "must buy".

As early as 2008, Britain launched financial courses funded by the government and opened in primary and secondary schools. Children participating in this course, through mathematics, personal skills, social and healthy education, learn how to open accounts in the bank, use automatic withdrawal machines, prepare personal budgets, and interest rates and pensions. Teachers will take the children's trust fund as an example to teach children how to invest and manage their own property.

Helping children to improve financial quotient is the financial industry in the UK. During each holiday in British schools, local banks and education institutions have cooperated to provide financial and business education courses. The reporter has also accompanied the child to participate in an online education course that lasts one week and one hour each time. The teacher is a representative of the bank's professional trainer and the education institution. From the aspects of non -cash payment, the advantages of opening bank accounts, how to avoid debt risks, and donations to charity organizations, they introduce their finances to children aged 7 to 9 Basic knowledge of management.

For junior high school children, the corresponding courses will be more complicated, such as how to understand financial statements, understand the operating principles of commercial insurance, and how to avoid the risk of commercial fraud. Some parents report that children are not interested in pure theoretical learning, so more practical opportunities are needed. But the problem is that British banks only provide services to children over 11 years old. So this force some parents to study programming to solve this problem. When the child of Louis Hill was 8 years old, she found that the child bought games and recharge through the game console and mobile phone, and spent a lot of money. She found that this is the trouble of many parents. So Hill and the other two parents founded a commercial company that specifically helped parents to cultivate their children's financial management concepts. They provided prepaid financial cards and mobile software for children over 6 years old to help parents teach their children how to make financial management.

There are also local banking institutions to join forces for children's artists to explain the meaning of words such as "grains are hard" and "business opportunities" in a way. HSBC asked children illustrator Emma Dude to create a real version of fairy tale series, integrating fairy tales into financial business education: Cinderella who wants new shoes, successfully created a commercial brand; Princess White Snow has become a small and well -known pie shop owner Essence

For young people entering the university stage, there will be more practical opportunities at this time at this time. Many people have accumulated pocket money deposits from the age of 11 and become a fund that can invest. Some young people will consider investing in a pension. On the basis of the original savings, it will save savings ranging from £ 25 to £ 50 every month and deposit in the pension account. If you deposit 50 pounds per month, then 20 years later, even the interest will have more than 16,000 pounds. People who like low risk and pure returns are more willing to choose this way.

Nevertheless, not everyone can become a master of wealth management. In the two years of the new crown pneumonia's epidemic, many local college students took their savings to buy stock funds or invest in digital currencies. As a result, they all made more earnings. The financial problems of young people often had internal digestion of the family. At this time, parents will remind their children not to forget the market risks mentioned when they first learn about financial business knowledge. Some parents will help their children to re -plan their lives. By looking for a more suitable professional to find a job, make money with hard work, and make up for their previous losses. This is also part of the financial business education.

Russia: "Financial General" lessons in September

According to the requirements of the Russian Federal Education and Sciences, starting in September 2022, all teaching institutions in Russia will carry out education on financial generals, becoming one of the compulsory courses for students. The above course had been conducted in some schools a few years ago. In 2019, 70%of schools have carried out financial general education. In 2021, this ratio rose to 86%. In order to alleviate students' academic burden, financial generals are not independent subjects, but are scattered in mathematics, social knowledge and geographical courses. Russian education experts believe that in order to enable Russian society to effectively respond to the development and changes in the economic field, every citizen should receive education on finance, finance, taxation, and family expenses. These knowledge should be taught from the school. Fundamentally, the good financial situation of each family and citizens is the cornerstone of the good financial order of the entire country and society as a whole. In order to ensure the successful establishment of this course in the school, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, the Central Bank of Russia, and the Ministry of Finance of Russia jointly joined forces to determine the knowledge points of the course for the characteristics of different grades, and effectively dispersed it to mathematics to mathematics , Social knowledge and geographical courses. For example, when a professor in mathematics classes, the teacher can adopt specific examples of loan interest; in social common sense, teaching students to understand the common sense of financial security and help students know some financial scams on the Internet. The students introduced the financial status of different countries.

Through this course, students will learn to prepare the family's income expenditure budget, understand the basic services provided by the banking system, the obligations and rights of individuals in financial economic relations, basic insurance categories, citizen pensions, how to use bank cards safely, etc. Every knowledge point will adopt different teaching methods according to the age of students. The Central Bank of Russia has developed cartoons and animation games to help children in the lower grades establish basic concepts such as money, income, expenditure, and family budgets. Senior students will simulate the scene scenes, such as how to correctly use online transfers. After the teaching students will put their personal finances reasonably after going to the society in the future, to avoid various financial traps.

Anna Mosina, the principal of a local online school in Moscow, believes that financial generals will help students understand the value of money. Establish the correct concept of income and expenditure from an early age, analyze family budgets, and prepare personal financial expense plans. They will learn to discuss all the topics related to finances publicly and calmly. After entering the society in this way, they can correctly prepare their own family budgets, make savings or invest in financial management, and ask the boss to ask the boss for normal salary increase. The school also helps students build a concept -money is only a means to achieve the goals of life, but it is not the only indicator used to measure personal value and importance.

"After the implementation of financial general education in Russian schools, it was welcomed by students and parents." Olga Mirassova, Secretary of the Organizing Committee of the Teachers and Trade Union of Russia, said in an interview with reporters. In fact, many parents are very lacking in their knowledge in this field. After receiving such education at school, children are very actively concerned about family financial issues and help parents prepare reasonable family budget expenses. There was such a lively example. The parents of a ninth grade student almost lost their housing because of a small loan of 80,000 rubles. This student used the knowledge learned in the school to give parents a lot of help in the lawsuit.

Japan: "Borrowing Terrorism" education

In order to allow children's money education to catch up with European and American countries, Japan will set 2005 in the first year of finance. From this year, financial institutions such as banks and schools have jointly carried out various financial and business education activities, and professors include financial, investment, taxation, life and money.

Japan has taught children how to spend money on how to spend money. For example, before you are ready to go out to buy things, you must list a small shopping plan. Write the items and quantities you need to buy to prevent temporary impulse from spending money and excessive shopping.

When my daughter participated in an impressive role -playing course related to spending money when she was in grade 5 grades in elementary school. Students simulate different investment activities based on their choices, including products to produce and sell simulation, free shopping simulation, and bank deposit simulation. You can use the start -up funds to participate in the "investment activities" you are optimistic, and you can deposit money to collect interest or buy items. Finally, make a statistical form to calculate the income and loss. Through role -playing activities, students can learn the most basic financial concepts and related knowledge.

Japanese children can have their own bank accounts in theory. They can have their own bank accounts. At first, they were deposited in the growth of their elders to their children. The children were slightly larger. Essence Japanese elders will give their children a red envelope in the New Year. These money will be managed by the children themselves and opens their accounts to allow children to increase or decrease through the amount of deposits from an early age to understand the importance of money, and to learn about the planning and management of money.

A survey on Japanese children's life and money found that the pocket money of Japanese elementary school students is generally 500 yen a month (about 25 yuan), about 50 yuan for junior high school students, and about 250 yuan for high school students. Under normal circumstances, Japanese college students have to work, earn tuition or pocket money by themselves.

The Japanese basically do not borrow money from the people or family members of the people or their families based on the principle of not having trouble to the people around them. The proportion of loans of Japanese college students is very high. According to the survey, one of each of Japanese college students applied for a student loan. The responsible person of this loan is not the parent of the student, but the student himself. Student loans can be interest -free or only need to pay a small amount of interest to get the money to pay tuition fees. After graduation, the students themselves will be repaid by themselves. Because borrowing is easy, in order to prevent excessive consumption, Japan requires parents to conduct "borrowing horror" education -money is both a tool and a terrible thing. About 3,000 college students in Japan cannot repay the loan each year and declare bankruptcy. Their consumption and daily lives are restricted. Parents or friends who are consecutive guarantors will also be greatly affected. Parents should clearly tell their children: "If you are habitually consumed in advance because of your expectations of future income, it is very dangerous." Police will also regularly conduct financial fraud and excessive consumption. Careful treating money borrowing and establishing the correct consumption concept.

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