The national flag sowing red seeds in the students' hearts

Author:Shijiazhuang Daily client Time:2022.09.27

On the morning of September 25, the "Five Star Red Flag Floating" event hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee walked into the Hebei Federal Language School and held a huge flag transmission event. Nine major platforms such as Weibo, WeChat video number, Douyin and other Yanzhao Evening News, the official account of Shijiazhuang News Network, and other nine platforms were simultaneously webcast. More than 1.2 million netizens watched online.

Hundreds of students conveyed huge national flags to give gifts to National Day.

"The sun rises in the east, and the five -star red flag flutter ..." At 9 o'clock, with the bright "National Flag Song", 100 students held huge national flags and walked towards the center of the playground neatly. Under the sun, a five -star red flag with a length of 20 meters and a width of 13.33 meters slowly unfolded. Students gently stroke, support, pass, and feel the power of Chinese power with extremely proud mood. On both sides of the huge national flag are the "China" square matrix of the students. Around the playground, the students of the flagline team continued to wave the flag in their hands, complemented with the huge national flag. The students sent a vow: Please rest assured, the strong country, me!

The students of the "Qilin Team" waved the five -star red flag in their hands.

Student holding a red flag.

The flag raising ceremony.

"We are proud of the motherland and proud of the motherland!" The huge flag sown red seeds in the hearts of students, inspiring the power of faith. "Seeing the huge national flag move forward slowly, my tears can't help flowing down, and pride sprinted out." Liang Tianjin, a student of senior high school, said that young people are the future of the motherland. The hope of the nation. As a middle school student, he must be Will study hard and report to the motherland in the future.

During the event, the poems performed by the students' "Chinese Red" and the chorus "Youth China" expressed their love and blessings for the motherland, showing the passion and the responsibility of the times.

"The school attaches great importance to the ideological and political education of students, and always takes the mission of educating people and national education for the party." Bai Lin, deputy secretary of the party branch of the Federal Language School of Hebei, said that this year they participated in the "Five Star Red Flag Floating" huge national flag transmission this year The activity is a good patriotic education, which greatly inspires the students' patriotic enthusiasm. On the occasion of the National Day, all teachers and students bless the great motherland to prosper and prosper.

Source: Yan Zhao Evening News

Reporter: Du Hui and Zhang Haiqiang

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