Leaders of Anhui Institute of Information Engineering went to various colleges to inspect students' enterprise internship teaching work

Author:Future Online Universities Time:2022.09.27

In order to further strengthen the management and control and quality supervision of enterprise internship teaching links, understand the effectiveness of the work links of students' enterprise internship concentration practice, comprehensively master the position distribution, internship content, process guidance, etc. of students in enterprise internships. In the middle of the year, the Anhui Institute of Information Engineering will organize an intermediate inspection of an internship teaching in an enterprise internship.

On September 22, the school established a special inspection team to conduct random spot checks on some teaching work of the company's internship. The school's principal Wu Min led the team, vice president Wang Zhongguo, Sun Hui, Zhang Minfeng, and relevant personnel of the Academic Affairs Office, Education Quality and Evaluation Office and other departments to conduct online inspections and guidance on the dynamics of self -association internship students. The inspection is carried out without saying hello and random inspection. It directly takes the list of students from the United internships through the enterprise internship management system. The instructor and counselor connected on the spot to view the attendance system attendance, job content, and living security. At the inspection site, the school leaders conducted a connection call for the college students in charge of each self -employed. In the computer and the big data academy, the principal Wu Min randomly took more than 10 self -counterpart students to conduct connection communication. In the inspection and communication, Wu Min talked with each internship student for 5-8 minutes, and asked the students' daily guidance of the current internship position, internship work content, instructor and counselor. Real -time viewing information, internship content, and corporate instructor instruction information. During the exchange process, Wu Min asked students to study the business seriously in the internship position, carry forward the spirit of the school style and the spirit of the craftsmanship of the scholars and dare to fight hard, and tell the students to pay attention to the safety in the internship. When learning that students are engaged in software development and testing, they are responsible for the identity of assistant engineers or assistants, and can be able to smile with a comfortable smile through the corporate internship and the ability to obtain actual application development capabilities and engineering capabilities.

Wang Zhongguo went to the School of Management Engineering to check the internship work. During the inspection, he talked with the internship student on the spot and talked with the students. Wang Zhongguo asked the students in detail about the feelings and understanding of the new environment and new identity changes, understood the psychological conditions of the students, and conveyed the opinions of the instructor of the internship. Treating the work with an optimistic attitude, carrying out internship work solidly, learning more, continuous progress in practice, laying the foundation for the future to go to work.

Sun Hui went to the School of Art Design and the School of Foreign Education and the School of Foreign Languages ​​to check the internship work. The content of the post and communicated with the students to solve the on -site office of the college's internship work.

Zhang Minfeng went to the School of Mechanical Design and the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering to check the internship teaching work, inspect Zhang Minfeng in the middle of the internship work report, check the internship teaching materials, and put forward work suggestions and requirements for internship teaching.

Enterprise internship is an important practical teaching link in the school talent training plan. It plays an important role in cultivating students' practical ability and innovative spirit. The important foundation is an important measure to highlight the talent training model of "craftsmanship, engineering ability, product awareness". The school stated that it will continuously strengthen the management of enterprise internship teaching, give full play to the information management and service capabilities of the enterprise's internship system, and continuously improve the quality of internship teaching work. (Correspondent: Zhang Lei, School of Information Engineering, Anhui)

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