Latest notice: Cultivate selection in the city, subsidize 100,000 yuan at one time!

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.09.27

On September 27, the official website of the Wuhan Human Resources and Social Security Bureau issued the "Notice on Organizing the Selection and Recommendation of the" Wuhan Skills "selection in 2022". The full text is as follows ↓

Human Resources (Social Security) Bureau in various districts, relevant enterprises and institutions:

In order to implement the city's talent work deployment, in -depth implementation of innovation -driven development and strong talent city strategies, and support to cultivate a group of high -skilled talents with superb skills and outstanding performance contributions, according to the "" Wuhan Yingcai "plan to cultivate according to the" Wuhan Yingcai "planned group. Support the special implementation plan "(Wu Talent [2022] No. 5), decided to carry out the" Wuhan Skills British Talent "selection activity in the city. The relevant matters are notified as follows:

1. Selection scope and conditions

"Wuhan Skills British Talent" is selected from various economic and social organizations in our city with technicians and vocational qualifications (skill levels), and is still selected among high -skilled talents directly engaged in skill operations in front -line positions. "Wuhan Skills British Talent" must love the party to report to the country, obey the law, and dedicate dedication, and have one of the following conditions:

(1) Won the honorary titles such as municipal and above skills masters, with outstanding performance and extensive impact.

(2) Make important contributions in carrying out technological innovation and technical transformation activities, and achieve greater economic benefits and social benefits.

(3) It has the leading technical and skills level in the enterprise and the industry, and summarizes advanced operating technical methods in a certain production work field to achieve greater economic benefits and social benefits.

(4) It has made outstanding contributions to the transformation of advanced scientific and technological achievements in development and application of advanced science and technology, and has achieved greater economic and social benefits.

(5) Has achieved outstanding achievements in cultivating skill talents and apprentices, and have a greater impact in the municipal and above industries.

Prioritize high -skilled talents engaged in "965" key industries, major projects, and major projects.

2. Selection procedure

"Wuhan Skills British Talent" organized a recommendation application for the organization of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and adopted procedures such as my own application, unit recommendation, expert review, difference recommendation, and publicity identification. The Human Resources (Social Security) Bureau of each district is responsible for organizing the selection and recommendation of enterprises and institutions in the area under its jurisdiction. After collective research and publicity (no less than 5 working days), each recommending unit determines the recommended candidates (sorted in the recommended order, and the recommendation candidates under the age of 40 are not less than 50%). The bureau submits the application materials (the list of materials and requests is referred to the Annex 1).

The Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau organizes experts to review. According to the order of expert recommendations, the list of recommended candidates is determined according to the ratio of 1: 1.2 (in principle, not less than 50%of the candidates under the age of 40). , Summary of the Talent Office of the Municipal Party Committee. After reviewing and approved by the Ministry of Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, if the publicity is not objected, it is determined to be selected as an selected talent.

3. Selection and support measures

In 2022, 30 "Wuhan Skills British Talents" were selected and selected in the city, and the following training and support measures were given:

(1) The Talent Office of the Municipal Party Committee issues a certificate to the "Wuhan Skills British Talent", and gives 60,000 yuan in funding to the selected talents. Communication, etc., and incorporate "Wuhan Craftsman" and "Wuhan Craftsman" and "Wuhan Skills Master", which are supported by "Wuhan Skills" and "Wuhan Talent" (high -skilled talent field), are included in the scope of municipal talent services.

(2) The Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau supports "Wuhan Skills British Talent" to establish a municipal skills master studio under the name, and gives one -time 100,000 yuan construction subsidy funds. Prioritize the recommendation of "Wuhan Skills British Talent" to be selected as "Wuhan Artisans" and other provincial and municipal skills talent projects.

(3) Encourage employers to allocate funding funds according to the proportion of 1: 1, which are mainly used for training activities, special research, academic exchanges, etc. Employers should do a good job of daily training, use, management and service of selected talents, coordinate the actual difficulties in the work and life in time, and provide key support in promoting the growth and exerting role of talents.

Fourth, work requirements

(1) Adhere to the grassroots and front lines. Focusing on organizing recommendations for major strategies, major projects, major projects, key industries and key areas in our city, we will fully consider the representativeness of different industries and fields. The current management cadres and retirees above the middle level or above of enterprises and institutions shall not be used as a recommended object.

(2) Adhere to "who recommend and is responsible." Each recommended unit should strictly follow the requirements and procedures of the recommendation, and comprehensively examine the political quality, skills level, work performance and consistent performance of the recommended objects to ensure the advancedness, typical and representativeness of the recommended object.

(3) Avoid repeated declaration recommendations. The candidates for the "Wuhan Skills British Talent" must not apply for other special talent plans for "Wuhan British Talent", and must not be repeatedly declared or multi -declaration. Personnel who have been selected as "Wuhan Craftsman" shall not apply for the "Wuhan Skills British Talent" project.

(4) Implement dynamic management. If the selected talent adjustment and changes during the management period shall be reported to the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the Municipal Party Committee Talent Office for the record during the management period. If the selected candidates are discovered, they will be disqualified from their selection, recover funding funds, and cancel their application for this plan in the future.

(5) Submit the application materials on time. All districts and units are requested to submit the application information to the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau's occupational capacity building before October 21, 2022. The application materials will not be refunded, and the expected declaration is invalid. Contact person and phone: Liu Yanyu Zhu Xi 83919079

Email: [email protected]

Address: Office 512, Wuhan Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, No. 111, Jinqiao Avenue, Jiang'an District

Wuhan Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

September 21, 2022


"Wuhan Skills British Talent" application materials list and requirements

1. Catalog of application materials

(1) Recommended letter and recommended summary form. It is issued by the recommended unit.

(2) Declaration form. The "Wuhan Skills British Talent" declaration form is available for download at the end of the article, submitted in four copies;

(3) Desting materials. The deeds are written by the organization where the applicant is located, submitting four copies and stamping the seal of the unit. Desting materials should focus on highlighting the content of the candidate in terms of technical skills, mainly including: achieved achievements, technological innovation, and the important impact and role in the industry field; (Require digital quantitative reflections); contributions made in the preparation of apprentices, and the words are controlled within 2000 words.

(4) Supporting materials. Copy of vocational qualifications (vocational skills levels) (to include photo page, level page, and professional work page); support materials for main technical skills and achievements; copying or sideline materials for honor or awards. The above support materials are responsible for reviewing the original by the work unit, and a seal is stamped on the copy and submitted a copy.

(5) Photos. The candidate recently packed a 2 -inch color photo on the front, posted in the corresponding section of the declaration form. 6 work photos (can type color printing on A4 paper), mainly reflecting the work of the job, which can reflect the working status and spiritual style of the applicant.

2. Requirements for application materials

The application materials are printed (copied) in A4 paper, and simply binding in the order of the above number to avoid excessive decoration and modification. Please provide all electronic versions of all declaration materials at the same time.

Relevant application materials and forms can be downloaded on the "HTTP://" Office Service -Table Download "column download.

(Source: Wuhan Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau)

【Edit: Wang Rongfei】

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