Wenli Workers' Party members, teachers and students went to southern Zhejiang to create a happy community of happiness

Author:Wenzhou Institute of Technolog Time:2022.09.27

"Oathing Memorial Conference Memorial Plaza Design, Revolutionary Reconstruction of the Revolutionary Old Street, and the Construction of the CPPCC, the Communist Party of China, and other projects. Dear, come and go often, hoping to give full play to the professional director and make every effort to build together ... "Recently, Ruan Changfeng, deputy secretary of the Construction Engineering College of Wenzhou Institute of Technology, led more than ten teachers and students to go to Fengyang County, southern Zhejiang. Langzhen discussed the construction of the construction of "shared agency • Happiness", which was warmly welcomed by Chen Shunhui, a member of the Party Committee of Fengxian Town, Pingyang County, and Zheng Shushou, the secretary of the party branch of Fenglin Village.

Signing and granting site

The two sides summarized the results of the previous party building cooperation, and deeply discussed the co -construction of "Sharing Society • Happiness". Pingyang County is located in the southern coastal mountainous areas of Zhejiang Province, which is easily affected by typhoons and geological disasters. To this end, it is particularly important to improve the level of disaster resistance by investigating and reinforcing the risk of residential housing. With the continuous deepening of the rural revitalization strategy, the overall planning of the village and towns, the protection of traditional villages, the rectification of the village appearance, and the improvement of the overall culture. The realization of the integration of production and education in this process is also the focus of the two parties. Through the discussion, the two parties have formed a consensus on further school -land cooperation, reaching further co -construction plans and granting licenses for college students' social practice bases. In this event, the party members of Wenli workers also visited the Red Army Primary School of Fengxian Town to carry out traditional wood crafts and ancient construction protection experience courses.

Gold Teacher Gujian Protection Micro Class

Teachers and students visited the Red Army Primary School

It is reported that the Wenzhou Institute of Technology activates the party building capacity of universities, promotes the promotion of local party building and the development of rural revitalization. According to the characteristics of the party building of Fengxian Town, Pingyang County, the overall plan of "red tourism+green development" in Fengling Town Demand design creates specific projects such as "Wutanqiao Oath Memorial Square", "Revolution of Revolutionary Old Street", "Building Design of a Street Building Building in Fengxianxi Night Market", to create a red cultural tourism brand, and give full play to the advantages of college majors and talent resources as the old revolutionary district. Help and promote the formation of resource sharing and complementary cooperation forms.

Red Army Oath Division Plaza Live Real Scenery

Real view of the scene of the facade of the revolutionary old street

Text | Zhuang Zaijin

Picture | provided by Zhang Xuan

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