How much can I go to Hubei University?What you want to know is here!

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.06.26

College entrance examination score announcement

Many parents and classmates ask the editor in the background

How many points can you go to the lake?

Xiaobian specially organized

In the past three years, Lake University's admission scores and sub -professional submission lines

And the feedback of some hot issues

I hope it can be helpful to everyone ~


01 Statistics of ordinary undergraduate admission scores in all provinces and cities

Hubei University in 2021 Hubei Province's general undergraduate admission score statistics (preferred history)

Hubei University in 2021 Hubei Province's general undergraduate admission score statistics (preferred physics)

Statistics of ordinary undergraduate admission scores from Hubei University in 2021

Note: The highest score and minimum score are the combination of the score of the file.

02 2021 Statistics of sports scores of sports scores in all provinces and cities

Note: Comprehensive results, calculated according to the admission rules of our school: cultural achievements ÷ cultural full score × 375+professional results ÷ professional full score × 375.

The scores of the file are implemented in accordance with the calculation rules of the provinces and provinces. For example, Hubei Province is: sports file sorting results = (total score of college entrance examination+excellent record extra points) × 50%+sports professional quality test results × 75%.

03 2021 Evaluate scores of art (art, design) in various provinces

Note: Comprehensive results, calculated according to the admission rules of our school: cultural achievements ÷ cultural full score × 600+professional results ÷ professional full score × 400.

The scores of the file are implemented in accordance with the calculation rules of the provinces and provinces. For example, Hubei Province is: the score of the submission = [(total score of college entrance examination+excellent record extra points) × 40%+professional unified examination results × 60%] × 2.

04 2021 Statistics of Broadcasting and Hosting Art Admissions Scores

Note: Comprehensive results, calculated according to the admission rules of our school: cultural achievements ÷ cultural full score × 600+professional results ÷ professional full score × 400.

The performance of the file is implemented according to the calculation rules of the provinces and provinces. For example, Hubei Province is: the score of the submission = [(total score of college entrance examination+excellent record extra points)+professional unified examination score].


01 2020 points Professional submission score statistics


According to the scores (comprehensive scores), the maximum, lowest points, and average points of each batch, various subjects, and majors (classes). Among them, the comprehensive calculation of art scores: [(((((((((((((((((((((((((college entrance examination cultural results+extra points) × 40%)+60%] × 2+professional unified examination results × 10-6; : Cultural results of college entrance examination+excellent records)+professional unified examination results+professional unified examination results × 10-6; comprehensive sports score calculation measures: [(cultural total score+excellent record extra points) × 50%+sports physical quality test results × 75%]+sports physical quality test results × 10-6. Professional (class) score statistics do not include high -level athletes and national special candidates.

02 2020 Statistics of ordinary undergraduate admission scores in provinces and cities

Note: The highest score and minimum score are the combination of the score of the file.

03 2020 Statistics of sports scores of sports scores in provinces and cities

Note: Comprehensive results, calculated according to the admission rules of our school: cultural achievements ÷ cultural full score × 375+professional results ÷ professional full score × 375.

04 2020 Evaluate scores of art (art, design) in various provinces

Note: Comprehensive results, calculated according to the admission rules of our school: cultural achievements ÷ cultural full score × 600+professional results ÷ professional full score × 400.

05 2020 Statistics of Broadcasting and Hosting Art Admissions Scores

Note: Comprehensive results, calculated according to the admission rules of our school: cultural achievements ÷ cultural full score × 600+professional results ÷ professional full score × 400.


01 2019 General undergraduate admission score statistics from all provinces and cities


1. The batch line is merged with "/" indicating undergraduate batches. The score behind "/" is an independent enrollment line;

2. The highest score and minimum scores are the combination of the score of the file.

02 2019 Sports score statistics of all provinces

Note: Comprehensive results, calculated according to the admission rules of our school: cultural achievements ÷ cultural full score × 375+professional results ÷ professional full score × 375.

03 2019 Provincial Art Category (Art, Design) Admission Score Statistics

Note: Comprehensive results, calculated according to the admission rules of our school: cultural achievements ÷ cultural full score × 600+professional results ÷ professional full score × 400.

04 2019 Provincial Broadcasting and Hosting Art Admission Score Statistics

Note: Comprehensive results, calculated according to the admission rules of our school: cultural achievements ÷ cultural full score × 600+professional results ÷ professional full score × 400.

How much can I go to Hubei University?

Candidates who are interested in applying for Lake University can follow their college entrance examination results and hobbies, combine the lake scores and their submission scores in the past three years, the province will be ranked in the province in the same year. Examination subjects, compared with the requirements of the school's enrollment plan and professional group selection subjects, can also contact the school's admissions office in a timely manner for a detailed understanding.

Welcome to the exam

Q: What kind of university is the school?

Hubei University is located in the central city of the central region and the provincial capital of Hubei Province -Wuhan City. It is a key comprehensive university built by the Hubei Provincial People's Government and the Ministry of Education, the "Domestic First -class University Construction Universities" in Hubei Province, and the country "Middle and Western Regions" Colleges and universities in colleges and universities. In the ranking of the Liberal Arts of the Alumni Association 2022 released by Iraishen, our school ranks 85th. It is a doctoral degree authorized discipline, a master's degree authorization discipline, and the Hubei provincial university with the most key disciplines in the provincial level. Q: Which majors in the school are popular majors?

Hubei University has a multi -door and multi -disciplinary system of humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, technical sciences, management science, new engineering science, pharmaceutical science and language science. One of the most complete colleges and universities in domestic disciplines. There are 33 undergraduate majors selected into the national first -class undergraduate construction site, 6 national specialty professional construction points, and 1 national professional comprehensive reform pilot project.

Science advantages are: biological science, mathematics and applied mathematics, chemistry, physics, geographical science, material chemistry, etc.

The advantages of engineering are: polymer materials and engineering, communication engineering, electronic information engineering, software engineering, electronic science and technology, photoelectric information science and engineering, computer science and technology, environmental engineering, biological engineering, etc.

The liberal arts advantages are: Chinese language and literature, ideological and political education, philosophy, law, journalism, English, Portuguese, education, etc.

Economic management advantages are: accounting, international economy and trade, finance, economics, human resources management, tourism management, etc.

Q: What is the enrollment plan of the school in 2022?

The total number of enrollment plans for our school in 2022 was 5,588, an increase of 480 compared to 2021. Among them, there are 3476 enrollment plans for Hubei Province, an increase of 316 compared to 2021.

Q: How many admissions are there in the school in 2022? Is there a new admissions major?

In 2022, Hubei University has a total of 59 majors (categories) enrollment, including teachers and Chinese and foreign cooperative schools. A total of 92 majors are enrolled. Candidates have 92 choices.

In 2022, our school has 4 new majors, three new engineering majors and 1 new liberal arts majors, namely integrated circuit design and integrated systems, cryptographic science and technology, artificial intelligence, and cultural heritage.

Question: Which teachers in the school?

In 2022, Hubei University has a total of 14 teachers' professional single enrollment: Chinese language and literature, mathematics and applied mathematics, physics, English, chemistry, geographical science, ideological and political education, history, art, biological science, sports education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education, education Education technology, elementary education.

Among different batches, in the professional group with unlimited subjects in subject physics and history, the teachers are arranged separately, eliminating students' worries about the transfer of non -normal majors. After admission, the curriculum will be opened directly in accordance with the professional training scheme of the teacher, and the relevant skills training will eventually meet the needs of various school education teachers. Education, education technology, English, geographical science, biological science, and physical education 6 teachers can directly obtain teacher qualification certificates through the school test.

Q: What are the new characteristics of schools in Hubei Province in 2022?

In 2022, our school was further optimized in Hubei Province ’s professional grouping. Computer, normal, new engineering, economic management and other social demands such as social demand independent grouping to solve the worries of candidates' professional adjustments.

For example, C10301, which is not limited to the history of the preferred subject history, only includes economics (economics, finance, international economy and trade) and business management (industry and commerce, marketing, accounting, human resources management). Physical re -selection subjects are not limited to C10309 groups only include computers (computer science and technology, software engineering, Internet of Things engineering, data science and big data technology). Science and technology, optoelectronic information science and engineering), integrated circuit design and integrated system, microelectronics science and engineering, the first choice subject physical reconstruction subject does not limit the C10311 group only includes information security and password science and technology. Unlimited C10312 group only includes electronic information (electronic information engineering, communication engineering) and artificial intelligence majors.

Q: What are the professional admission rules of the school?

In our school's enrollment charter stipulates that after the candidate electronic files are put into the school in accordance with regulations, the school is based on the principle of "score -priority" based on the principle of "score -priority" based on the information of the candidate's electronic file information and the professional (class) filled in the report. Determine candidates' majors (categories) from high to low according to high to low. Our school does not have a professional level. If the candidates have the same scores, those who have prioritized the relevant subjects of the professional subjects, the science and engineering of the professional related subjects is mathematics and comprehensive, and the literature and history are Chinese and comprehensive. If the number of professional (class) enrollment plans cannot meet the volunteers of the candidates, if the candidate can be arranged to other majors (categories) if the candidate obeys the professional doses, it will only be adjusted in the professional group.

Question: Will the obedience be retired?

Hubei University promises that candidates from Hubei Province, the archives are put into our school, obeyed the professional adjustment, and meet the professional admission requirements. Our school guarantees admission!

Question: Can I transfer my majors after entering the school? How to diverge after enrollment of students? After the admission candidates enter the school, they can apply in accordance with the school talent training regulations, and choose to change majors twice after the evaluation. For details, please refer to the notice of transfer of professional work at that time. For professional enrollment, professional diversion training is implemented in accordance with relevant regulations. After entering the innovation class, the talent training class is selected in accordance with relevant regulations and procedures.

Question: Can candidates from non -English language apply for your school?

Our school's foreign language and literature (including English, translation) are limited to English language candidates, and other majors are unlimited candidates' foreign language test types. The school's public language class is taught in English. Because our school's Chinese and foreign cooperative schools and Chinese and foreign cooperative schooling institutions are held in cooperation with English -speaking countries. Candidates for non -English language candidates please apply carefully.

Question: What are the funding for poor students in the school?

The school has established a comprehensive development -type funding system, covering prizes, loans, assistance, supplements, green channels, and diligence. Focusing on national awards, supplemented by special subsidies such as school scholarships, social awards, orphans, and special puzzles, and supports family economic difficulties in various ways. Each year, more than 6,000 people are issued by the National Award, and the amount is more than 2,100 million yuan; the school awarding school aid is issued more than 9,000 people, with an amount of more than 8 million yuan; more than 2,000 people in the social award -winning school, the amount of more than 6.9 million yuan, and the total amount of more than 36 million yuan was issued throughout the year. The school provides strong economic funding for students of family economic difficulties, helps the wisdom and wisdom, supports the aspirations, and helps students fully become talents.

Question: How is this year's school -based cooperative school running?

The undergraduate enrollment majors in our school's Chinese and foreign cooperative schools are: international affairs and international relations, materials chemistry, and environmental engineering. Tuition fees are 25,000 yuan per year. In June 2020, the Manchester City College of Hubei University in cooperation with the City University of Manchester, Britain, opened three undergraduate majors: software engineering, electronic information engineering, material science and engineering, with tuition fees of 60,000 yuan per year. Sino -foreign cooperative school majors only recruit candidates with volunteers in this major. The admitted students must not be converted to majors other than Chinese and foreign cooperation agencies after their admission. Since our school's Chinese and foreign cooperative schools and institutions have been taught in English, non -English language candidates do not recommend applying for the exam.

Question: What are the measures for the school's talent training?

It was the earliest universities in Hubei Province to launch general education and top -top innovative talents to cultivate colleges and universities, and vigorously implemented projects such as "first -class undergraduate education", "Graduate Education Quality Improvement Plan", and "Pulling Top Innovative Talent Training Program". "Study" "Shuo Bo Lian Reading" or entered the dual -class university and the Sciences Institute of Sciences. Build a number of national -level production and education integration bases, basic discipline talent training and scientific research bases, experimental teaching demonstration centers, professional degree graduate students joint training bases, college students' off -campus practice education bases, and college student cultural quality education bases.

Question: How much is the implementation rate of graduation? What are the whereabouts to graduate after graduation?

The school attaches great importance to the employment of students, and has always implemented the work of employment. The implementation rate of the graduation and going for graduation has always maintained at 90%(decreased during the epidemic period), and the quality of employment has continued to improve.

从就业单位性质来看,党政机关事业单位和知名企业就业人数占就业人数的比例超30%;从就业行业分布来看,主要集中在教育,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,文化、 Sports and entertainment; from the perspective of employment area distribution, more than 60%stay in Hubei to serve local economic and social development, over 26%in the eastern region, mainly employment in the Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta region. Domestic enrollment and abroad (border) study abroad rate exceeded 30%. %.

Q: When will the admission notice be issued and how can I find the courier number?

During the admission period, our school's undergraduate enrollment will open a special admission results query system. After mailing, the EMS express number will be announced as soon as possible at the school admissions information network to facilitate candidates to grasp the progress of the notice in a timely manner.

I wish my classmates here

If you want to pay for it, everything is better

Welcome to scan the code to join the "2022 Candidates Exchange Group". The latest policy information, score lines, and school admission conditions are high. You can find the answer here.

(Source: Hubei University Undergraduate Admissions Information Network)

【Edit: Shang Pei】

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