"Double Settling" in Action: Xin'anjiang Second Middle School: "5 + 2 + X" characteristic courses help "double reduction" landing

Author:Hangzhou.com Time:2022.06.22

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Party Central Committee's important instructions on the "double reduction" work and the deployment requirements of the "double reduction" work of provinces, cities, and counties, effectively reduce the burden of student operation and off -campus training during the compulsory education stage, and jointly create a good education ecosystem. The city of Jiande actively acted, steadily promoted the implementation, implementation, and detailed implementation of the "double reduction" work, and promoted the comprehensive development and healthy growth of students.

Xin'anjiang Second Middle School adheres to the school's schooling concept of "asking for education", taking curriculum construction as the starting point, scientific design "5 + 2 + x" model, "5" is the implementation time of special quality training courses from 5 major class hours on Monday to Friday. "2" is the time of the special community of the special community every Wednesday afternoon. "X" is to allow students to choose the special courses freely according to their needs. Curriculum design is based on quality education. From the perspective of appreciation to discover the flash points of different levels and different types of students, so that students can develop greater development in their own interests and advantages. happiness.

Colorful community courses

Xin'anjiang Second Middle School Course has been opened and implemented since 2010. The implementation time is 2 sections of three sections per week. According to students' needs and teacher resources, the course content gradually enriches. The school has developed four major courses: "sports and health", "art and life", "technology and innovation", "reading and thinking", with a total of 32 communities.

In the "Sports and Health" course, Xin'anjiang No. 2 Middle School offers swimming, football, basketball, badminton, table tennis, taekwondo, Go, chess, Chinese medicine health and other associations. The "Art and Life" course, which not only carries out artistic associations such as vocal, opera, dance, painting, calligraphy, calligraphy, photography, etc., to meet the needs of students' artistic interests and artistic development needs. There are also practical community activities such as baking, paper -cutting, hand -made, and planting to enhance students' labor literacy.

The "Science and Technology and Innovation" courses include radio testing, 3D creative design, computer programming, drone, scientific experiments and other communities, cultivate scientific and technological innovation capabilities, give full play to students 'imagination and creativity, and enhance students' scientific literacy.

The "Reading and Thinking" course includes literary appreciation, mathematical thinking, English world, historical lectures, etc., to guide students to develop good reading habits, and improve comprehensive ability to read, express, and speculate.

Vitality between classes

From Monday to Friday, one hour of every day is the vitality of the New Anjiang No. 2 Middle School. It carries out rich and diverse sunshine sports activities during the large class period. Sitting, endurance running, pull -ups, solid balls, standing long jump, etc., which improves students' sports literacy. The seventh and eighth grades conduct a monthly quality test, and the ninth grade will conduct a monthly entrance examination sports simulation test. The school uses a large -class period, and the class basketball league, football league, grade challenge, class group project competitions are used to provide students with opportunities for competitions and display.

Radio direction and football courses are Hangzhou -level boutique courses in Xin'anjiang No. 2 Middle School. The school uses a professional radio direction and football coaches for students from Monday to Friday. In the seventh and eighth grades, a radio direction and football courses were established. All members participated, and an excellent team was formed to participate in national, provincial and Hangzhou -level competitions, and won various awards.

Cultivating students 'specialties and interests, and improving students' physical fitness is the original intention of running a school. The characteristic lessons under the "double reduction" policy not only enrich the students 'extra -curricular life, but also enrich the spiritual world of the students, so that there are more possibilities for students' future.

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