2022, they job jobs like this

Author:Xinhua News Agency Time:2022.06.24

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 23rd, June 23, "Xinhua Daily Telecom" published a report entitled "2022, they job jobs like this".

The number of college graduates this year reached 10.76 million. On the way of job hunting, the young people took the initiative to expand their minds, and find their ideal jobs through different employment channels.

Some of them are determined to take root at the grassroots level and become a people's teacher; some volunteer serve the western region to contribute to rural work; Recruiting horses. "

Behind the different job search road is the youthful face that dares to pursue dreams.

Go to the grassroots level

Yiyi's graduation season, strong teachers and students. After participating in the graduation ceremony, 23 -year -old Lin Qingqing and more than 8,000 graduates of the school are about to go to all walks of life in the motherland.

Unlike most of her classmates, she chose Tibet.

Lin Qingqing is from Ma'anshan City, Anhui Province. He graduated from Anqing Normal University in Fine Arts. As a fresh graduate, she signed up for the "Western Plan" and was eventually selected. At the end of July, she was about to embark on a journey to Tibet to complete the service term of the first year.

"I have always been longing for Tibet. Last year, a senior went to Ali, Tibet. I had more understanding from him, and the school also supported everyone to serve the western region. Therefore I hope to make my own contribution to local education. "Lin Qingqing said.

It is understood that a total of 17 people were successfully selected into the "Western Plan" project this year, while only 6 were in the "Western Plan" project this year. Soon after, these graduates will go to Xinjiang, Tibet, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Ningxia and other places to take root in the grassroots level to contribute to local rural education, rural construction, and healthy rural areas.

After learning about her daughter's decision, Lin Qingqing's father was very supportive. In his opinion, young people should go to grass -roots exercises, let alone this is also her daughter's own choice. Mother was a little worried about her health, including the plateau reaction she was about to face.

"The contract is one year of signing. I will take a look in the first year. If I can adapt, I hope to sign for a few years." Lin Qingqing told reporters.

At present, the grassroots have become an important whereabouts of graduates' employment. Like Lin Qingqing, Jiang Wenyi, a fresh graduate of Anqing Normal University, also regards the grassroots as the starting point of her career, although this is a bit different from her original idea.

Jiang Wenyi (first from right) took a photo with his classmates before graduating. (Photo confession in the respondent)

"At the beginning, I also tried to apply for teachers in large cities such as Hefei City and Xuancheng City, but because of the fierce competition, they did not wish to do it." Jiang Wenyi said that in the first half of the year, it became difficult to go to the interview due to the epidemic in the first half of the year. Her job search has increased a lot of challenges.

But she was not discouraged and positively adjusted her mentality. In May this year, at the campus recruitment fair hosted by the school, she chose the posts of teachers in Lingbi County, Anhui Province. Eventually, through the interview, she successfully applied for the post of mathematics teachers in Lingbi County Second Middle School.

Lingbi County is located in the northern part of Anhui and borders Jiangsu. More than 30 graduates of Anqing Normal University chose to come here to teach here to dedicate youth in grass -roots positions.

Drive employment with entrepreneurship

With entrepreneurship driving employment, with a double effect, a successful entrepreneurial business not only solves its employment, but also often drives the employment of other college graduates. The development of the Internet economy in China has bred a more diverse market entity, and has also spawned some new types of jobs different from "Nine to 5". Some college graduates with active thinking and innovative ability choose to show their fists in such positions.

Near graduation, Wu Lin, a 22 -year -old freshman Wu Lin, did not find a job like other graduates. Instead, he was busy "recruiting soldiers and horses" for the self -media studio who had just established.

Wu Lin has studied radio and television in a university in Nanjing. He has published short video recording life on the media platform since his freshman year. After four years of operation, he has millions of fans. He has planned it for a long time. Work from the media.

Although there is a certain video shooting editing foundation, it is not easy to take the road of self -media. How to continuously output high -quality content, how to enhance fan stickiness, how to portrait user portraits according to different platforms ... These are issues that Wu Lin is considering.

"I like a free and autonomous working environment. But the Internet update iteration is fast. It is necessary to have a high degree of acuity in this industry, keeping development and changes, and keeping an eye on the wind." Wu Lin said that he is constantly learning laws, and he is constantly learning laws, and he is constantly learning laws. Public relations, business, finance and other professional knowledge make the studio's operation smoother.

Although she has not graduated, the "post -90s" Sun Yanwei has planned. The University of Science and Technology of China was registered as a "boss" in the MBA student in April this year. He founded Anhui Zhongke Yundao Technology Co., Ltd., which is committed to the development of digital twin systems and water conservancy software for water conservancy and other industries.

"Digital twin technology is very mature in urban applications. We hope to make a difference in water conservancy construction. This is a new issue and a long track. It needs to invest more time, manpower, and capital." Today, young Zhongke Yundao has gathered more than 30 professional and technical talents, engaged in digital twin technology projects, and planned to develop water conservancy software in the future.

Sun Yanwei said that the epidemic has a great impact on the entire market, but it also brings opportunities for entrepreneurship. For example, the rents of many stores and office buildings have declined, but the cost of opening a store is cheap, and there are many policies for various support. The reporter sorted out and found that in order to help graduates employment and entrepreneurship, many places in the country have issued relevant preferential and assistance policies. For example, college graduates who are employed and entrepreneurship in key industrial enterprises in Hefei City, Anhui Province can participate in the "Double Thousand Training of University Graduates" for free, and give training funds for training funds in accordance with the standards of not more than 10,000 yuan per person. Participate in employment skills training and entrepreneurial training.

In Chongqing, in order to encourage independent entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurial carrier required by the government to invest in development will arrange about 30 % of the venues to provide young entrepreneurs such as college graduates such as college graduates, and develop 10,000 entrepreneurial stations. In addition, there are related policies such as sexual entrepreneurial subsidies, entrepreneurial guarantee loans, discounts, tax reduction and other related policies.

Rely on others, you need to rely on yourself

Online evaluation, video interviews, online signing ... Like many classmates around, Yu Tong, a 22 -year -old undergraduate graduate of Hefei University of Technology, has experienced a different "employment season" in the past few months.

"Affected by the epidemic, offline recruitment is limited. I saw the company recruitment information at the online double election meeting held in the school. I submitted my resume online and finally set up a job." Tong said.

Starting from the autumn recruitment in September last year, Yu Tong started the job search. Participate in the job search camp, listen to offline preaching, running a job fair ... However, these traditional job search paths were pressed for the "suspension key" because of the epidemic in the first half of this year.

"If the enterprise can't get in, we can't get out. Various offline recruitment is postponed. The school guides us to carry out the Internet 'cloud' employment. Save time and effort, "Yu Tong said.

Zhong Xiao, Minister of the Student Work Department of the Party Committee of Hefei University of Technology, introduced that in order to cope with the special employment situation this year, the school system promoted the construction of the Internet "cloud" employment model. In terms of information release, job matching, interview signing and other links, it provides more accurate and convenient online employment services. So far, 108 online lectures have been held, and 20 online selection meetings have been held to help students get better employment.

On May 17, in Hefei College, job applicants learned about recruitment information on the spot. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Duan, Zhang Duan

Looking at the whole country, all localities are going to promote more high and high quality employment to promote college graduates. Expand grass -roots employment space, stabilize the scale of public sector positions, expand the scale of enterprise employment, improve the standards for job search and entrepreneurship subsidies, and strengthen vocational skills training ... Guizhou released the "Guidelines for the Promoting Employment and Entrepreneurship of College Graduates in 2022" in Guizhou, Jiangsu, Jiangsu, Jiangsu, Ningxia, Chongqing and other places have also proposed detailed measures to fully release policy dividends, and actively broaden employment channels for college graduates.

During the interview, many graduates said that the country, local and schools have introduced many policies to help college students employment, and the rest still depends on their ability.

"Although it is a bit stressful this year, it is still no problem to find a job." Jiang Wenyi said, "As soon as I went out of the school, we didn't have much experience, so I hope to use the first job to improve ourselves."

At the same time, she also expressed that she hoped that when recruiting, she would like to evaluate prestigious schools and "dual -non -" schools, and to evaluate and evaluate their ability; as far as the students themselves, they must be down -to -earth, and they must be faced correctly when they are rejected to believe in themselves.

"Occupational career needs long -term planning and efforts, and there are more than one road to employment. New generation young people actively adjust employment ideas according to the changes in the situation. Considering the direction of career development, these are worthy of affirmation and respect, "said Xu Hua, a professor at the School of Social and Politics of Anhui University.

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