Ministry of Education: More than 90%of students can complete written homework within the specified time

Author:Red Star News Time:2022.09.27

On September 27, the Ministry of Education held the 15th press conference of the "Ten Years of Education", with the theme of "Ten Years of Education". Director Liu Changya of the Development Planning Department of the Ministry of Education said at the meeting that the quality of education in my country has been newly improved in the past decade.

↑ The conference site

First of all, the construction of compulsory education sounds and labor and labor and other courses have been significantly strengthened. Liu Changya pointed out that in 2021, the national compulsory education stage of sports, art and labor technology courses reached 674,000, 830,000, and 109,000, respectively, an increase of 55.4%, 52.3%, and 18.3%compared with ten years ago.

It is worth mentioning that 95%of schools across the country can guarantee students' physical exercise time every hour, and nearly 87%of students have received art education in primary and secondary schools. my country has also established 96 nationwide labor education experimental zones to demonstrate the booming labor education in primary and secondary schools in various places, and realize the requirements of no less than one lesson every week.

Secondly, the issue of large -scale basic education in my country has also been effectively cracked. Liu Changya said that the amount of compulsory education in 2021 was basically eliminated. In the past ten years, the proportion of large primary schools has dropped from 14%to 0.7%, and junior high schools have decreased from 28.3%to 0.7%. The proportion of ordinary high schools dropped sharply, from 47.8%to 4.8%, a decrease of 43 percentage points, which promoted the improvement of the quality of education and teaching and promoted the healthy development of students' physical and mental health.

At the same time, off -campus training governance has achieved significant results. Liu Changya revealed that more than 90%of students can complete written homework within the specified time, and the school service after school has basically achieved "5+2" full coverage. More than 92%of students voluntarily participate in after -school services. Further strengthen.

At the same time, the construction of my country's modern vocational education system has also accelerated significantly. Data show that my country ’s higher vocational vocational vocational enrollment was 4.13 million, and the enrollment of high vocational (specialist) in 2021 reached 5.526 million, which was 1.8 times ten years ago. There are more than 1,300 majors and more than 12,000 professional points in vocational schools across the country, which basically covers all areas of the national economy.

Correction of middle and senior vocational schools is constantly cultivating and transporting talents for the society. According to statistics, in the past ten years, more than 7,900 graduates have been cultivated in the past ten years, providing more than 70%of new practitioners for modern manufacturing, strategic emerging industries and modern service industries. For ten years of ordinary and vocational colleges, more than 77 million high -quality professionals have been trained, and they have continued to provide strong intellectual support for the implementation of major national strategic implementation and economic and social development.

Similarly, the ability of high -level innovative talents to cultivate independently has also been significantly improved. Liu Changya introduced that in 2021, a total of 3.332 million graduate students across the country, nearly doubled from 2012.

Among them, 509,000 doctoral students in the school; 1.954 million graduate students in the "double first -class" construction college. Focusing on the major national strategic needs, the "strong base plan" has recruited more than 18,000 people. The basic discipline -top talent training plan has attracted more than 10,000 outstanding students to participate in basic disciplines.

Red Star reporter Yang Yuqi Wu Yang Beijing Beijing report

Edit Yu Dongmei Pengjiang

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