Maijima Middle School, Laoshan District: Do a good job of curriculum addition and subtraction, and give growth initiative to students

Author:Youth Education Time:2022.09.26

In the new round of reforms, education has moved from the "core era of knowledge" to the "core literacy era". Whether the core literacy can really land, it also needs to be observed from the top -level design of the school. It determines the educational outlook established by the school, determines what kind of people cultivated in the school, how to cultivate people, and who to cultivate people.

Mai Island Middle School, located on Meiling West Road, Laoshan District, is like a large ship that sails sailing. Relying on the "integrated two -wing" schooling path of "curriculum characteristics+art and body specialties", it will continue to explore the "subtraction" and promote the future to alleviate the burden of students and promote the students' burden. The "plus law" of students' personality development, strives to create a high -quality, high -quality exquisite school, has become the pioneer of the optimization of regional education resources.

Every Wednesday afternoon, students from Mai Island Middle School use in -depth reading after class.

Enjoy growth and give students the initiative to develop the initiative

Li Junda is the leader of Maijima Middle School. He loves to play football. He has won a number of districts and municipal honors since 2016. The busy junior high school life did not deprive him of the freedom to love sports. Now Li Junda concentrates on studying every day, and will participate in football training on time at 5 pm. The day -day efforts will make him continue to break through. In the summer vacation of this year, Li Junda and his teammates played the Qingdao team in the football team of the 25th Games of Shandong Province to win the championship. He said: "This is not the end point for us, but the starting point of a new journey."

In Mai Island Middle School, there are many outstanding teenagers like Li Junda. They cultivate their temperament, explore the truth, and experience the joy of growth in fencing, golf, folk music, dance, chorus, recitation, science and technology innovation and other diversified activities. All this is due to the "integrated two -wing" school running path of the school's "curriculum characteristics + artistic specialty".

Fully educate people, build a two -wing four -wing courses group

"Curriculum is the core competitiveness of the school! In the era of rapid development of informatization and intelligence, our education can no longer rely on sea tactics and work overtime. We refuse to" low -quality diligence '. It is suitable for courses needed for the development of students at different levels! "Zhao Meixiang, the principal who has been teaching for nearly 30 years, has maintained a high degree of sharpness in curriculum construction. In 2019, the school was still a construction site. At that time, Zhao Meixiang was thinking that for a school, the hardware was not ranked first, and the system of systematic curriculum could be cultivated in the subtle way. This curriculum system must not only resonate the same frequency as the development of the times, but also consider the phased needs of students 'growth. It must be based on the comprehensive development of students, but also to protect students' personality bloom.

After many explorations, Maijima Middle School still has gradually moved from fuzzy to clear. The top -level architecture of the school "layered, classified, special, and special needs" four major courses to open up a comprehensive educating channel. Based on layered classification special courses as the main course that improves the quality of students' academic academic quality, for the national curriculum subjects in the national curriculum, the curriculum is constructed and developed, and the learning ability, learning quality, and subject literacy are improved. Based on the "double wings" of the school development of art and sports specialties, cultivate students' interests and hobbies, and promote the development of specialties. Curriculum setting is not only in the middle school entrance examination, but ends in a happy life.

In the era of deep cultivation, reduce the burden and increase efficiency, do a good job of after -school service

According to Jiang Aijie, director of the Teaching Office of Maijima Middle School, the school's characteristic curriculum construction and school culture, after -school services, classroom reforms, and research research integrate. In 2021, the "double reduction" gradually landed, reducing the burden of students' homework and doing a good job of after -school services. This is both a challenge and an opportunity. The after -school service model of "layered teaching+reading+community selection" emerges from time to time.

At that time, the school established a layered research project team and the work research project team. Chinese teacher Wei Ning said that the school carried out discipline -stratified class curriculum teaching research. Teachers were studying teaching, compiling lessons in stratified teaching plans. Every Wednesday afternoon, the teachers lead students to deeply dig out the unified textbooks to read the masterpieces and recommending masterpieces. Every Friday afternoon, 20 selection courses are carried out in basketball halls, football fields, chorus rooms, instrumental rooms, dance halls, calligraphy rooms, and experimental inquiry rooms. The children's stage is everywhere.

In the view of Liu Junbo, the leader of Maijima Middle School's Chinese Language Team, effective development of after -school service courses can extend classroom teaching and better develop students with various literacy. For example, in the project reading of "Fu Lei Family Book", children have reserved literary knowledge through reading recitation, classification editors, parent -child reading, etc. Value.

"Laying the foundation for students 'lifelong development, and being responsible for students' happiness for life" is the school running philosophy of Mai Island Middle School. At present, Maijima Middle School is building a dynamic and growth curriculum ecology. With it as a development engine, students can not only stabbed their heads with solid knowledge in the tide of improving the burden and efficiency. freedom of. As a new landmark of education in Laoshan District, the curriculum construction of Mai Island Middle School has brought many new thinking to regional education.

Youth Education Online Bao Zheng

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