The results of the college entrance examination have come out, no matter whether you take the exam well, come to listen to the principal’s mind ... | Duke

Author:China Education News Time:2022.06.25

Author | Yuan Satellite

Broadcast | Wu Bingjie

Visual Design | Fan Wei

Host of the column | Du Runnan

Dear classmate:

In the blink of an eye, it is the time of the college entrance examination. You will not know what will be in the college entrance examination results? Whether you are ecstatic or frustrated, I hope you calm your mood and listen to me a 32 -year -old friend who has said a few words.

If you are ecstatic because you get a high score, then you should first congratulate you and get a point of hard work. At the same time, I want to tell you that the results of the college entrance examination, I think it is necessary to give time to wash, go to experience, and see if they can eventually "get out of the sand and start to get gold."

Therefore, today's high scores should be transformed into tomorrow's heavy responsibility. I hope that you can keep your sober mind, starting with your excellent college entrance examination results, from the perspective of personal interests and social needs, choose a school, choose a good major, and be a person who is responsible and responsible for society. Responsibility is to do what should be done in the points; responsibility is dare to take responsibility.

Excellent people must bear more social responsibilities and do their greatest obligations for those who are not as lucky as themselves. The teenager is determined to take the clouds. Why do you take the cloud? Take responsibility as the bow, take the responsibility as the verse, and then set it up, when you can get the cloud.

If you are frustrated because of low points, let me tell you that everything is the best arrangement. My half of my fellow Yu Minhong took the college entrance examination in 1978. The first time, the second time, and the third time, he was admitted to Peking University.

Without the first two times, there would be no Peking University graduate Yu Minhong. Because he did not dare to report to Peking University at all two times. The goal of his first college entrance examination was the teacher college in Changshu City, Jiangsu Province. At that time, the score of 38 points for the admission score of foreign language admission lines in Changshu City was 38 points, and his English scored only 33 points.

In 1988, I participated in the college entrance examination. Because of the abnormal play, the school I admitted was 108,000 miles away from the first volunteer. But the course and teacher of the teacher are very good. It gave me the motivation that I kept up, and I also let me know that education and academic power are two different concepts.

After graduation, I was hired at the age of 31 at the time of work. At the age of 31, I was hired at the age of 41.

Therefore, the current low score can also be turned into the cornerstone tomorrow. I hope you firmly believe that the loss of a moment is not successful for the time being, and you can't define your future. The defeat at this time may be an opportunity for life.

The premise is that you are not frustrated, and you are not defeated by the defeat at this time. How can the teenager move forward? The desire is not sharp, it is not fast for a long time, the heart is clear, and it can move forward.

If you have a mediocre grade and worry about your volunteers next, then, please combine your hobbies, personality features, and understanding and understanding of socio -economic development, think about the occupation you want to be engaged in the future!

Most of people's life is related to occupation. Dedication, diligence, fun, refined industry ... Pursuing occupations as a career will make life take the initiative and become more vivid.

It should be remembered that there is only a different division of labor, and there will be no distinction between high and low. No matter what occupation everyone does, as long as the ultimate, professional, and profound, you have the opportunity to get rich material returns and spiritual returns, and you will have the opportunity to create the greatest life value and social value.

When Roosevelt's wife was studying at Nington College, she planned to find a job in the telecommunications industry to subsidize their homes. Her father introduced her to Sallov, chairman of the US Radio Corporation.

After meeting, Sallov received her enthusiastically and asked her seriously: "What kind of work do you want to do?" She replied, "Just do it." Sallov said to her seriously: "No kind of work is called casual." After a while, Sallov told her again with an elder's tone: "The path of success is paved with the goal."

Dear classmates, starting from filling in volunteers, please refuse to "casually"; start with the volunteer, please learn to choose and give up; start with the volunteer, please establish and clarify your life goals ...

Life is a river, life is crossing the river, and his career is equivalent to a boat. If you want to cross the river, you have to have a boat. In the river of life, a leaf -leaf boat can cross the river.

You appreciate the scenery all the way, stirring sparkling, and early, you can always reach the other side of life. At this time, the control of the ship is large or small, and it seems that it is no longer so important ...

Dear classmates, before the exam, I told you that the college entrance examination is only a summary of the study and a summary of life, not the end of study, life, and career. Now, the college entrance examination is over, the results come out, it ’s proud or frustrated.

Let's turn on your new journey! No matter what kind of university you go to, or for the time being, there are new starting lines waiting for you.

Winter plan, sowing in spring, working in summer, and harvest in autumn. Nature is summoning workers in a cycle a year. Similarly, the opportunity of life is also beckoning to innocent and diligent people in all corners.

Your big friend: Yuan Satellite

Author Yuan Satellite Department Shenzhen Xin'an Middle School (Group) High School Secretary and President of the High School

Editor in charge | Du Runnan

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