Ministry of Education: There are still training institutions to play "wiping balls" in various ways to test the bottom line of supervision

Author:Ministry of Education Time:2022.06.22

The Ministry of Education conducted the 15th off -school online training inspection

In order to thoroughly implement the "double reduction" work deployment of the central government and continue to consolidate the results of online discipline training and governance, from May 23 to June 10, 2022, the Ministry of Education extracted some online training institutions and key websites. Regulations and "double reduction" policy requirements continue to carry out the 15th online inspection supervision.

The inspection found that more than 130 clues of violations of regulations were mainly manifested in illegal charges, using the summer vacation and national legal holiday organization training, no qualified training, online training for preschool children 3-6 years old, and illegal push training advertisements. At present, all clues of violations have been transferred to local inspection and disposal. These issues reflect that although individual online training institutions have turned into non -profit, the impulse of profit -seeking is still there; although the pre -collection fee has been included in the fund supervision, it still has illegal acts in various ways to "wipe the ball" and test the bottom line of supervision. Although off -campus training governance has achieved certain results, it still has a long way to go.

The Ministry of Education emphasized that the summer is approaching, and the training governance of off -campus training has entered a new critical period. The localities must attach great importance to the current situation, continue to carry out accurate governance in response to outstanding issues, refine the ledger of violations, and continue to maintain a high pressure on the level, continuously maintain a high pressure situation, and effectively maintain the maintenance. The legitimate rights and interests of the people.

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