It is recommended to rename the "Geography" lesson "Geophtic" lesson, and the Ministry of Education answers

Author:Henan Education Network Time:2022.09.27

Can you rename the name of the "Geographic" discipline course "Geoscience"? In response, the Ministry of Education replied that the differences in whether they were renamed in all aspects were relatively large, which needed to discuss in -depth discussions in the academic community and further consolidate consensus.

On September 26, the official website of the Ministry of Education announced the "Letter of the Fifth Meeting of the 13th National Committee of the CPPCC (No. 02482 (Education Institution 247) Proposal A response to the Fifth Meeting of the National Committee of the CPPCC". A response to the disciplinary course name was renamed "Earth Science".

In the response, the Ministry of Education stated that the geographical course renamed in middle school was professional. The Ministry of Education attaches great importance to this, and solicits the opinions of the Chinese Geographical Society and the Geographical Curriculum Standard Amendment Group in writing on this issue; and contact the Earth Physics Teaching Professional Committee, the Marine Science Professional Teaching Guidance Committee, and geological teaching Authoritative experts in professional committees, Chinese Meteorological Society, etc., listen to their opinions.

"Most experts believe that the geographical course of middle school has a certain comprehensiveness, which not only covers the basic content of the earth science, but also involves the indispensable content of citizens' quality education such as living environment, ecological civilization, and sustainable development. Science 'will exclude humanities and geography. The name of the "Geography' Course has general international recognition and social acceptance, and there is no need to rename the necessity and feasibility of" Earth Science ". In the course, pay attention to stimulating and cultivating students' interest in learning the science of the earth system. "The Ministry of Education pointed out in the response.

同时,教育部表示,也有专家赞同提案中的建议,认为中学地理课程内容应更为宽泛些,不仅应涉及传统地理学,还应涵盖地质学、生态学、气候学、海洋科学等,改为"Earth Science" is more bone.

The Ministry of Education believes that the differences in whether they are renamed in all aspects are relatively large, which need to be discussed in depth in the academic community and further consolidate consensus.

The above proposal also mentioned that geographical disciplines in middle school education are considered "liberal arts", and there is a discounted requirement for talent training in the arts of science and engineering in higher education.

In this regard, the Ministry of Education stated in the response that this is directly related to the original college entrance examination and the inclusion of geography and history, ideological and political politics into the "comprehensive" model. A new round of college entrance examination reform proposes that students choose in terms of ideological and politics, history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology and other subjects according to the requirements of colleges and universities and their own specialties. Yu changed this understanding.

(Source: Shandong Education releases WeChat public account)

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