How to choose the postgraduate goal?"Citizen has an appointment" invites school experts to guide

Author:Pole news Time:2022.09.27

Jimu Journalist Li Bansong

On September 27th, the online forecast name of the National Master's Graduate Admissions Examination in 2023 ended, and officially registered on October 5.Since 2016, the number of postgraduate applicants across the country has risen for 7 consecutive years, from 1.77 million people to 4.57 million in 2022. The number of applicants this year is expected to reach a new high.

Facing increasingly fierce competition, how to choose between your favorite college and ashore success rate?How to look at popular majors and unpopular majors?In addition to choosing schools and majors in the postgraduate entrance examination, should the city be valued?From 10:00 am to 11:00 am on September 28, the Chutian Metropolis Daily Polar News invited Wang Xiumei, deputy dean of the Graduate Work Department of Wuhan University of Science and Technology and Deputy Dean of the Graduate School, and Wang Hua, deputy dean of the Graduate School of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law.There is a "contract, answering the reader's hotline, and answering the doubts of the majority of postgraduate students on the spot.For postgraduate -related issues, netizens and friends can "smash" and interact with us.

Hotline Tel: 027-88568999

Hotline Time: September 28th 10: 00-11: 00

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