Extraordinary Comment | The teacher will be suspended by the dislocation of the gift records.

Author:Pole news Time:2022.09.25

Xu Hanxiong, a polar news commentator

According to the "Jianhu E Education" WeChat public account, the special investigation team of Jiangsu Jianhu County Education Bureau issued a notice on September 23. On the evening of September 22, a teacher of a teacher of Xiangyang Road Primary School in Jianhu County suspected to receive the parent's parent money Screenshot of the list. The County Education Bureau immediately set up a special investigation team to enter the school. After preliminary verification, the pictures of the Internet were true, and the parties had been suspended and investigated. According to the investigation, the parties and relevant responsible persons will be dealt with seriously. (Red Star News on September 23, 2022)

Related report screenshots (Picture Source: Shandong Business Daily Weibo Screenshot)

Situation report (picture source: Jianhu e education)

Previously, according to media reports, on September 23, a teacher on the Internet mistakenly sent the gift records to the screenshot of the parent group. A total of 15 names were written on the gift book, which ranged from 500 to 1,000 yuan.

The exposed ledger (picture source: time video screenshot)

This matter has aroused online attention. Although it is wrong, the impact of the receiving ledger is obviously not good. The gift -giving parents were embarrassed after being exposed. Parents who did not give gifts after seeing it were not good. After seeing other teachers, it was not a taste. Because this affects the image of the teacher and the relationship between the teacher and the parents.

Not long ago, on September 9th, a teacher in a elementary school in Dancheng County, Henan Province caused controversy in social media. The female teacher who named the "Beautiful Skirt" took the gift received by a bouquet of flowers, a box of moon cakes and a box of drinks, and said that the benefit of being a teacher is to be preferred everywhere. Thank you for the Teacher's Day sent by Wang Moumou's mother Gift. Some netizens think that Teacher's Day is harmless to the gifts such as flowers and other flowers. Some netizens think that this is dazzling, which will cause parents to give gifts to the comparison. After the incident, the teachers involved were criticized and educated, and they instructed them to refund the flowers such as flowers from the students of the students.

Can the teacher receive the gift? According to the "Ten Guidelines for Professional Behavior of Teachers in the New Era", teachers must "adhere to integrity and self -discipline. Strictly disciplined, clean and taught; Wait for activities; in accordance with the notice of the "Primary and Middle School teachers' violations of professional ethics (revised in 2018)", if the above provisions are violated, the school and school competent education department shall organize investigations and verification in a timely manner, and give corresponding treatment according to the severity of the circumstances.

Therefore, after the two teachers' gift incidents attracted the attention of the Internet, the higher authorities intervened in handling. Teachers must not accept parental gifts. This is a requirement for integrity and self -discipline and a request for teaching fairness. Parents' dislike of giving gifts is to worry that teachers will affect normal teaching, and they will treat students according to their relatives. Because some parents give gifts, they are not to respect the teacher, they just want their children to take care of them, to put it bluntly, and have benefits drive. If the teacher receives the gifts of the parents and takes care of the students accordingly, education is covered with utilitarian colors, and it is also ashamed. Because the teacher is a human soul engineer, the teacher is the most glorious profession in the sun.

It is not contradictory to respect the religion and prohibition of gifts. The bottom line of integrity and self -discipline, strictly guarding the morality of the teacher's morality is to truly maintain the dignity of the teacher. If the teacher receives gifts and take care of students, it will make education taste and corrupt education atmosphere, even with students.

The teacher will be suspended by the gift records. Although it is an accident and attracts discussions, the focus of the incident is obviously not the teacher sent the wrong message. It should not be received. Imagine if the teacher had no information, wouldn't it be unknown to the gifts? But the gifts of gifts are counting in their hearts, and the gifts of gifts are countless. Even if they are not wrong, things are wrong.

The report from the local education department said that it would be against each other and strictly strengthened the education of teachers in the county. This is the meaning of the topic. You should usually develop a positive atmosphere, and you cannot wait for the teacher to be exposed after the gift is exposed.

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