The Ministry of Education replied to "Suggestions for Reduction of English Teaching"

Author:Hunan Daily Time:2022.09.25

On September 23, the Ministry of Education announced the response to "suggestions on enhancing cultural content teaching reform and reducing the proportion of English teaching in Chinese cultural content", and the reply showed:

According to regulations, the proportion of foreign language lessons is 6-8%, which is significantly lower than the disciplines of Chinese, mathematics, sports, art, etc. The foreign language is an important part of the comprehensive development of students, intellectual, physical and labor, and helps to cultivate and develop students' language skills , Cultural consciousness, thinking quality, learning ability and other core literacy, and cultivate students' Chinese feelings, international perspectives and cross -cultural communication skills.

Answer the full text:

You have put forward the "Suggestions on Enhance Cultural Confidence and Increasing the Reform of Chinese Cultural Content Teaching and Reducing the Proportion of English Teaching". The reply is as follows.

1. Regarding "the time to reduce in English to increase or increase the teaching of traditional Chinese culture, such as piano and calligraphy, to allow children Suggestions of cultural pride and cultural self -confidence "

The excellent traditional culture of China is the root and soul of the Chinese nation, and the excellent traditional culture education of China is of great significance for "who cultivates". The Ministry of Education has always attached great importance to the education of Chinese excellent traditional culture, guiding students to inherit and promote the excellent traditional culture of China, and strengthen cultural self -confidence.

1. Strengthen the design of the excellent traditional cultural education system for China. In 2021, the Ministry of Education developed and issued the "Guide to Entering Primary and Middle School Curriculum Textbooks" (hereinafter referred to as "Guidelines"), which was issued. , Overall goals, main content, carrier forms, sections and discipline requirements. Primary and secondary school courses have formed a "3+2+N" discipline structure arrangement based on the three subjects, art (music, art, etc.), and the discipline of sports and health.

2. Focusing on Chinese, morality and rule of law (ideological politics), history and other disciplines, the focus is organized into the excellent traditional education of China. In order to implement the "Guide" requirements, compulsory education and ordinary high school curriculum textbooks further strengthen the excellent traditional Chinese culture education. In 2022, the Ministry of Education revised and issued a compulsory education curriculum plan and curriculum standards. Among them, the main carriers of the theme of the "China Excellent Traditional Culture" are Chinese characters, calligraphy, traditional festivals, etc.; Morality and the rule of law encourage schools to carry out exchanges and exhibitions such as traditional festivals, clothing, architecture, etc. By letting students understand Oracle, Dujiangyan Project, "Four Great Inventions", etc., students' identity of Chinese outstanding traditional culture is cultivated; art guides students to appreciate Chinese folk art works such as paper -cutting, shadow, and New Year's paintings; "Sports and sports" courses; physics guide students to understand the role of ancient bronze, iron manufacturing technology and its role in promoting social progress. In the current unified scripture textbooks, the famous emeralds such as the "Three Characters", "Disciples", and "The Analects of Confucius" are arranged; the ancient classics such as "Book of Rites", "Xunzi", and "Geyli" in the textbooks of morality and rule of law are cited to guide students to study hard from childhood; In the historical textbooks, I introduced the "Historical Records" and "Hanshu" to cultivate students' historical reading ability. Ordinary high school Chinese language will be compulsory, selective, and elective; ideological and political curriculum guides students to learn traditional culture. In the textbook, by quoting the allusions of "Handan Learning and Losing their Old Destiny" "Self -confidence"; art compulsory course requires understanding of the styling language, creative concepts and cultural connotations of Chinese excellent traditional calligraphy and painting and folk art, and can be used comprehensive; physical compulsory courses allow students to understand the understanding and application of magnetic phenomena in ancient my country and their humans. The influence of civilization. In addition, the comprehensive practical activities of primary and secondary schools recommend "our traditional festivals" and other theme activities to enhance students' excellent traditional cultural education practice experience.

3. The key textbooks of Malaysia Engineering are organically integrated into the excellent traditional cultural education of China. In the key textbooks of the Ministry of Education's Major Project in the History of Chinese Aesthetics, History of Chinese Academy of Disciplines, combined with the actual situation of various disciplines, from different perspectives such as history, literature, aesthetics, etc. The historical context fully reflects the rich connotation and valuable experience of the excellent traditional culture of China. 4. Increase the excellent Chinese traditional culture into the college entrance examination. Attach importance to the reform of the college entrance examination. The proposition of college entrance examinations is based on high school curriculum standards and the requirements of college talents to build a content system for comprehensive examinations of morality, intellectual, physical and labor. In recent years, it has focused on examining the relevant content of Chinese excellent traditional culture through various forms, guiding students to enhance national identity and national pride, and firm ideals and beliefs.

2. About "Reducing the proportion of English teaching and occupying the score in the exam. English learning is necessary, but there is no need to take up for such a long time, pay attention to even a bit of deformity" and "reform English teaching methods, no longer use it, no longer based on Suggestions are divided into the only purpose, but the advice of spoken dialogue and life use. "

1. The proportion of foreign languages ​​in primary and secondary schools is lower than Chinese and other disciplines. Foreign languages ​​are an important part of the comprehensive development of students, intellectual, physical, and labor, and help cultivate and develop core literacy such as students 'language skills, cultural awareness, thinking quality, and learning ability, and cultivate students' Chinese feelings, international perspectives and cross -cultural communication skills. The "Compulsory Education Course Plan (2022 Edition)" stipulates that the ratio of each subject is: 20%-22%of Chinese, 13%-15%of mathematics, 10%-11%of sports and health, 6%-8%foreign language, etc. Essence According to the "Ordinary High School Curriculum Plan (2017 Edition 2020)", the proportion of general high school foreign language compulsory students accounts for about 7%of the total compulsory courses. Foreign languages ​​are obviously lower than Chinese, mathematics, sports, art and other disciplines.

2. Determine the proportion of foreign language examinations according to the central requirements. In 2014, the State Council issued the "Implementation Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Examination Admissions System", which clearly stipulated that the Chinese, mathematics, and foreign language subjects of the unified college entrance examination unchanged, and the scores were unchanged. At this stage, foreign language unified examination arrangements are determined in accordance with the central government's top -level design of the college entrance examination.

In the next step, the Ministry of Education will strengthen the training and implementation guidance of primary and secondary schools, organize the revision of compulsory education textbooks, continuously promote the implementation of the construction planning planning of large and secondary school textbooks and the management measures of college textbooks, deepen the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination, and further strengthen the excellent traditional Chinese culture. Education, guide students to strengthen cultural self -confidence and consciously promote the excellent traditional culture of China.

Thank you for your support and care for education!

Ministry of Education

August 7, 2022

Source | China Youth Daily

Edit | Zhang Yongqiong Zhao Zeqin

School Division | Xia Hong Li Zhongyang (Internship)

Review | Liu Ying

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