4 Dongda!Selected a pilot list of the construction of the virtual teaching and research room!

Author:Northeast University 1923 Time:2022.06.23

Recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Education announced the second batch of pilot lists of the construction of virtual teaching and research rooms. After the procedure design curriculum led by Professor Goghning, our school has successfully selected the first batch of virtual teaching and research room construction pilot lists of the Virtual Teaching and Research Office led by Professor Kang Yumei. The leading public management professional virtual teaching and research room was successfully selected into the second batch of pilot lists of the construction of the virtual teaching and research room. At this point, a total of 4 projects in the school were successfully selected into the construction of the virtual teaching and research room of the Ministry of Education.


The first batch of virtual teaching and research room construction pilot list


The second batch of virtual teaching and research room construction pilot list

Project Description


Programming Course Virtual Teaching and Research Room

In order to implement the spirit of the Ministry of Education's "Opinions on Deepening the Reform of Undergraduate Education Teaching and Comprehensively Improve the Quality of Talent Cultivation", Northeast University is based on the advantages of information disciplines, and in the second prize of national teaching achievements, "Programming Program Design Basic Curriculum System Construction of the Basic Curriculum System Construction Based on the results of Practice, give full play to the supporting role of programming on the base of information technology, focus on program design basic courses, and cultivate innovative talents with good computer technology capabilities. The school continues to promote the deepening of the basic curriculum system of the program design, and establishes the basic curriculum system for the program integration for more disciplines; relying on the "Ministry of Education -Huawei Intelligent Base Production and Education Integration and Coordinated Education Base" relying on the Future Technology College of Northeast University. The School of Science and Engineering, and the Future Technology College leads to cooperate with more than 20 universities in the Northeast -Northwest to establish a new grass -roots teaching organization of cross -regional cooperation- "Procedure Design Course Virtual Teaching and Research Office". The teaching and research office adheres to the "industrial driver, discipline integration, scientific research help teaching", make full use of computer scientific research results to improve the quality of teaching, and use the sharing of teaching resources and teaching methods. The curriculum virtual teaching and research room forms a community of teachers' teaching community.

"Programming Course Virtual Teaching and Research Room" platform cover map


Civil Engineering Professional Curriculum Thoughts and Politics Research

Virtual teaching and research room

"Civil Engineering Professional Curriculum Thoughts Research Virtual Teaching and Research Office" is initiated by Northeast University, and Tongji University, Wuhan University, Shandong University, Dalian University of Technology, Harbin University of Technology, Henan University of Technology, Shenyang University of Science and Technology, Shenyang University, etc. 32 colleges and universities, China Railway Nine Bureau Group Co., Ltd., Higher Education Press, and other 8 enterprises, bringing together more than 150 civil engineering teachers, ideological and political teachers, moral education teachers, outstanding alumni, model figures, enterprise experts, publishers editor and reviewers , Commonly created a community of teachers' teaching development community.

Relying on the Demonstration Center of Curriculum Thoughts and Politics Teaching Research on the Ministry of Education of Northeast University, based on the majors of civil engineering, adhere to the unification of education and education, the combination of ideological education and professional education, to gather the strong combination of newcomers in the era, and to build curriculum ideological politics together The seminar platform, actively explore the new ideas, new methods, and new forms of grass -roots teaching organization construction, study and practice the implementation path of ideological and politics, and strive to draw a good circle of educating people in the new era.

The teaching and research room fully integrates Internet thinking, uses information technology, breaks time and space restrictions, conducts across schools and regions, and has gathered the collective wisdom of the "integration" teaching team through joint seminars, collaborative preparation, training exchanges, resource sharing and other methods to achieve the collective wisdom of the "integration" teaching team to achieve realization. Advanced teaching concepts of mutual learning, mutual learning, co -construction and sharing of high -quality teaching resources, creating curriculum ideological and political teaching research and innovation ecology, comprehensively improving the ability of teachers to teach and educating people, helping national first -class universities, first -class disciplines, and first -class professional construction, promote higher education high Quality development.

"Civil Engineering Professional Course Thoughts Research Virtual Teaching and Research Room" platform cover map


Metallurgical Engineering Professional Virtual Teaching and Research Office

"Metallurgical Engineering Virtual Teaching and Research Office" was initiated by Northeast University. 12 universities, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, and Xi'an University of Architecture Science and Technology, including colleges and universities across the country, including the central and western regions, have extensive representative and significant regional professional advantages.

Relying on the "National First -class Construction Discipline" and "National First -class Professional" of the Northeast University Metallurgical Project, the Teaching and Research Office adheres to the "science and education" teacher education mechanism, combined with modern information technologies such as network platforms, to create a new form of teaching and research teachers, and comprehensively improve teachers' education and teaching ability. Create a team of teachers with noble morality, excellent structure, and exquisite business; optimize educational teaching resources such as education and teaching, collaborate together to build high -quality teaching bases and textbooks, and build a new type of metallurgical engineering professional talent training system and environment for the times; development Improve the construction and management system of grass -roots teaching organizations across regions and across colleges, and form a community of education and teaching community of collaborative development.

The purpose of the "Metallurgical Engineering Professional Virtual Teaching and Research Office" is to coordinate the form of teaching and research in metallurgical engineering, create a model for metallurgical engineering education and teaching, help national first -class universities, first -class disciplines and first -class professional construction, and promote high -quality development of higher education.

"Metallurgical Engineering Professional Virtual Teaching and Research Room" platform cover map


Public Management Specialty Virtual Teaching and Research Office

The virtual teaching and research room of the public management majors is based on the five national levels of the "double first -class" construction of the three national "double first -class" construction of the three national -level "double first -class" construction of the three national levels of the administrative majors, public utility management majors, Sichuan University administrative management majors, Sichuan University's administrative management major, labor and social security major, and Shandong University Administrative Management majors. Composition of first -class undergraduate majors. The virtual teaching and research room will take Lide Shi people as the fundamental task, improve talent training ability as the core, and support modern information technology, continuously improve education and teaching capabilities, focus on national strategic needs, and continuously improve the quality of public management professionals. Governance system and governance capabilities modernized transportation first -class talents.

"Public Management Professional Virtual Teaching and Research Room" platform cover map

Northeast University has paid attention to the construction of grass -roots teaching organizations. The "Implementation Plan for the Construction of First -class undergraduate education in Northeast University" was issued in 2018. It is clearly required to establish a teaching team based on curriculum or curriculum groups to promote the formation of a new form of "Internet+higher education". In the future, the school will accelerate the pilot construction work in accordance with the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education, carry out extensive research and exchange activities, learn from the practical exploration experience of the first batch of pilots, focus on innovation teaching and research forms, strengthen teaching research, co -construction of high -quality resources, conduct teacher training, etc. Focus on the construction of the virtual teaching and research room, continue to strengthen quality monitoring and evaluation, and build a number of demonstration virtual teaching and research rooms.

Source | Academic Affairs Office

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