How to report the college entrance examination?This group of "post -00s" and "post -95s" did something big ...

Author:China Education News Time:2022.06.24

"Can the college entrance examination volunteer‘ pick up ’?”

"Can I have an annual salary of a million annual salary within three or five years of finance?"

"Is the biochemical ring material‘ Tiankeng ’?”

"Physics can only engage in scientific research?"

"You can only enter the factory when you graduate from traditional engineering?"

"Transfer computers are the ultimate way out of all unpopular majors?"


With the release of the 2022 college entrance examination results in various places

Volunteer reporting has become a top priority for candidates and parents

As the saying goes, seven -point test, three rules

The importance of volunteer reporting college entrance examination is self -evident

Facing the doubts of candidates and parents

A group of "post -95s" and "post -00s" senior students

Make your own exploration

Reporting volunteers need to go to Beijing?

In the summer of 2017, Xiaoga, who had just found the results of the college entrance examination, made a special trip from Henan to Beijing to participate in an offline salon participated in the participation of Peking University professors. He hopes to be able to seek the guidance of academic career planning and professional selection from professors.

However, the interval is like a mountain. Professor Peking University at the scene did not understand the undergraduate courses of other majors, nor did he answer the concerns of college candidates such as the development prospects of other majors and employment roads.

Chen Jiankun, who was studying at Cornell University at the time, was sitting in the other row of the salon venue. He noticed the loss of Xiaoche, and was surprised to apply for the difficulty of applying for volunteers -in the era of mobile Internet, to obtain accurate and objective professional information and volunteer filling in the help, still need thousands of miles to rush to Beijing?

The difficulties and tangles of professional selection are not an example for young people who have just adults. Chen Jiankun also has a deep understanding of this. During the college, he was widely involved in many majors such as economics, political science, psychology, history, statistics, and sociology. Chen Jiankun talked with Xiaoche enthusiastically, and also contacted the classmates who were studying at Peking University through high school friends. The enthusiastic seniors and sisters answered the doubts of professional content and development prospects for Xiaocha, and helped him fill in his volunteers.

The final result is gratifying, and Xiaocha is admitted to the School of Law School of Peking University. After four years of enrichment of happiness, he was sent to the school's graduate students.

Chen Jiankun made a bold idea -is there a possibility that can the luck of the tea be copied on every child?

Make luck to copy

Chen Yiyu, born in 2000, is a science student. The labels posted on him include "Physical Competition", "Xueba", "16 years old Tsinghua", "20 -year -old direct blog" ... After participating in a variety show, there are fans. He established a Weibo superior for Chen Yiyu and kindly called him "God". A high school student "prayed" in his superiority, hoping that he could get a good result of Chen Yiyu's "spiritual light".

In 2021, Chen Jiankun met Chen Yiyu, who was studying for a doctorate in the Department of Engineering Physics at Tsinghua University on a knowledge sharing platform.

Talking about the topic of the college entrance examination volunteer, the two of them are closed -if they lack a true observation of colleges and professional information, only the future learning life and career choices are "imagined" based on basic information such as college rankings and professional names. A gambling -and this "gambling" caused by information asymmetry may be avoided.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Education, the number of applicants for college entrance examinations in 2022 was 11.93 million, an increase of 1.15 million over last year. This is the largest number of applicants in the 45 years since the recovery of the college entrance examination.

Chen Yiyu and Chen Jiankun decided to create a platform -holding college entrance examinations and parents with one hand, and students from various majors in colleges and universities. Let the "come over" solve the parents who are confused, so that the volunteer filling in the report no longer rely on "luck".

According to the results of the undergraduate major of general colleges and universities released by the Ministry of Education in 2021, the undergraduate majors of ordinary colleges have increased to 771, involving 12 discipline categories and 92 majors.

The 771 professional faces are unrealistic. The first problem that the platform conceives is to determine the professional list? In order to cover more popular majors and key issues that students are concerned about, Chen Jiankun thought of computing social sciences that he was most interested in — using big data research to solve social problems. By grasping the data of a search platform, he screened the 50 most watched majors, and summarized the hot issues related to various majors, thereby avoiding the deviation of personal experience and subjective judgment as much as possible. With the results of big data research, the development of subsequent work is more targeted.

They quickly mobilized more than 50 students from Tsinghua University, Peking University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Beijing Normal University, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. These "post -95s" senior sisters are invited from the perspective of professional introduction, discipline knowledge structure, disciplinary road, and professional planning to explain the most representative of more than 40 college entrance examinations at the most representative college entrance examination.

What is this major? Chen Yiyu and Chen Jiankun hoped that the team authors sorted out the main context and actual problems of each profession, and clarified common misunderstandings (for example, financial majors did not teach how stocks were in stock).

What does this major learn? Senior sisters are requested to show up to share the undergraduate curriculum system, professional subdivided directions and cross -disciplinary disciplines.

How is this professional prospect? The article should include a brief introduction and analysis of the main ways of professionalism. For example, which subdivided directions have better employment prospects in the industry, what are the programs when studying abroad, and how are domestic research rates.

Chen Yiyu and Chen Jiankun hoped that these majors would explore articles from about 4,000 words from the perspective of their predecessors, and carefully sorted out the common misunderstandings and confusion between high school students and parents when facing various majors. Parents' concerns, tension, lack of manpower, shortage of funds ... When deciding to let go, Chen Jiankun prepared psychological preparations for possible difficulties, but it was unexpectedly done by things. "We are coming. . This matter is particularly meaningful, I can be happy to be able to make a force! "

The main creative team of clinical medical articles comes from Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical College. After listening to Chen Jiankun's initial intention of the project, Ling Hua, who was studying for a PhD in children's science, contacted five doctors from different departments from different starting points from different departments. We show the real state of clinical medicine.

"This article is 14,000 words, which is really sincere. They spent 3 weeks, but Ling Hua refused to collect a penny fee." Chen Jiankun insisted on transferring the manuscript fee. Holding the same belief that he was involved in it, there was also Luo Luo, who was studying for the doctor of Science. After writing the relevant professional articles, he said to Chen Jiankun: "I hope to inspire readers who read these articles, and we will encourage the detours we have passed by our career."

The author of an accounting article is Carl from Shanghai Jiaotong University. During the epidemic, even if he was in a square hospital, Carl was still insisting on the progress of communicating with Chen Jiankun. "Hidden me tightly! After getting out of the cabin, he raised this matter lightly." Chen Jiankun said with emotion.

"Are you all students from top colleges and universities. Can you experience the anxiety of candidates with ordinary grades?" After Chen Jiankun and Chen Yiyu released the announcement on a knowledge sharing platform, the following comments were awakened to the team- This is a problem that the larger number of candidates needs to face.

Wang Yi also realized this situation. After graduating from the Korean University of Foreign Languages ​​from Shanghai Foreign Studies, she chose to study for a master's degree in communication. When he joined the team, there was no hesitation Xiao Wang, but at this time, he was tangled -his alma mater has always maintained his head position in professional foreign language colleges. What is the way out of other colleges and universities? Wang Yi decided to take the time to interview, and the classmates of online forums, social media, classmates ... finally clarified the number of small -language graduates from civil servants and teachers to Internet companies' overseas operations.

"If someone said to me a few years ago!"

"If someone said to me a few years ago!" In June, Han Sha brushed Chen Yiyu's article. After reading, she silently forwarded to her circle of friends.

"At that time, my parents thought that after graduating from physics, they could only be used as scientific research. If the girl couldn't read it, she changed my volunteer to change my volunteer ..." Han Sha so far regrets: "I don't mean that I must definitely Can be a physicist. However, if you know that there are so many ways to physics at that time, parents may not be so opposed. My life may be different. "

"I never thought that one day I would compile a set of 200,000 words." In late April, Chen Yiyu accepted all the drafts. After completing a series of work such as editing and school countermeasures, this set of hundreds of thousands The content of the word full of heart will be launched in May for free reading for all schoolmates and parents and parents of candidates.

"We will not do title party articles such as" Master These Three Strokes, Volunteer Reporting 600 points ", and just want to do something downhill, and make a copy of the fork in the life of the schoolmates and sisters. Your own strength. "

"It is difficult to support the strength and influence of individuals alone. We have psychological expectations." In June, Chen Jianyu and Chen Jiankun cooperated with a certain Internet platform to live broadcast on public welfare for 10 days from 3 to 22.

"How should we consider the three dimensions of professionalism, schools and cities?" "What should I do if the opinions of children and parents are left?" "Is it important to study in a big city?" They invited experts and 20 articles by the National Education Examinations Committee to participate in the live broadcast. , Answer questions for candidates and parents. "The effect is unexpectedly good!" During the live broadcast, more than 200,000 viewers participated, and tens of thousands of people paid attention to the column opened on the knowledge sharing platform.

Through the small mobile phone screen, Chen Yiyu seemed to see the bright eyes at the other end. They may come from the towns in the four seas of the world. They may be recorded while listening to the whole family after lunch. It may be that the senior high school teachers use their rest time to try their best to the last moment for the three years of hard work.

Feedback from netizens

Thank you email specially sent by the teacher

"Regarding volunteer and professional information, these thousands of words of articles are inevitable that there are missing places, nor can it cover the personal needs of all students and parents." Chen Jiankun said with a smile: "We also plan to launch more personalized consultations Service, the author of the series of articles directly answers the doubts of students and parents. "

In the answer to a knowledge sharing platform on the question of "what career I want to do after" after the afterbi ", Chen Yanyu wrote," Controlled nuclear fusion, forever for fifty years. I want to see what I set up. The stars are burning on the surface, and then use its light to illuminate the wider front road of civilization. "

(Except for Chen Jiankun and Chen Yiyu, the characters are all known as Chen Jiankun and Chen Yanyu)

In -depth analysis of college entrance examination majors

Discipline introduction, academic planning and employment future

Click the link below to reach a direct article to bless you candidates

Start a new journey of life

Drive to the bright future


Author | China Education Daily reporter Ren Heyixin

Editor in charge | Ren He


- END -

How to inquire about the admissions plan of each institution?What should I pay attention to when filling in volunteers?Candidates from Zhejiang come here

Source: Education Zhijiang WeChat public accountThe copyright belongs to the original author, if there is any infringement, please contact it in timebasic situation1. Before the college entrance exami

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