Refugees face the challenge of education and labor development

Author:China Social Sciences Network Time:2022.06.24

June 20 is World Refugee Day. The official website of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States introduced the "2022 Immigration Summit" organized by the school's refugee action center and other institutions. The summit aims to share the best practice, deepen cross -institutional contact, and promote new cooperation between public sector and private sectors, scientific research and practice, and individuals and institutions to help immigrants and refugee groups meet key challenges. At the summit, more than 900 participants from more than 30 countries discussed the theme "Education and Labor Development of the Disclars".

Mondiant Dogon, a Democratic Republic of Democratic Republic, said that education is important for refugees. Education can allow them to get out of refugee camps and build their own independent future. According to data from the United Nations Refugee Agency, 82.4 million people in the world have been displaced, which does not include 12 million Ukrainians who have escaped from their hometown since February 2022. Many refugees have lost their livelihood in the process of being forced to move, and their academic interruptions. After reaching the new settlement, it is more difficult to obtain education and employment opportunities due to legal restrictions, language and cultural obstacles, and economic conditions. According to the estimates of the UN Refugee Agency, only 5%of refugees have the opportunity to receive higher education, and in the non -refugee population, this proportion is 39%. Some participants mentioned that although they have a degree and are willing to change their lives, the identity of refugees makes it difficult for them to find a job in the receiving country.

Participants emphasized that it was complex structural and systemic issues that hinder the opportunity to obtain education and labor development opportunities. Due to the extensive and diverse influence of loses, the efforts to deal with these challenges vary from the field, and the scale and focus are different. Many refugee resettlement service agencies work in the state of isolation in each bank, and even compete with each other funds and other resources. Therefore, solutions have always been fragmented, and there are long -term gap between different fields, although in fact their goals are the same. In this regard, the participants suggested that refugee resettlement service agencies rethink the work model and increase their efforts to allow refugees to participate in the design and development of solutions. In terms of providing more living paths for refugees and leaving learners, educational institutions, especially universities can play a vital role, but this requires people to rethink the educational structure, including the method of delivery of education. Sanjay Sarma, one of the heads of the MIT of the Open Study Project and Professor of Mechanical Engineering, believes that the current challenge is that the degree is like "boulder", and people need "brick blocks", that is, "brick blocks", that is, "brick blocks", that is, "brick blocks", that is, "brick blocks", that is, "bricks", that is, Smaller and more detailed education.

Shay Reshef, the founder and principal of the Renmin University of America, stated that "we cannot provide face -to -face education for thousands of refugees, and the only way is digital education." Established in 2009, Renmin University of America was the first non -profit institution in the United States to provide free online higher education with national certification. Demetri Fadel, former executive director of the Refugee Action Center of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said, "We must think about how to build such an educational vision: education is the right to everyone in the world." Participants generally realized that the problem of solving the education and labor development of refugees is far away, but as the assistant director of the MIT's strategic initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Lana Cook, a member of the organizing committee of the summit, " This meeting is not a desperate assembly, it indicates what we can build together. "

Source: China Social Science Network-Journal of Social Sciences of China

Author: Li Yu/Compilation

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