National Award!The Chinese mission team has achieved good results. See how these innovative courses are on?

Author:Communication University of Ch Time:2022.09.26


Recently, the results of the second national college teacher teaching innovation contest were announced. The "International News Theory and Practice" teaching team led by Professor Zhang Long, the School of Television of our school, won the second prize of the Zhenggang Group.

The National College Teachers Teaching Innovation Competition is included in the "Three Evaluations and One Competition" system in the Ministry of Education, and faces college teachers' teaching contests for various disciplines, majors, and professional titles. The competition focuses on the theme of "promoting teaching innovation and creating a first -class talent", adheres to the development of student development, aims to implement the fundamental tasks of Lide Shushu, guide college teachers to teach books and educate people, and create a vane of teaching reform in colleges and universities. The contest was launched in September 2021, and experienced the competition from the school, provincial competition, national network review and national competition. A total of 60,879 teachers from 1195 universities in 31 districts across the country participated in the school competition and 18,407 teachers participated in the provincial competition.


International News Theory and Practice

Team composition

Lecture teacher: Professor Zhang Long

Team member: Associate Professor Tang Xuan


"International News Theory and Practice" is a professional course that combines theory and practice. Based on the history, theoretical and classic cases of international news, discuss its connotation and phenomenon, through in -depth analysis of international news reports and "telling Chinese stories" The analysis of the cutting -edge hotspots aims to give the theoretical knowledge at present, enhance the students' international news and communication literacy, enable students to have a certain professional ability, and cultivate international journalism talents who are thinking about the country and the spirit of the times.

"International News Theory and Practice" course content framework

Course innovation form

1. Based on digital education concepts, create immersive classrooms

The "International News Theory and Practice" course conscientiously implements the requirements of "advancing the Strategic Action of State Education Digitalization". Based on the "Internet+Education" concept, digital media use digital media to create a variety of classrooms and achieve value leadership with multiple means. The curriculum is based on "social media+", "information technology+", "mainstream media+" concept expansion classroom, global connection, fully benchmarking the forefront of the industry, move the classroom into the mainstream media, invite the industry experts in, and bring the excellent students created by students Course works are recommended to mainstream media broadcast.

Global connection "Cloud Class"

Teachers and students go to the media to investigate

2. Relying on the division mode of the interval, China Unicom's "online and offline" curriculum content

The course adopts the interval model. The online teaching week is based on teachers 'teaching. Through systematigoly explanation of international news history and theory, the "information transmission" process can be repetitive, and the differences between students' absorption ability. The offline teaching week focuses on the construction of students' ability, and adopts the form of flipping classrooms and group discussions. It aims to stimulate students' subjectivity to enhance students' sustainable learning ability. The course optimizes the effect of teaching through online and offline hybrid teaching, and strives to achieve the high -level, innovative and challenges of the curriculum design.

3. Use bracket teaching, guided by practical creative results

SCaffolding Instruction is based on the theory of "The Most Neighborhood Development Zone" based on Wugozki. By establishing a "bracket" concept framework, a complex learning task is decomposed, so that learners can gradually follow the "bracket" to gradually gradually gradually gradually follow the "bracket". A rising teaching strategy. This course will designate "Audio -visual works that can meet the requirements of mainstream media broadcast" as a high -level requirement, and decompose the creative practice process into "topic planning → script design → work creation → work review → work modification → work push" six "six" six "six six" six six "six six" six six "six six" six six Phase to guide students' understanding of the creative concept of international communication works. Teachers will integrate the entire process of students 'creation to help students' practical ability to improve their practical ability. In addition, in terms of practical creation of topic selection, this course actively practiced curriculum ideology and politics, guided students to take root in the land of China, and successively created "precision poverty alleviation", "fighting the new crown epidemic" and "building the party century" and other to focus on the development of the party and the country. International communication audiovisual works, excellent works are recommended to mainstream media platforms such as China Daily.

Students screenshots of video works created by accurate poverty alleviation, fighting against epidemic, and building a century -old party

Students' fusion audiovisual works created by non -heritage cultural themes such as cheongsam, Tongrentang, and Quanjude Roast Duck

Student evaluation


Yang Ning, a professional (international news communication direction) in 2019: "International News Theory and Practice" has greatly broaden my horizons and gives me a deeper understanding of the concept of "international communication". The teacher said in a class: international communication is not only international news communication, but also includes various forms such as culture and movies. This gives me a lot of inspiration, and I have more thoughts on my future career direction. Bleak


2016 Radio and Television (International News Communication direction) Professional Wan Hongjia (currently working in CGTN): "International News Theory and Practice" will tailor the teaching content for students every year, closely combine the major theme of the year, and guide students Two international perspectives understand the "Chinese story". At that time, we created new media works around the theme of "precision poverty alleviation". From the selection of topics to the shooting editing, the process was highly similar to the industry's working model. The detours we have passed through the course have been dialed by the teacher and expert reviews, which have become precious wealth in subsequent career development.

Curriculum invites international news industry experts to enter the classroom to comment on students' courses

Industry expert evaluation


Chen Xiaobo, the editor -in -chief of Xinhua News Agency, and vice chairman of the China Photographers Association: "International News Theory and Practice" can lead students to pay attention to the stories, details, and emotions in foreign reports, and cultivate them to express themselves in the most authentic content, the most milder way of telling. Chinese stories enhance the professionalism of my country's international communication talents.


Yang Kun, senior editor of the International Department of International News from the Central Radio and Television Department: After teaching guidance in the course of "International News Theory and Practice", students' curriculum homework shows a variety of, profound and novel reporting perspectives and mature production levels. In the near future, they can integrate into the front line of international reports faster in the future, telling Chinese stories and spreading Chinese voices.


Xie Chenguang, a reporter in the United States in the United States of Central Radio and Television: Council creatively joined the experience sharing of senior practitioners, incorporated the most timeliness case analysis, so that students' understanding of international news is not limited to books, but more than even more. The intuitive feelings, more immersive experience and stronger interest fully reflect the integration of academia and industry, theory and practice.

As early as 2020, the "International News Theory and Practice" course once guided students to combine the current communication and context, and wrote a series of foreign reports worth remembering and impressing people from the perspective of international communication, and committed to telling Chinese stories. Click the picture below to review the results of this course together ⬇️


In addition, during the competition stage in Beijing, all the five teachers recommended by our school won all the awards, and the overall award rate was among the best in Beijing universities. Professor Zhang Long's team and Professor Li Nan of the School of Drama and Film and Television of the School of Television won the first and second prizes of the Zhenggao Group; Teacher Ma Haiyan team of the School of Engineering won the Excellent Award of the Deputy High Group, Intermediate (and Below) Group.


Clothing and communication

Team composition

Lecture teacher: Professor Li Nan

Team member: Associate Professor Xie Zi, Professor Zhang Ling


Chinese clothing is a mirror of the 5,000 -year -old history of civilization in China. The communication of clothing shows the collection of culture, the interdependence of the economy, and the mutual closeness of each other. Based on "clothing", the course integrates many related knowledge through the "spread" method, and strives to create "aesthetic education courses on the body".

1. Three -dimensional teaching resources

Rooted national first -class online courses, with Chinese moody class "clothing art communication and innovative design" and English moody class Chinese Costume Art Communication constitute a rich Chinese and English online course resources, and international students can also learn simultaneously. The depth of the main attack cognition of offline teaching will help students reach the hidden social style, design concepts and communication laws behind the fashion phenomenon.

2. The cross -fusion of the discipline

Based on the needs of the country and the academic frontier, integrated the integrated knowledge of art design, social communication, human history, and aesthetic theory. The impact of fashion to the trend of Chinese traditional culture on the world trends, and is presented from the association of clothing and people's livelihood, economy, society, culture, and technology.

Broadcasting Host Creation Basis


Associate Professor Wang Mingjun, Professor Liu Zhuo

Associate Professor Wang Yuhong, Associate Professor Wang Qun


Teacher Wang Mingjun flipped the classroom in the big class to guide the students' theoretical teaching

Teacher Liu Zhuo guides students' practice in a professional small lesson

This course is the first batch of "Double Wan" national first -class undergraduate courses that have been built and developed for nearly 60 years. It is a professional core course based on the basic theory of the Broadcasting Host. The curriculum is based on the linguistic creation of the broadcast, which is a specific lecture from the aspects of the establishment of creative concept, the trigger and mobilization of the creation emotion, the internal and external skills of the creative expression, the establishment and diversified expression of the creative body. A strong theoretical course. The course focuses on guiding students how to have the basic skills of language art creation of professional broadcasters, establish and adhere to the correct creative concept, master the diverse language communication ability and creative methods needed in the era of the whole media, and consciously undertake the society that journalists should have Responsibility and historical mission, with the sense of responsibility of the media and the sound language of Chinese style and Chinese style, tell the Chinese story and tell the story of Chinese.

Course innovation form

Collective lesson preparation for teaching group

1. Multi -scenario teaching mode: Use the combination of theoretical large classes and practical small lessons, and select multi -scenario teaching models in combination with different context hosted by broadcasting to effectively enhance students' practical ability.

2. Hybrid teaching flipping class: Make full use of modern information technology to record mood classes in the existing teaching resource system and reconstruct the classroom teaching model. In the form of hybrid teaching and flipping classrooms, students have enhanced their ability to learn thinking independently.

3. Productization of classroom teaching content: Combined with scientific research projects with the media, closely add teaching content around the needs of front -line media, update the content of supplementary training textbooks every year, and select outstanding practical works on the mainstream media platform. 4. Open the five major links of comprehensive evaluation: the judgment and inspection of students are implemented in every specific link of classroom learning. The five major links of student units self -testing and recording mutual evaluation, reporting display of small classes, intermediate meetings, final report assessments, and social practice evaluation are opened, and process assessments are conducted.

5. Comprehensively practice curriculum ideological politics: comprehensively implement the "curriculum ideological politics" broadcasting basic teaching mode from "teaching materials -teaching -practice", and from all aspects of teaching materials, teaching methods, and practical innovation Effectively practice curriculum ideology.

Student evaluation


The teacher's teaching logic is clear and infectious. At the critical stage of the foundation, the teacher explained and demonstrated the guidance very carefully. We not only enhanced professional ability, but also enhanced professional ideal and professional beliefs, and full of happiness during the learning process.


Every time the teacher, the teacher will go to the school to supervise and guide our morning exercises one hour in advance. Although the class requires strictly, the teaching effect is very obvious. I also taught me the essence of learning and practice with professionalism and strong recommendation courses!

Teacher Wang Yuhong conducts professional guidance for students in a combination of teaching programs

Teacher Wang Qun is conducting professional demonstration recording

Gaming psychology

Team composition

Lecture teacher: Professor Chen Jingwei

Team member: Lecturer Ding Ning, Lecturer Li Meng


This course is a mixed teaching of face -to -face+Mu lessons. By explaining the principles of psychology in the game, students can master the theoretical knowledge of game psychology, develop a certain game literacy, and can analyze and evaluate the players in various types of games to players. Design, comprehensively use game psychology theory in game design practice, improve and enhance the gaming experience. Cultivate students with a sense of innovative thinking and social responsibility, and establish the concept of "designing a game that adapts to the needs of players and healthy puzzles".

Course innovation form

The curriculum focuses on the cutting -edge fields of gaming design and psychology, and adopts gaming curriculum architecture and gaming teaching methods. As a tie course that integrates theory and practice, it serves the overall goal of training innovative applied leaders in the direction of game design. The course is aimed at students with diverse and different foundations. It uses independent research and development of moody -less courses to teach theoretical knowledge, and rely on the Chinese University MOOC platform SPOC system organization to conduct online independent learning. Online knowledge points can not only take care of the differences in learning progress in different students, but also facilitate students to watch repeatedly and targetedly. Quickly check the lack of online get out of class.

As an organizational method, the offline curriculum gamification design (Gamification), on the basis of the clear teaching goals, realizes the test of students' online learning results through warm-up activities, and participated in the form of group discussions and other forms. The learning (PARTICIPATORY Learning) mobilizes and realizes the active deep learning of students. Through summary of the implementation of the evaluation and extension of the teaching goals (Summary), the implementation of the teaching goals (Summary) and the direction of subsequent learning guidance. The course is not a simple way to use the answer mode, but the power of the core of "solving difficulties to solve difficulties" as the motivation, and guides students to complete the learning challenge in the classroom.

Intelligent interactive application and experience

Team composition

Lecture teacher: Ma Haiyan Lecturer

Team member: Associate Professor Zhang Yue


Adhering to the concept of the combination of the times, science and technology and humanities, the curriculum, focus on interaction from intelligent, take the technical system and change of the intelligent era as the main line, and build intelligent technology as the core to understand the framework. Professional collaboration and innovation capabilities and human -owned scientific and technological concepts are high -level goals. It aims to promote the cross -integration of "literary and scientific craftsmanship" in the context of intelligent media to support the cultivation of cross -border innovation talents in the media.

Curriculum innovation

Curriculum covers three theme chapters of sensors and the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and cloud platforms, and virtual reality. With interactive application as the carrier, fun practice as the starting point, collaborative innovation, build The hierarchical practice system, comprehensively integrates current affairs, games, and media elements to strengthen the attractive course. The curriculum starts on the theme discussion and expansion reflection from cross -disciplinary perspectives such as intelligent technology and social change, science and technology and human development, intelligence and art, intelligence, and media. It assisted the construction of cross -disciplinary understanding with intelligent technology as its core to deepen the concept of scientific and technological science and technology.

Relying on real issues, cross -professional team projects are driven to create a multi -dollar learning community of thinking, and effectively promote collaborative innovation in complex scenarios. Through the gradual difficulty of two -dimensional bracket teaching design, the team guides the team to explore, collide thinking, and gain recognition; through team building, multiple evaluations, gradual team cultivation and other strategies to improve team cooperation efficiency, implement collaboration and win -win; Thinking methods, analysis of the award -winning works, sharing sharing of excellent works, evaluation of benchmarks, and multiple mutual evaluations such as competition are actively guided and innovated. Student evaluation


The course is super fun and fun. For the first time in the team cooperation, the sensor was used, and Baidu AI was used for the second time. The combination of theory and practice, let us personally experience the fun of realizing intelligent interaction functions. The experience of group cooperation is also very valuable, and students in liberal arts, art, and engineering do their best to pay a lot of hard work for the final presentation.


Before I have no contact, I always feel that artificial intelligence and deep learning are mysterious. After learning the model of deep learning training emotional identification, I opened the mysterious veil of deep learning. This pioneers my knowledge. I think this is the meaning of general education.

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