Professor Chu Yin of the National People's Congress: Ordinary undergraduates want to develop in big cities, it is best to screw screws in advanced factories

Author:First psychology Time:2022.09.27

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With the gradual increase of undergraduate graduates of university, under the internal currency environment, the scarcity of undergraduates is getting less and less, accompanied by the depreciation of the gold content of the undergraduate degree.

In order to obtain the opportunity, people desperately improve their education. In this way, the bachelor's degree has become a standard for finding a job.

Today's college undergraduate students have long been different from before. The previous college students brought their own aura and glowed everywhere. The current undergraduate students are like the remaining vegetables in the vegetable market. dislike.

The current examination education is difficult to cultivate a student's skills, so except for both undergraduates, the rest of the ordinary undergraduate students are difficult to employ. Unless you really study in college and even use it, the previous undergraduate is divided into one. Two books, three books, is a normal phenomenon that ordinary undergraduates are unemployed when they graduate.

Professor Chu Yin from Renmin University of China made an undergraduate student with an undergraduate of education. In his opinion, undergraduate students with education are not suitable for development in first -tier cities. Ordinary undergraduates want to develop in large cities. It is best to screw screws.

He shouted that college students: "I am not shameing to work in the factory." Now the post -90s of the undergraduate graduation. Powerful talents go to the factory.

The words of Professor Chu Yin are nothing more than wanting the truth of college students to recognize the facts. He feels that the most important thing for university undergraduates is to recognize the gap between his abilities and realistic ideals, but it has been accepted by Internet storms, and countless netizens are too outrageous.

From the perspective of 2022, fresh undergraduates have reached 10.76 million, and they have reached a new high, and it is still increasing year by year. Students are not a difficult thing to go to college. It is also to increase employment advantages. Those who have conditions will also choose to study abroad. In fact, it is true. University studies are all shallow things, let alone use it in practice.

According to the author's understanding, many college students graduated to find a few months to work, or they lie directly at home for a few months, because it is too difficult to want to make a head -up after graduation.

Want to stay in a big city and get more opportunities, but the competition is too great. If you return to the small cities in your hometown, although the competition is small, he is suffering from a good opportunity for better development.

In this way, hesitated, many college students were unwilling to face the cruel facts, so they asked for money from the family, and lived a life -based life in the big city.

In response to this phenomenon, Professor Chu Yin, a professor of Renmin University of China, proposed in a speech that people with a general education, if you have to gain a foothold in a large city, you can go to the factory to be workers. big.

However, this proposal was "Internet storm" by the majority of netizens. Many undergraduates were very disgusted with this. Some people even found the professor's phone number to attack and abuse him. Some people say that he does not have back pain standing, and some people ask: Will you let your child go to the factory to work?

Many people like Professor Chu Yin, because he can always see the true side of this society and expose some facts and truths. However, the facts and truth must be unpleasant, so many people can't accept it.

In fact, this can also be understood that many graduates have graduated from college degree, coupled with compulsory education, and have studied hard for 16 years. If they casually find a job, like those who graduate from junior high schools, how can they be worthy of their own reading like this. How many years? Why must you find a factory? Is it no longer worthy of the university undergraduate students now, only the work with the lowest technical content of drying?


The dislike of factories and specialty categories actually originated from the stereotypes of people. As far as the current employment market is perspective, supply and demand is seriously not matched. my country is now very lacking in technical talents. Essence

In the next few decades, the job of technical types is a fire. my country will continue to strengthen technical education. When it comes to education, it will start with the prejudice of higher vocational and college schools. A good thing, however, the "further study" and "college" containing a lot of skill factors in it, everything is to find a good job.

That will inevitably appear a university major contempt chain. The popular social positions are full of phenomena, but the posts in the factory are not as much as anyone. In the end, many students cannot play a skill, and even do not even know what they are suitable for

The professor's point of view is not actually let us stay in the factory for a lifetime, but to recognize the reality and talk about the ideals first and then talk about the ideals. It's not worse than good work salary, and even better, just say that you need to invest more

There is no expensive career, many people who are not capable, people who do not have the ability will choose to enter the factory, take a lot of money first, save savings, save deposits and then pursue their ideals. Many people even stay in the factory for a lifetime. The city bought the room and settled.

If you have to eat and drink every month, and pursue the timely enjoyment of the moonlight, it is not suitable for you to enter the factory. It also shows that you did not recognize reality.

The extreme expansion of universities can not allow students to learn. The sequelae left by these factors have indeed brought too much negative impact on this society and also harmed the interests of many students.Suggestions for the hit students who are hit hard.

Do everything long -term, we must not only take care of the present, and always pursue long -term interests.In this way, it is possible to really find a place in a big city.

-The End -Author | Edit of Tomada | Wanan First Psychological Main Water Group | A group of young people who like to look up at the starry sky: Jean piaget biographie. (2020, January 29).

- END -

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