Implement employment assistance to family graduates in difficulties and promote the cancellation of the reporting certificate ... Beijing has introduced multiple measures to promote employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates

Author:Report Time:2022.06.24

Recently, the General Office of the Beijing Municipal Government issued the "Several Measures for the Employment and Entrepreneurship of Beijing Supported University Graduates" (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures").

The "Measures" clearly states that the implementation of "one person, one gear", "a lifetime one policy" accurate assistance to the graduates of difficult families. The employment assistance objects include the minimum living security and low -income families, and zero -employed families with the ability to work and employment. 2. Enjoy regular pension subsidies and subsidies to the targets of family college graduates, as well as graduates of disabled colleges and universities. Beijing will implement the precise assistance policy of "one person, one gear", "one policy", and provide at least 3-5 jobs for everyone. The eligible Beijing college graduates are given a one -time job search and entrepreneurial subsidy for 1,000 yuan per person. In accordance with relevant state regulations, implement support measures such as extension of national student loans and repayment of school loans. At the same time, it is also clear that college graduates who have failed entrepreneurship will be given to employment entrepreneurship assistance.

The "Measures" also supports innovation and entrepreneurship. In terms of financing, it has promoted college students GEM and Beijing Science and Technology Innovation Fund Organization Sub -fund to connect with college students' entrepreneurial projects, implement entrepreneurial guarantee loans and discount policies, and provide financial support such as one -time entrepreneurial subsidies. On the venue, the longest free service period for college student entrepreneurship park has been extended from 2 years to 3 years. It is clear that about 30%of the entrepreneurial carriers such as the government investment and development of the incubation base in government investment and development are provided for free college graduates. In the incentive mechanism, universities are encouraged to comprehensively use policies such as allowing school entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial achievements, entrepreneurial results, and winning prizes and exemptions. At the same time, the pilot work of affordable rental housing for college graduates in Beijing during the graduation year was launched.

At the same time, the "Measures" further implemented the reform of the employment registration system for college graduates. From 2023, the employment registration certificate will not be issued, promoting online signing, implementing the results of the results of the entrance examination, the integrated service items are "packaged", and the implementation of entrepreneurship is promoted. The market entity opened the "One Netcom Office". In 2021, Beijing has begun to ask the city's human resources public service agencies to refuse the graduate files on the grounds that they can not accept the certificate, promote the cancellation of the reporting certificate, and take the lead in proposing the results of the graduates' entry medical examinations across the country.

Source: Comprehensive from China News Service, Beijing Daily

Title map: Visual China

Edit: Peng Dan

Editor in charge: Lu Zhengming

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