What is the key to solving the proportion of English teaching?| Time Comment

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.09.26

Text/Xiong Bingqi

According to media reports, on September 23, the official website of the Ministry of Education announced the response to the representatives of the National People's Congress "suggestion to enhance cultural content teaching reform and reduce the proportion of English teaching". The Ministry of Education stated in the response that the proportion of foreign language lessons in primary and secondary schools is lower than that of Chinese and other disciplines. Specifically, the "Compulsory Education Course Plan (2022 Edition)" stipulates that the ratio of each subject is: 20%-22%of Chinese, 13%-15%of mathematics, 10%-11%of sports and health, 6%-8 foreign languages %. Foreign languages ​​are obviously lower than Chinese, mathematics, sports, art and other disciplines.

"Cancellation of English's compulsory courses", "Reducing the proportion of English teaching", "Reducing English scores in the middle and college entrance examinations", "using English as a subject for the high school entrance examination" ... In recent years, the teaching reform and the reform of the reform of the middle and college entrance examinations are continuously continuous Essence These reform suggestions point to a problem, that is, Chinese students spend too much time in English learning, but there are not many people who really use English. There are 100%and 10%relationships, that is, 100%learning English (foreign language), but Only 10%can be used. These reform suggestions have attracted attention from public opinion.

There is a tendency to take test -oriented teaching in my country. It is manifested in English teaching, that is, many schools do English teaching around the entrance examination. The English -taking English has led many students to learn English for a long time, but it has caused many "deaf English" and "dumb English". In addition, not all universities, majors, and occupations have made high requirements for English. A proportion of students studying English only to cope with the requirements of entrance examinations and graduation. In practical work, there are not many English. In this context, the recommendations of "lowering the proportion of English teaching" and "canceling English compulsory courses" have also been supported by many public opinion.

However, if the enrollment admission system for admission according to the total score is unchanged, but English no longer uses English as a required subject. The possible problems are that English is marginalized. The school no longer pays attention to English teaching. Schools and rural areas may be more serious. However, in many professional and technical fields, to learn and learn from the advanced ideas and advanced technologies of developed countries, we must understand English. The current scientific and technological literature and top academic journals are mainly English. Talent training may be affected.

Therefore, the fundamental problem lies in the examination, enrollment, and teaching system of "teaching and enrollment". To solve the problem of "100%of students learning English (foreign language), only 10%can be used", the reform of the admission system should be promoted, giving colleges and universities greater enrollment autonomy. Objectives, propose the college entrance examination subjects and performance requirements. Some majors have high English requirements for talents, and they put forward high English scores. Not only are they depending on the written test results, but also interviews; some majors have not high requirements for English, they put forward lower English score requirements, and even even No requirements. Students can choose more or less English according to their schools, majors, and future career development.

This can not only solve the problem of "test English" in primary and secondary schools, but also give students greater learning autonomy. Students can choose learning subjects and content according to their interests and abilities. In fact, this is also the key to solving the tendency of testing education for other disciplines in my country. For mathematics disciplines, many students and parents think that after graduating from college, many people rarely use such difficult mathematics. It is recommended to reduce mathematics difficulty. Some students have shouted that "mathematics roll out the college entrance examination."

Public opinion generally pays attention to the reform of the subjects of the middle and college entrance examinations, including changes in subject combination and the adjustment of subject scores. Trial tendency. The "Outline of the National Medium- and Long-term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020)" pointed out that it is necessary to use the reform of the examination enrollment system as the breakthrough, overcome the disadvantages of a lifelong test, and promote the implementation of quality education and innovative talents. In accordance with the principles that are conducive to scientific selection of talents, promote the healthy development of students, and maintain social fairness, explore the relative separation of enrollment and examinations, and gradually form a systematic enrollment system for classification examinations, comprehensive evaluations, and multiple admission. Therefore, we must focus on promoting the reform of the admission system, guide basic education to pay attention to students' interests and comprehensive quality evaluations, and give students the choice of space.

(The author is a well -known educator)

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Picture | Visual China

Responsible editor | Fu Mingtu Jiang Xueyuan

School pair | Zhou Yong

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