There are "gifts" in this elementary school

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.09.23

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client September 23rd. The low -grade students use various color pens to draw good habits. Middle -level students compile their good habits into nursery rhymes of children's songs. In the afternoon, focusing on the theme of "Li", Wuhan Yucai Second Primary School Lide Branch has carried out a series of special classes activities to guide the majority of students to develop good habits from an early age, love, learn, and live.

First grade students draw "good habits" into art works. Reporter Xiangjie

In order to promote and inherit the excellent traditional culture of China, build a new fashion of civilization, and cultivate a good habit of developing a good habit of developing a good habit of developing a good habit of developing a good habit of developing a good school. - "Good Habits Cognitive Card". The "Good Habits Cognitive Card" is divided into three different versions of low, medium and high grades. Each version includes: love, learning, and life.

Each student received a "Good Habits Cognitive Card". Reporter Xiangjie

The reporter from the Yangtze River Daily noticed that in response to the cognitive ability and physical and mental development characteristics of students in different studies, the content covered by the low, medium and high versions focused on each, and the forms of presentation were also different. According to the relevant person in charge of the school, considering the limited number of students in the lower grades, the design style of "Good Habits Cognitive Card" is relatively cartoon, and each Chinese character is marked with pinyin. The middle grade "Good Habits Cognitive Card" does not require the "crutch" of Pinyin. The high -grade "Good Habits Cognitive Card" is presented in the form of one question and one answer. The problems involved are closely related to their learning and life and give scientific guidance.

Third -grade students sing and dance to make "good habits" go with each other. Reporter Xiangjie

"I have to exercise well now and grow up a better motherland." After browsing the "Good Habits Cognitive Card" with interest, Wang Yihan, a first -year student, used a brush to draw a group of young pioneers to respect the national flag. She said that after reading the "Love Song" in "Good Habits Cognitive Card", she has a deeper understanding of "love". Learning to love herself, loves parents, classmates, and motherland, the world will be better.

Fifth grade students interpret the motherland with passionate recitation. Reporter Xiangjie

At the theme class meeting of the third (1) class of the school, the students sang and jumped, interpreting the "Good Habits Cognitive Card" vividly. "Through the form of singing, everyone is more likely to remember good habits and put into action." Gu Ruoxi, the singer, said that she and her classmates are also preparing to arrange "good habits dance", so that good habits are not only "sound" into the heart , Also like a shadow "walk".

Sixth -grade students expressed their chests through the form of debate. Reporter Xiangjie

Everyone knows that good habits are the "wealth" that a person benefits for life. How can a good habit be developed? Different from the single cognition of the middle grade, senior students start deeper exchanges and discussions. The classes of the six (1) class of the school evolved into a debate. The students were divided into two major camps to start a fierce debate on the hot spots of "how to use modern information technology and products" in the "Meeting Life". The students in class 6 (2) created a drama to play a role in the form of acting, speaking, and recitations, which enriched the content of the "Good Habits Cognitive Card" and gradually became internalized into their own good. Habit.

Students interpret how to develop good habits in life. Reporter Xiangjie

Wu Yaling, President of Wuhan Yugai Second Primary School Lide, said that the school hopes to use the "Good Habits Cognitive Card" to allow students to be able to develop good habits, know their intentions, and practice. The school will continue to explore to cultivate newcomers in the future. (Changjiang Daily reporter Xiang Jie Correspondent Yang Guotao Chen Jie)

[Edit: Deng La Xiu]

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