Women's soldiers sign up, are about to start!

Author:Study legion Time:2022.06.25

Pay attention!

National recruitment (female soldier)

Registration work in the second half of 2022

About to start

Registration website

National Circuit Network


(Click "Read the original text" directly at the bottom left corner of the bottom)

registration time

July 1, 2022

By 24:00 on August 10, 2022

Application object

Ordinary high school fresh graduates, ordinary colleges and scientific research institutions and scientific research institutions, full -time graduates and school students, are 18 to 22 years old, and all -time graduate graduates and their students are relaxed to 26 years old.

sign-up process

Common physical examination questions and answers


What is height and body?

Height: Women are more than 158cm tall and qualified. Conditional height conditions are implemented in accordance with relevant standards.

The weight meets the following conditions and the blood glucose <7.0mmol/L/L.

Women: 17≤bmi <24.

BMI ≥ 28 must be checked with hemogenesis hemoglobin inspection items. The percentage of glycated hemogenetherum is <6.5%, which is qualified. (BMI = weight (kg) except for the square height (meter) square meter)


What are the requirements for vision? Is correction surgery?

Any view of the naked eye is less than 4.5 and is unqualified.

Any view of the naked eye is less than 4.8, and the corrected visual inspection needs to be performed. Any point of correction is less than 4.8 or the number of corrections exceeds 600 degrees, which is unqualified.

For more than half a year after the irradiated standards (excluding crystal eye artificial crystal implantation), there is no complications. Any view of the naked eye vision reaches 4.8, the bottom of the eye is normal, except for the conditions of the condition.

Conditioners' vision qualification conditions are implemented in accordance with relevant standards.


Is there a chance to be weak and color blindness?

Weak, color blindness, unqualified.

Those who can identify red, green, yellow, blue, and purple, and Lu Qin personnel are qualified.


Does eating affect the enlistment?

Stuttering that affects normal expression is unqualified.


Can you still join the army in tattoos?

Facial neck tattoo, wearing tattoos with a long diameter of more than 3cm in other naked parts of the military system of the military system, other parts with a length of more than 10cm in other parts, male eyebrows, text eyeliner, lips, female lips, unqualified.


Can flat feet be enlisted?

Fingers, toes are incomplete or deformities, the flat feet completely disappear on the soles of the foot, severe cracking, and unqualified.


Is there hemorrhoids that affect being a soldier?

Circle hemorrhoids, mixed hemorrhoids, unqualified.

2 mixed hemorrhoids with a long diameter of less than 0.8cm are qualified.


Is there any impact of underarm odor?

Severe underarm odor and unqualified.

Mild underarm odor, the conditions are not qualified.


Which skin diseases affect enlisted?

Tinea -headed body, scabies, chronic extensive eczema, chronic urticaria, pan -developed neurodermatitis, psoriasis, vascular mole, pigment mole, fetal mole and vitiligo with more than 1cm facial neck diameter Other infectious or difficult skin diseases are unqualified.

Multiple folliculitis, the skin is allergic to stimuli or the history of contact dermatitis. In the past three years, frostbite has been continuously occurred in the hands and feet, and the conditions are unqualified.

The following situation is qualified:

(1) Single -limited neurodermatitis, long diameter is below 3cm;

(2) Tingling, hands (feet) ringworm, nails (refers, toe) ringworm, tinea of ​​tinea;

(3) There are no more than 2 vitiligo in other parts of the body, and each long diameter is below 3cm.

Source: "Standards for the Inspection of Citizens' Physical Physical Physical Examination"

The female soldier in your mind


In the barrack

Can see different them

Soaring Blue Sky

Galloping the ocean

Fight in the sand field


You can also see similar them

Growth in sweat

Move in the hard work

Youth is bright and shining

Dream is connected to the country

If you want to be such a "she"

If you also have one

Dream about camouflage

Then act quickly

Jiangong Military Camp

Regretful life

Source 丨 PLA News WeChat

- END -

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