Apply for South China Institute of Technology must see!The latest enrollment training policy interpretation and referral guidance!

Author:South China University of Tech Time:2022.06.25

Meet the cloud and meet the future

June 25

South China University of Science and Technology in 2022 college entrance examination season cloud opening day

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Secretary invited Huayuan

Enrollment policy interpretation

Senior Sister, take you to the campus


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More than 170,000 candidates and parents

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Reading the history and school conditions of South China University of Science and Technology

Understand the changes and highlights of enrollment

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Secretary invited Huayuan

Enrollment policy interpretation


The total enrollment scale is 6980 people

The total scale of admissions of South China University of Technology this year is 6980, of which 3,480 are planned to enroll in Guangdong Province, which is basically the same as last year. Specifically, there are 20 enrollment majors in the school this year, 30 admissions majors, and 22 teaching reform and innovation classes. Compared with last year, two new base classes and fintech and intelligent construction were added this year. At the same time, the two engineering tests are started.


These changes are worthy of attention

1. Optimize professional layout and increase high -heat admissions professional programs. This year, our school enrollment majors (categories) include 20 majors, 30 majors and 22 teaching characteristics.

2. Add 2 newly added base classes: Computer Science and Technology (Classification Base Class) and Chemistry (Class Pulling Base Class). The industry's top -tip innovative talent.

3. Add 2 new enrollment majors

(1) Financial Technology: 30 people enrolled in the first year, cultivated cross -composite talents of economic and financial and computer technology, and is a high -end talent in the fields of national reserve bank technology, insurance technology, intelligent risk control, programmatic transactions and intelligent supervision.

(2) Intelligent construction: In the industrial and technical test classes (smart civil engineering and digital construction), through professional enrollment, cultivating new generations of technologies such as artificial intelligence and additive manufacturing with civil engineering combined with civil engineering.

4. Upgrade 2 professional categories

Engineering experimental classes (intelligent equipment and advanced manufacturing) integrate international engineering education and new engineering education concepts on the basis of the original machinery category, strengthen cross -integration, optimize training plans, consolidate basic training, and help traditional discipline and industry transformation and upgrading. In the engineering test class (smart civil engineering and digital construction), on the basis of raw civil engineering, transfer into new majors in intelligent construction, transfer ships and marine engineering, and strengthen intelligent applications of intelligent, informatization and digitalization in the construction industry and infrastructure. Promote the development of the industry to intelligent.

5. The professional enrollment set up by South China University of Technology will conduct solid large categories in the college in the early stage, and to solid the professional foundation and broaden the cultivation caliber. In the later period, professional diversion in the college is clear. Taking into account the major category training and professional voluntary precision application.


Follow a lot of highlights

1. Freshman Elite Plan

Excellent candidates who admitted to South China University of Science and Technology will be included in the cultivation of the "New Elite Plan". During the study, they can join the academician team to participate in national scientific research projects; enter the national or ministerial scientific research platform under the guidance of mentors; and obtain an overseas Opportunities for exchanges and learning; get the opportunity to host a national college student innovation and entrepreneurial training program plan.

2. Connect this research to cultivate students who lead the future

South China University of Science and Technology has 2 torn base classes, 3 strong base planning classes, 8 research innovation classes, and 4 excellent classes. (The master's degree in "X" is 2 or 3 years, and the doctoral students are 4 or 5 years.) This research connection training model is about 80%of the insurance research ratio, and the proportion of excellence classes is about 50%.

3. Students who have the power to learn, implement the excellent breeding plan

Students have more power to learn during the semester, and they can study across the college (micro -professional) and bachelor's degrees. At present, about 15 % of students from South China University of Science and Technology studying with a bachelor's degree in programs and a bachelor's degrees. The minor majors opened by the school include finance, business administration, law, computer science and technology, industrial design, advertising, etc. The students are full of credits to meet the requirements of the training plan. According to the actual completion of the actual study, you can obtain a consulted professional certificate. Or a bachelor's degree certificate. At present, there are 8 micro-professionalism such as artificial intelligence and big data technology. Each micro-professional includes 4-5 core courses. Students can obtain a micro-professional qualification certificate granted by the school with qualified grades.

In 2022, the school continued to carry out dual degree pilot projects such as software engineering+industrial and commercial administration, finance+computer science and technology, automation+mathematics and applied mathematics. According to the core needs of students in the future, the design majors are integrated and complementary training programs, and they are classified and selected for high -quality students in the college entrance examination and all freshmen.

4. Good international learning and growth environment

South China University of Science and Technology is the first batch of "high -level international talent training and innovation practice bases". It has 13 undergraduate enrollment majors and more than 300 undergraduate courses. , Hire an internationally recognized foreign experts or scholars to teach to school. Relying on international platforms such as the China -US Innovation College, the Sino -French Engineer College, and the China Australia College, the "2+2" joint classes are formed in the communication major, and the "3+2" Chinese Australia class is formed in environmental engineering and software engineering. The "3+2" Sino -French elite class is established in the information engineering major to promote the international joint training of advantages. There are more than 250 foreign countries (borders) foreign distribution programs, and about 1,000 undergraduates are sent each year to participate in international exchange projects such as summer credits, joint workshops, and overseas internships.

5. The cradle of innovation and entrepreneurial talents

South China University of Science and Technology has a strong atmosphere, known as "the cradle of entrepreneurs", "cradle of engineers" and "Huangpu Military Academy in the new energy automobile industry". The school has been selected as "the first batch of national deepening innovation and entrepreneurial education reform demonstration universities", "the second batch of national public entrepreneurship innovation demonstration bases", "national college practice education innovation and entrepreneurship base", "national innovation and entrepreneurship experience college", and invested 10 million yuan per year Promote the "college -level -school -level -provincial -national level" four -level college student innovation and entrepreneurial training project system and the construction of the disciplinary competition system with the "one college and one game" as the core. Over a college student innovation and entrepreneurial training plan or a subject competition.

6. Flexible and diverse transfer of professionalism

Ordinary undergraduates in South China University of Technology can apply for a transfer during the school period. There are 3 application time windows, which are the selection of teaching reform classes within two weeks. Enter the Guangzhou International Campus to enter the New Engineering majors; the second semester of the school scope of the school (no threshold); the industrial design (information and interaction design) experimental class selection and industrial engineering majors from the second semester to the fifth semester And the additional selection of various innovative classes, excellent classes, strong base planning classes, and top base classes. Students in Guangzhou International Campus have four opportunities to transfer to school during the school, which are limited to various majors in Guangzhou International Campus.

7. The quality of talent training has been highly recognized by all walks of life

More than 40%of graduates of South China University of Science and Technology entered the world's top 500 and Chinese Fortune 500 companies. More than 40%of undergraduates chose to continue their studies. Nearly 70%of studying abroad in the country (border) went to the top 100 universities in QS World. The overall graduation of graduates in 2021 is 98.25%, of which the implementation rate of undergraduate graduation is 97.54%, ranking among the forefront of colleges and universities across the country. Employers generally report that school graduates have solid professional foundations, strong hands -on ability, high comprehensive quality, and strong sustainable development capabilities. Fill in volunteers, please accept these suggestions

In response to the volunteers, South China University of Technology continued to implement the "very 6+1" policy this year, that is, all the general categories of Guangdong provinces who applied for the 202 professional group (38 majors) of South China University of Science and Technology, reported to 6 different majors in the professional group ( Category) Oboisables can choose a non -interested major in the professional group (please follow the undergraduate admissions network of South China University of Technology on July 2).

In response to the admission policy, there are three points to remind candidates to pay attention to the recruitment office of South China University of Technology. First of all, ordinary candidates in parallel volunteer provinces obey the adjustment and meet the admission requirements, and do not retreat. The score of the file is prevailing.

When filling in the volunteer, we must first consider factors such as regional, school strength, and advantageous majors to determine the target colleges and universities; then combined with personal interests, career planning, and selection subjects to determine the intention; on this basis, adopt "Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong The strategy of stabilizing "is opened to open the gradient to determine the volunteer of the final report.

"Admissions E Answer" Smart Q & A System is online

How to learn about South China Science and Technology Admissions Information at any time and anywhere? Candidates and parents can identify the QR code above and enter the "Admissions E Answer" intelligent question and answer system of Huagong. According to personal needs, such as: admissions plan, admission scores, etc., questions are made at any time.

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- END -

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