Improve the level of ice and snow sports teaching in colleges and universities

Author:China Social Sciences Network Time:2022.06.24

On February 4, 2022, the Beijing Winter Olympic Games officially opened. More than 2,000 ice and snow sports athletes from the world participated in the ice and snow event. In recent years, the atmosphere of the Ice and Snow Sports in my country has been very strong, and the enthusiasm of the people's participation in ice and snow sports has also been continuously improved. my country has certain advantages in some ice and snow sports such as short track speed skating, curling, and patterns skating, but there are also some weak projects, such as ice hockey, off -road skiing, sled, sled, winter, etc. The long -term weakness of these projects is mainly due to the lack of professional talents in related ice and snow sports. Therefore, the training of ice and snow sports talents has attracted more and more scholars' attention. In terms of the training of ice and snow sports talents, ice and snow sports education in my country is one of the important channels for cultivating high -quality ice and snow sports talents. Under the opportunity to host the Beijing Winter Olympics, it is very important to explore the problem of ice and snow sports teaching in colleges and universities in my country.

The main problem of existing existing in college ice and snow sports teaching

Based on the current status of the development of ice and snow sports teaching in my country, combined with relevant practical research and literature summary, we can find that there are mainly the following problems in the current problems of ice and snow sports teaching in my country.

First, the goal of ice and snow sports teaching is weak. Judging from the current progress of ice and snow sports teaching in colleges and universities, some colleges and universities are very weak for the goal of ice and snow sports teaching. Based on improving the physical fitness of all students, ice and snow sports teaching further cultivates high -quality ice and snow sports professionals. However, some colleges and universities have only allowed students to understand some of the rules and precautions and precautions of ice and snow sports in the relevant courses of ice and snow sports teaching, and they did not let students really participate in ice and snow sports learning. Especially in some universities in the south, there are no ice and snow sports teaching courses. Most of the universities in the northern region are only allowed students to conduct basic primary skating courses in low -quality ice rinks in the school, and they are almost impossible to achieve professional teaching and training goals for professional talents.

Second, the relevant facilities related to ice and snow sports teaching are insufficient. In the process of ice and snow physical education, Ice rinks, ski resorts, skiing boards, ice knives, sleds, curling and other related infrastructure are required. The equipment for these infrastructure requires a lot of capital investment. Therefore, it is difficult for many universities to ensure sufficient ice rinks, snow fields, and other related ice and snow equipment every year to carry out a series of ice and snow sports teaching. Especially in the southern region, due to the high temperature in winter, the investment requirements for pouring ice rinks or building ski resorts make most southern universities do not have ice and snow physical education related facilities. Most universities in the north can only provide students with an ordinary low -quality ice rink to carry out basic ice skating teaching, without any way to carry out ice and snow sports teaching in skiing, figure skating, sled, ice hockey, curling, and winter Essence At present, my country can only provide some ice and snow sports teaching equipment only in some general institutions in the north. The supply of these teaching equipment is seriously not matched with the learning needs of the majority of students.

Third, the talents of high -quality teachers of ice and snow sports are scarce. In the process of carrying out ice and snow sports teaching, many ordinary colleges and universities in my country have a phenomenon, that is, teachers who teach other sports subjects to teach ice and snow sports courses such as skating in winter. These physical education teachers who take into account the lectures are not professional ice and snow sports professionals. Most teachers are temporary training. It is difficult to teach professional ice and snow sports knowledge. To a large extent, it affects the effect of ice and snow sports teaching. Students' learning in ice and snow sports curriculums The effect will be worse. Except for professional sports colleges, ordinary colleges and universities that carry out ice and snow sports courses basically do not have professional high -quality ice and snow sports teachers, which will inevitably limit the improvement of the level of ice and snow sports teaching in my country.

Fourth, the guarantee mechanism of ice and snow sports injury is incomplete. Compared with other sports projects, Ice and Snow Sports is more prone to exercise accidents. However, the lack of sports damage provided by colleges and universities to students has caused many students to cause damage due to fear or worry of ice and snow sports, so as to resist participating in ice and snow sports courses in their hearts, or fearing their heads in ice and snow sports classrooms, and it is difficult to devote themselves to themselves. Ice and snow sports learning. This will inevitably limit the influence and teaching effect of ice and snow sports teaching to a certain extent. It can be seen that imperfect ice and snow sports damage guarantee mechanisms will also affect the effect of ice and snow sports teaching in my country to a certain extent.

Improvement of ice and snow sports teaching in my country

Strengthen the target orientation of ice and snow sports teaching. In order to solve the problem of weak orientation of ice and snow physical education teaching goals in my country, the management departments of relevant universities should actively take targeted measures to strengthen the goal orientation of ice and snow sports teaching in colleges and universities. Universities should strengthen the target orientation of ice and snow sports teaching in the system. Related teaching departments of colleges and universities should guide teachers to improve the target orientation of ice and snow sports curriculum lessons. At the same time Evaluate the formulation and implementation of the goals of ice and snow physical education in multi -channel supervision. Universities should also increase publicity related to ice and snow sports events, improve students' enthusiasm for participating in ice and snow sports courses, and effectively strengthen the target orientation of ice and snow sports teaching.

Increase the equipment related to ice and snow sports teaching. In response to the current situation of insufficient equipment for ice and snow sports teaching facilities in colleges and universities in my country, relevant universities can ensure that they are sponsored by joint enterprises, increased the proportion of college funding distribution, borrowed off -school venue resources, and received social donations. Basic facilities equipment. Especially in southern universities with relatively high temperature in winter, it is necessary to use off -school resources to ensure the smooth development of ice and snow sports teaching. For the relevant accessories and equipment required for skiing and skating, it can be achieved in combination with students' self -proving, campus rental, and social donations. Through the implementation of the above channels, it can largely ensure the increase in the related equipment of ice and snow sports teaching in my country, which helps promote the orderly development of ice and snow sports teaching in colleges and universities in my country. Improve the teaching quality of teachers related to ice and snow sports. In response to the current problems of low teaching quality in ice and snow sports teaching in colleges and universities, relevant universities should pay full attention to it. Because teachers play a very important role in the teaching of ice and snow physical education, the ice and snow teaching ability of college teachers to largely determines the teaching level of ice and snow sports in colleges and universities. Therefore, on the one hand, colleges and universities should increase the training of existing sports teachers ice and snow sports, and enhance the ability of ice and snow sports courses for existing sports teachers; on the other hand, we should actively introduce professional ice and snow sports teachers. Sports colleges introduce personnel from ice and snow sports related majors as teachers of ice and snow sports curriculums in colleges and universities. They can also introduce ice and snow sports curriculum teachers by recruiting high -level retired athletes in ice and snow sports to truly integrate physical education. These personnel have a natural advantage and strong teaching ability in ice and snow sports projects, so they can improve the teaching quality of ice and snow sports related teachers from colleges and universities to a certain extent.

Improve the guarantee mechanism of ice and snow sports accidents. In response to the current problems of incompleteness of accidental injury protection mechanisms for ice and snow sports in my country, college managers should take targeted measures. On the one hand, colleges and universities can strengthen the publicity and publicity activities of ice and snow sports. For example, by holding a preaching session, poster promotion, online video promotion, etc., strengthen students' awareness of safety awareness and self -rescue capabilities when carrying out ice and snow sports, and avoid the accidental injury of ice and snow sports as much as possible. On the other hand, colleges and universities should also strengthen cooperation with insurance companies, and adopt the form of students' self -funded and school subsidies to give students insurance. Once students have experienced ice and snow sports injuries, schools can quickly start the student's accidental injury rescue mechanism, from timely treatment to medical expenses reimbursement and other links, reducing students' worries about participating in ice and snow sports.

In summary, with the development opportunities of the Beijing Winter Olympics, in order to improve my country's universities' ability to cultivate ice and snow sports talents, universities should actively take measures to improve the level of ice and snow sports teaching.

(This article is the key topic of Heilongjiang Education and Science Planning "Research on the Integration of Sports Teaching and Politics and Politics Education in the post -epidemic period" (GJB1421012), Heilongjiang Province higher education teaching reform general project "Beijing Winter Olympics vision and Heilongjiang Province Research on the Integration and Development of Physical Education Curriculum ", and the key topic of Heilongjiang Education Science Planning (GJB1320264) phased results)

(Author unit: Ministry of Physical Education and Research, Heilongjiang University; School of Economics and Industry Administration of Heilongjiang University; Ministry of Sports and Research, Heilongjiang University)

Source: China Social Science Network-Journal of Social Sciences of China

Author: Liu Gang Wang Chenggang Cheng Ruihui

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