In 2022 ordinary college enrollment volunteers fill in a series of Q & A

Author:Guangzhou Daily Time:2022.06.25

Guangdong Province ’s enrollment volunteer in 2022 will begin on June 28. Xiao Bian compiled a series of Q & A for the candidates for the candidates, and took a look.

1. How to divide the admissions batch?

Answer: The summer college entrance examination is divided into three batches: advance, undergraduate, college (higher vocational).

1. Early batch.

The early batch is divided into two parts: undergraduate and advanced college. The undergraduate arrangements are arranged before the admission of ordinary undergraduate colleges, and the pre -arrangement of colleges and colleges in advance is carried out before the admission of ordinary undergraduate colleges and the admission of ordinary colleges.

The advanced part of the undergraduate includes the Air Force and the Naval Flying College, the military inspection colleges (including the army, interviews, and physical examinations of the army, armed police, public security, judicial, fire, and civil aviation flying schools). Reference) and the approved undergraduate art majors, the approved non -military undergraduate colleges and universities of non -military undergraduate colleges, agriculture, forestry, small language and other majors, undergraduate -level teachers special programs and special health programs, university special plans, high -level art troupes, high -level art troupe , High -level sports team, comprehensive evaluation and other special types of enrollment colleges.

The advanced part of the specialty includes specialized colleges and specialized hygiene programs for specialists.

2. Undergraduate batches.

Undergraduate batches include general undergraduate colleges (including local special programs, ethnic minority classes, various preparatory classes), and undergraduate colleges of art.

3. Batch of colleges (higher vocational).

The batch of colleges (vocational) includes ordinary colleges and arts colleges.

The above -mentioned batch of various types of colleges and universities implement the admission model of the professional group of colleges and universities.

2. How does the college entrance examination ordinary admission control score line delineate?

Answer: Each batch of colleges and universities implement the admission model of the professional group of colleges and universities. Ordinary division of physics and historical categories are separated and submitted separately for admission; the scores of the batch control scores of the specialty and colleges and colleges are based on a certain percentage of ordinary categories (physics) and ordinary categories (historical) and specialized enrollment programs. Certainly.

3. How is the scores of the admission control scores of each batch of college entrance examinations?

Answer: The arts and physical categories are unified in physics and history according to the planning category. Based on factors such as candidates' culture and professional scores, the specialist admission control score lines are comprehensive considerations, and different professional categories are divided into different professional categories. Broadcasting and hosting (inter -school joint examination) cultural scores and professional scores.

Fourth, how is the reference score line of the special type of enrollment control of the college entrance examination?

Answer: Special types of admissions admission control lines are delineated according to ordinary category (physics), ordinary class (historical), and referring to the proportion of enrollment plans of the corresponding categories of the corresponding category in the past or two batches of the two batches of the general category. It is mainly used for special types such as college special plans, high -level art troupes, high -level sports teams, comprehensive evaluations, and other references for enrollment admission of colleges (majors) with corresponding cultural achievements.

Candidates who meet the special types of special types of college special plans, high -level art troupes, high -level sports teams, comprehensive evaluations, etc., and candidates who have reached the corresponding control line of the college entrance examination will be submitted to the colleges. Essence

5. How to vote for each batch of college entrance examinations?

Answer: Each batch of colleges and universities implement the admission model of the professional group of colleges and universities. Ordinary categories are divided into two types of physics and history, and they are submitted separately for admission; arts and physical categories are uniformly scratched by physics and history according to planning categories, and they are submitted to admission together.

1. Ordinary majors based on the results of the three national unified college entrance examination subjects of Chinese, mathematics, and foreign languages, and the results of the three Guangdong general high school vocational level selective examination subjects selected by candidates. Mathematics and foreign languages ​​have three national unified college entrance examination subjects and three candidates selected by candidates to select the subject scores and corresponding professional scientific scores in the general high school level of the general high school academic level. At the time of submission, the Provincial Admissions Office provided the comprehensive quality evaluation of the students to the admissions college. The specific use of the comprehensive quality evaluation is clearly clarified by the admissions college in the reconciliation charter.

2. Special types of admissions such as university special plan, high -level art troupe, high -level sports team, comprehensive evaluation, etc., and candidates who have reached the corresponding control line of the college entrance examination, all of them are submitted to the colleges. Admission.

3. The professional group of universities that do not arrange the provincial and sub -professional enrollment plan, which does not include policy extra points when submitting.

4. During admission, the vacancy plan generated due to the insufficient source of students should be combined with the status of the source of the student when soliciting the volunteer admission.

6. What is parallel volunteer?

Answer: The parallel volunteer voting of the professional group of the college is based on the professional group of the college as the submission unit to submit the file in accordance with the principle of "score priority and obedience to volunteer". When the parallel volunteer is submitted, the candidates are scored from high to low scores, and they retrieve the volunteers of the college professional group filled by the candidates. As long as the professional group of colleges and universities filled by the candidates, they are retrieved to the professional group of colleges and universities that meet the conditions of the file, which will submit files to the professional group of the college. After submitting the file, other colleges and universities are invalid. If there is no professional group that meets the conditions of the file, the file cannot be submitted. After the above process is completed, regardless of whether the file is cast, it is deemed that the candidate has completed the parallel volunteer file. If the candidate's file is submitted to a professional group in a certain college, it will be exited for some reason, and will no longer be re -voted to other colleges and universities in the batch of parallel volunteers.

Seven, how to sort in parallel volunteers?

Answer: 1. The total score (including policy extra points) according to the category of college entrance examination results is determined from high to low. When the synthetic total score (including policy bonus) is the same, compare the total score of the "3+1+2" test subjects (excluding policy bonus), and the high is preferred.

2. When the total score of the "3+1+2" test subjects (excluding policy bonus) is still the same, according to the following principles:

In the first order, compare Chinese and mathematics, the total grades are high and low, and the high is preferred.

In the second order, comparison of the single subjects in the two doors of Chinese and mathematics, the high and low grades are high, and the high is preferred.

In the third preface, comparison of foreign language performance is high and low.

In the fourth preface, the general major is high or low according to the two types of physical or historical results in the selection physics and history.

In the fifth order, compare the high and low scores in the two -door reconstruction of the subject, and the high is preferred.

In the 6th preface, compare the high and low scores in the two -door reconstruction of the subject, and the high is preferred.

In the seventh order, the scores of the single subject are the same at the same time.

8. After the file is submitted, how does the college admission?

1. After the file is submitted, the colleges and universities are admitted to the results of the college's professional group.

2. When the major of the candidates is full, the college is admitted to professional adjustment according to whether the candidate filled in obeyed the professional volunteer adjustment situation. Professional adjustment admission can only be admitted in the professional group of candidates who are not recorded in the professional groups of the candidates.

3. Candidates who do not obey the professional volunteer adjustment, do not meet the professional admission conditions (physical conditions, cultural courses, single subjects, etc.) who cannot be admitted, shall be retired from the college.

4. Special types of college special plans, high -level art troupes, high -level sports teams, comprehensive evaluation and other special types of admissions admission control lines according to ordinary categories (physics), ordinary category (historical), and refer to the previous year's first or second batch of two batches corresponding to the two batches of the two batches of the two batches of the two batches of the two batches of the two batches of the two batches of the two batches of the two batches of the two batches. The proportion of the enrollment plan of the category is delineated. It is mainly used for special types of enrollment such as university special plans, high -level art groups, high -level sports teams, comprehensive evaluations, and other colleges (majors) enrollment references with corresponding cultural performance requirements.

5. Planning plans in different colleges and universities in the same institution cannot be used. If the source of the students is insufficient, the principle of using the unsuccessful plan after the solicitation of the volunteer is required.

Nine, what are the requirements for voluntary reporting?

Answer: Candidates use the professional group of colleges and universities as a unit to report their volunteers. A professional group of colleges and universities is an independent volunteer, and a college professional group is a submission unit. When candidates fill in their volunteers, the candidates' selection subjects must meet the requirements of the selection subjects of the professional group of the college.

Candidates who fill in comprehensive evaluation, university special plan, and local special plan volunteers must be in the publication qualification list; candidates who fill in high -level art troupes and high -level sports teams must first obtain special types of enrollment qualifications for relevant colleges and universities. The results of the college entrance examination reached the corresponding control line.

Ordinary categories: ordinary (physics) and ordinary category (historical). Arts and signs do not distinguish between physics and history. Candidates who have selected physics and physical and selected history are lined up together. The total score is preferred. The same batch of ordinary categories and art categories must not be reported.

The volunteer reporting of Guangdong Province was carried out after the college entrance examination was announced. In addition to the strong base plan, the three batches were approved in advance, undergraduate batch, and college (high vocational) batch to fill in at the same time, and admitted separately. Specific time and arrangement will be notified separately.

10. What is the volunteer combination of the "professional group of colleges and universities"?

Answer: Guangdong Province Volunteer Fill in and submitted admission to admission to the "College Professional Group+Professional (Class)" model. The "college professional group" refers to a combination of a professional (class) request for candidates for candidates. One or university can set up one or more "college professional groups", and each "college professional group" may contain varying majors (categories). Each professional (class) in the same "college professional group" requires the same requirements for candidates' selection subjects. Specialty (categories) with the same requirements for the same college selection subjects can also be set up in different colleges and universities.

Example: The requirements of the "A University Professional Group 1" selection subjects are not limited to the preferred subject physics, re -selected subjects, including communication engineering and other majors; Chemistry or biology, including several majors such as clinical medicine. If the candidate's preferred subject is physics, the subject is chemical and biology to apply for the two majors of the communication engineering of university A and the clinical medicine. The professional group volunteer and fill in the communication engineering and clinical medical professional volunteers in the professional groups of the two universities.

11. When the volunteer filling in the report, how can the candidate choose the subject to correspond to the requirements of the college selection?

Answer: In accordance with the relevant requirements of the Ministry of Education, colleges and universities propose the requirements for the selection subjects of the admissions major (category) of the school. Candidates should apply for the examination and test subjects to accurately apply for the examination subjects of college admissions majors (categories).

First, candidates' preferred subjects must meet the requirements of colleges and universities for preferred subjects. Candidates who choose physics can only fill in colleges and majors under the combination of physical subjects. Candidates who choose history can only fill in colleges and majors under the combination of historical subjects.

The second is to select the subject requirements. The requirements of the university's re -selection subject are divided into four types:

1. Regardless of the requirements of the subject, candidates who meet the requirements of the preferred subjects can apply for the exam.

2. If one re -selected subject requires, candidates must choose the subject to apply for the exam. For example, a major of a certain school put forward requirements for chemical subjects, and candidates who meet the requirements of preferred subjects and are selected for chemistry can apply. 3. If the two -door re -selection subject requires and all must be selected, candidates must select these two subjects at the same time before applying for the exam. For example, a major of a certain school put forward requirements for chemistry and biological subjects, and candidates who meet the requirements of preferred subjects and select chemistry and biological subjects at the same time can apply.

4. The request for the two re -selected subjects but only one of the tests is required. Candidates can apply for any one in the two subjects to apply for the exam. For example, a certain school requires candidates to choose chemical or biological subjects, and candidates who meet the requirements of preferred subjects and only need chemical or biological subjects in the subjects.

Candidates can inquire about the requirements for the selection subjects of the professional groups of the professional groups of the colleges and universities in Guangdong Province by the Guangdong Provincial Education Examination Institute before filling in the "2022 General College Admissions Professional Catalog" (referred to as the "Admissions Professional Catalog") in Guangdong Province.

12. How to inquire about the admissions of each year of enrollment in enrollment colleges?

Answer: Candidates can pass the "Guangdong Province Volunteer Reporting Guide in 2022" or "Guangdong Province" or "Guangdong Province 2022 Ordinary College Entrance Examination Volunteer Reporting Auxiliary System in 2022" in Guangdong Province. The minimum ranking and score of each professional enrollment.

13. What should I pay attention to when the college entrance examination reports special types of special types in 2022?

Answer: 1. Special types of enrollment of special types of special types such as university special plans, high -level art troupes, high -level sports teams, and comprehensive evaluation have set special types of special types, and admission arrangements are approved in advance. Special types of volunteers implement order volunteers, and set up a professional group of colleges and universities. The university special plan, high -level art troupe, high -level sports team, and comprehensive evaluation 4 types of volunteers shall not be reported.

2. Military inspection institutions refer to military, armed police, public security, public security, judicial, fire, and civil aviation flying institutions that need political trials, interviews, and testimony. Military inspection colleges implement parallel volunteers, effectively increase the opportunity for candidates to be accepted, and specifically distinguish through the professional group of colleges.

3. The undergraduate -level teachers' special plan and the specialist plan of the specialized level implementation of a parallel volunteer. In principle, an enrollment area is set into a professional group of colleges, that is, an independent volunteer, further increasing the opportunity for candidates to be admitted and reducing the risk of filling in.

4. Local special plans, ethnic minority classes, and various preparatory classes implement parallel volunteers. They are put into ordinary classes and filled in and submit them together for admission together. They are the same as before the reform. Candidates can fill in one of them based on their own actual selection, or they can also fill in to increase admission opportunities.

14. What will cause retreat?

Answer: 1. Due to disobedience to the retreat of professional adjustment

The principle of admission in colleges and universities is generally based on the order of candidates' professional volunteers, and admission is carried out from high to low. Each year, candidates will have a volunteer "tie" phenomenon, that is, there are many professional candidates, and some professional applicants have fewer candidates. Therefore, when candidates are submitted to the professional election and did not fill in the "obedient adjustment", the school can only retreat according to the reconciliation regulations.

2. Due to unqualified medical examinations or restricted applications for the application of the exam

The "Guiding Opinions of the Medical Examination Work of General College Admissions" clearly stipulates that candidates' enrollment medical examination is one of the basic procedures for applying for colleges and universities. At the same time, it is instructed to be instructed to do not admit and do not attend professional diseases and signs. After filling in the major of your body, you will be retired. Candidates should understand their physical conditions through enrollment medical examinations, combined with their professional aspirations and hobbies, and based on the "Guiding Opinions of the Admissions and Medical Examination Work of General College", they chose universities and majors to avoid being applied to their own physical conditions and not admitting majors. Retreat.

3. Due to the full range of admission to the admissions professional plan

College enrollment is admitted according to the plan. After selection, the remaining excess parts will be retired. This retreat is often based on the principle of lowering the score candidates, or the volunteer candidates. For the first time, the Provincial Admissions Office was submitted from the high score of the candidates' scores from the college's professional group from high to low scores. Therefore, when the colleges and universities are in the professional group in the professional group, the popular majors are fully full, and candidates who have low scores and do not fill in "obedience to the adjustment" are often retired by colleges and universities for reasons.

4. There are bad records due to comprehensive quality evaluation

When admission in colleges and universities, refer to the comprehensive quality evaluation content of candidates, use it as a reference for admission, and announce it to the society in advance. If the candidates have a record of illegal acts, or if the exams are illegal and cheating, or those who have unqualified physical fitness, they may become a reason for the retirement of colleges and universities.

Therefore, candidates should conscientiously prepare for the volunteer, carefully read the enrollment constitution of colleges and universities and the professional catalog of enrollment in our province to understand the relevant enrollment policies and requirements. According to their own achievements, aspirations, and physical examination conclusions, in combination with the minimum scores and rankings of enrollment in enrollment colleges in recent years, they carefully apply for the exam. It is particularly emphasized here that candidates must read the regulations of the enrollment constitution of relevant institutions carefully when filling in their volunteers. Due to the failure to read the college's enrollment charter, the volunteers who did not meet the requirements of the examination, the candidates who could not be admitted should be responsible for the candidates.

15. How to improve the hit rate of volunteer filling?

Answer: First, it depends on policy documents and understand the rules. The first is to see the "Notice of Admissions and Admissions in Guangdong Province in 2022". This document is the basis for enrollment admission in 2022. It has made detailed rules and explanations on various enrollment policies such as the rules and admission requirements. Essence It is necessary to remind here that starting from 2021, undergraduate universities in our province no longer set up high scores to vote, and in parallel volunteers, all candidates and all undergraduate universities (majors) have implemented a one -time file, that is, according to the candidates' submission score From high to low sorting, the professional team of the college filled by the candidates in order is volunteer to submit files. As long as the professional group of the college filled by the candidates is retrieved to the case of the file, they will submit the file with the professional group of the college. After submitting the file, the professional groups filled in are no longer valid. If there is no professional group that meets the conditions of the file, the file cannot be submitted. After the above process is completed, regardless of whether the file is cast, it is deemed that the candidate has completed the parallel volunteer file. If the candidate's file is submitted to a professional group in a certain college, it will be exited for some reason, and will no longer be re -voted to other colleges and universities in the batch of parallel volunteers. After all candidates are officially submitted, if there is a plan for a shortage of universities, volunteer admission will be implemented. The second is to see the "Notice of Filling in the Volunteer of the Internet in Guangdong Province in 2022". Here are detailed arrangements for filling in volunteers in 2022, including the time, filling the process, precautions, etc. Through viewing the documents, we must clearly understand the province's enrollment policy regulations and work arrangements. Second, it depends on its own performance and helps to position accurately. When filling in the volunteer, you must refer to the score ranking instead of simply comparing the scores with the addition and subtraction with the previous years. It is necessary to comprehensively judge. Especially when filling in parallel volunteers, it is more important to look at your own ranking, because parallel volunteers are priority, and the scores will be retrieved from high to low. Different. However, when admission in colleges, as long as the enrollment plan has not changed significantly and the number of enrollment is large, generally, the ranking of the submission will be relatively stable. In order to help candidates better know their rankings, in 2022, when the province announced the score line, it continued to announce the statistics of the number of people in 1 point and 1 segment. Candidates are requested to pay close attention to the WeChat public account and portal website of the Examination Institute.

Third, it is necessary to look at the admission professional catalog and know the enrollment plan. "Admissions Professional Catalog" publishes all colleges and universities and school attributes in Guangdong in 2022, enrollment colleges and universities (majors), enrollment plans, school -run locations, and charging standards. Changes in admissions and enrollment plans. In addition, some colleges and universities in the "Admissions Professional Catalog" can be filled in.

Fourth, it depends on the situation of annual files and helps to choose a school major. The "Guide to Fill in the Volunteer Reporting of Ordinary College in Guangdong Province in 2022" published the admission score and minimum ranking of various specialized files and minimum rankings of the special colleges and universities in Guangdong Admissions University. Candidates not only depends on the minimum ranking of the colleges and universities in the past years, but also earnestly analyze the scientific and reasonable analysis of the enrollment plans and admission rankings of various professional enrollment in previous years. The school's professional group is filled in the front, but it must form a reasonable gradient to effectively avoid risks. At the same time, we must carefully choose whether to fill in the professional obedience. It is recommended to choose to obey the adjustment as much as possible and increase the admission opportunity.

Fifth, it depends on the reconciliation of colleges and universities to understand the enrollment requirements. The reconciliation charter is the most comprehensive policy requirement for college enrollment, and it is also the basis for colleges and universities to commit to the society to openly fair and fair. And explanation, especially the professional admission rules of colleges and universities, candidates should carefully understand and familiarize them before they can better fill in their volunteers. In particular, pay attention to some majors that may restrict the physical conditions of candidates. Be sure to check it carefully if you meet the requirements of the professionalism. During the admission process of previous years, some candidates did not check the college's enrollment articles of association. They reported that their own conditions were obviously volunteering from colleges that were obviously inconsistent with the college admissions regulations, which caused the college to retreat after the file.

Text/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Reporter: Zeng Jun Correspondent: Guangdong Kaozhi Map: Visual China Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Editor: Zhang Ying

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