Happy pressure reduction

Author:Inner Mongolia Daily Time:2022.06.22

Bibi lung live volume

Teacher answer questions

See who is strong

study hard


Happy stepping on the balloon

This year's Hohhot City High School Entrance Examination will be held from June 25th to 27th."Nine years of cold windows, fight here; sprint the middle school entrance examination, struggle now ..." The reporter walked into the 26th Middle School of Hohhot City on the 20th. Each class in the third grade wrote inspirational slogans.While grasping the review, the school carried out a variety of interesting decompression activities to help students release physical and mental stress and welcome the middle school entrance examination with a relaxed and optimistic attitude.

It is understood that this year's Hohhot City Entrance Examination will be held from June 25th to June 27th, with a total of 30,814 people apply for the exam (including 23,991 people in the four districts of the city), an increase of 4,317 from 26,497 last year.(Reporter Niu Tianjia)

Source: Grassland Client

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