This teacher revealed the clip that did not shoot "Zhen Huan Biography"!

Author:China Education News Time:2022.06.26

Use a bald head to a car,

Top an easy -to -pull can,

Restore the yin and yang jug in "Zhen Huan Biography" ...



Rush on the hot search.

This physician comes from Fushun, Liaoning,

Name is Chu Lianfu.

To demonstrate various physical phenomena to students,

He did more than 300 small experiments,

Also shoot the experimental process into short videos

Published on Douyin,

More than 3 million "online class students" were harvested.

In his short video,

Students in the classroom do not need to sit on a head -to -law,

You can do it by yourself (SHI) Real (MO) test (FA),

Students of "Internet Class" can also boldly ask questions,

Learn more physical knowledge.

He is "the teacher of someone else's house"

Chu Lianfu is 50 years old.

Because the white hair is constant,

He simply raised a bald head,

With the nickname of "Bald Head Qiang".

Years ago,

Chi Lianfu in Fushun County, Fushun County, Save Town

Nine -year consistent school middle school teach.

In physics class,

He takes students to complete two or three experiments a week,

Hope from "Physical Little Experiment"

Convey "the principle of life".


The most impressed by netizens is

Chu Lianfu Restore

The yin and yang jug in "Zhen Huan Biography".

In the video,

He holds a seemingly rough teaching tool,

Let the three -color liquid smoothly

Pour out of a pot

In addition, the first rich organization students

Use a carton to launch a heavy smoke rolling air cannon,

"嘭" hit a long -range jar.

He also restored the weapon Zhuge Lianbang,

The "electric spark" of "singing" was displayed.

In his opinion,

"Physics without experiments is equivalent to talking on paper",

Do not make students a "outsider" in the experimental class.

In the village, enter the primary school to take scientific courses

Just a few months ago,

The students in the first rich video suddenly "smaller".

According to him,

September last year,

I came to Fangshen Village, Paulang Township, Fushun County

Be the first secretary,

Part of the work is

Take scientific courses for children in the village primary school.

Primary school students have never studied physics,

In order to drive their enthusiasm,

Chu Lianfu has redesigned every experiment.

He moved from the house to two big box equipment,

I bought part of the Internet again,

He wants every student to participate,

New props try to make a person as much as possible.

After the first section of the first section, after the scientific class,

Many elementary school students fall in love with physics.

I also always inquire about the news of Chu Lianfu,

"Can the teacher of the scientific class come today?"

"Why don't you come?"

Except for offline children,

In the first rich Douyin,

There are also many "student" teachers.

One from Nanning, Guangxi

Elementary school composition teacher found him,

Ask the specific experimental steps.

That teacher was arranged

A composition with the title of "experiment",

I hope to introduce it with fun experiments,

From "cross -border" in the field of Chinese to physical sites.

There are also teachers to send him a private message,

I want to use his experimental clips to students;

Some college graduates told him,

One of the inspiration in my own paper

It comes from his video;

A middle school in Shanxi

Even experiments that blew the windmill with the bald head of Chu Lianfu

I did the test questions.

And the most proud of the beginning is the most proud of,

These small experiments

Let more children feel

Buried the seeds of physics.

Encounter such a teacher,

How many points can your physics get?

Source: China Youth Daily (ID: zqbcyol)

Editor in charge | Du Runnan


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