Mr. Bian Zhilin and Pudong Fate | Zhang Wei

Author:Report Time:2022.09.22

Mr. Bian Zhilin studied at Pudong Middle School in Shanghai. Unfortunately, I searched the introduction of the school history of Pudong Middle School on the Internet. The famous alumni mentioned that Hu Year and other literati were mentioned.

Bian Zhilin was in junior high school in Haimen Middle School in Jiangsu, and he encountered a tide of learning. He transferred to Qixiu Junior High School and Sanyi Middle School. In the ignorance of youth, he came into contact with new literature early. The preliminary version of Shimo's Poetry, he later said in "Xu Zhimo's Poetry Re -Reading": "This is a major excitement between" Goddess "and" Dead Water "in my experience of reading a new poem." In the third day of the third day, the English textbooks were selected with "Shakespeare Story", which were his literary enlightenment. He can be described as young poets. Several small poems written in the second grade of junior high school were included in the "Student Literature Series" published in Shanghai.


In the summer of 1927, Bian Zhilin took a boat to cross the river from Haimen to Shanghai's very famous private Pudong Middle School. The school was donated to the 33rd year of the Qing Dynasty (1907). Yang Shengqing is a very visible and distressed ethnic entrepreneur who understands the significance of education to the country and the nation. This school became the first middle school in the Pudong region and was the first complete middle school in the modernity of Shanghai in modern times. The teachers hired by the school are strictly selected by the principal, including foreign teachers. I saw a record of alumni (above) at Mr. Shi Zhilin's nephew, Mr. Shi Zuhui. Only the slap was large, the cover was lost, and the paper pages were yellow, but the words and images inside were clearly visible. Opening the page is the inscription of "Pudong Middle School Eleventh High -Level 6 Friendship", and then the directory, including "preface", "staff at this level", "our staff", "statue of the school owner", "school owner's statue", "statue of school owners", "statue of school owners", "statue of school owners", "statue of school owners", "statue of school owners", "statue of school owners", "statue of school owners", and "President Cheng Xuan", "Zhang Agent President's President", "Director Li Teaching Affairs", "All Friends at this level", "Touring Photography of Hangzhou Tourism Hangzhou", "Class Friends", "Faculty Correspondence" , "This Friends of Friends". The alumni record clearly printed "the statue of the school owner Yang Gongsheng". Next is the "staff at the level" catalog. Zhou Huaijun, the head of the positive level, the deputy chief Yang Zuzhu Jun, etc., everyone's name is added to the word "king" to show respect. The following is the list of students. From the corresponding address book and photos at the level, we can understand that there are 43 people at the time at that time. The order of arrangement is explained that "the name of the friendly friends is arranged according to the four -corner number of the four corners invented by Mr. Wang Yunwu", "," After this way, Bian Zhilin ranked third. Students are from all over the world, and they are explained in the "preface". Mo, make the help of other mountains; but He Baiju is easy to die, and then leave again. Three stacks, what will be difficult to expire later. 爰 is the journal of a class friend: gathering the small shadow of all kinds, and each is passed on, no humility, no exaggeration, he can get it. , Zhan Juan Yanhuan, when adding endless fun; that is, to read it, it can also reduce a lot of sorrows. At the end of the address book, it is used as a helping to transmit fish geese. It is "Xin'an Shi Sheng Jin Jingchang", which is equivalent to today's graduation commemorative album. On page 15, there was a portrait of Bian Zhilin and his English name Chih-Lin Pien. At that time, there was no Chinese pinyin, and naturally he did not write English names according to Pinyin. This English name has been used to his life. Then Bian Zhilin's "self -consciousness", that is, self -reported, "Zhilin, currently accused of Jiangsu Haimen, graduated from Sanyi Junior High School, and came to the school for two years" (below). The reason why he wrote "Suddenly two years" was because the school's high school system was three years. He inserted a semester in the high school when he entered the school. He graduated half a year in the summer of 1929 and actually studied in high school for two years. The school is divided into liberal arts and science classes. The school implements the academic system, and 150 points for high school will be graduated. Those who learn from graduation in advance can graduate in advance. It can be seen that Bian Zhilin is smart and completes his studies in advance.


At that time, in addition to Chinese textbooks, Pudong Middle School also used English textbooks, and there were also foreign teachers taught. Strict English teaching laid a solid English foundation for him. Bian Zhilin took the Shakespeare drama class and read the original "Venice Merchant", which is his Shakespeare enlightenment education. And this kind of somewhat germinated and grew into a towering tree -after the founding of the New China, he became a well -known Salian scholar in China and translated the four major tragedies of Shakespeare. Heavyweight figures in history. In Pudong Middle School, he also tried to translate more than a thousand lines of narrative poems "Gu Zhouzi Yong", which was translated by the British lake poet Korl, which was the start of his literary translation. Later, thanks to the further studies of Peking University, he gradually became a famous translator in my country. Sun, Blake, Wahos, Byron, Shelley, Jili, Ding Nisheng, Bai Langning, Yezhi, Thomas Eliot, Orton, Podlair, Maram, Willen, Watani, Watani The works of poets such as Leili.

In Pudong Middle School, Bian Zhilin read group books greedily. Pudong Middle School has a very good hardware and rich collection of books. According to the "Shanghai Local Chronicle": "The Pudong Middle School Library, which was built in the twelfth year of the Republic of China, will be more than 20,000 books in the Republic of China." His Poetry: Recalling the Old Speaking New "Bian Zhilin's self -report: He watched the" Bencai "edited by Lu Xun and" New Moon "edited by Xu Zhimo, and also read some of the early short stories of the abandoned name. To participate in it. In Puzhong, Bian Zhilin began to create. Once he took a walk to the suburbs and saw the crying peaceful charm on the wall. His first short story "Night Zhengshen" was modified after modifying, and published on September 9, 1931 on September 9, 1931 "North China Daily · Deputy journal" No. 588. The editor -in -chief of the time was Yang Yan. He was an early Shaxue expert in my country.

As for how Mr. Bian Zhilin thinks of leaving his hometown of Haimen Tangjia Town to go to school in Shanghai -need to know that the traffic was very inconvenient to the Yangtze River at that time -this is a mystery, but the discovery of the alumni records made us find a clue. There are three Haimen people in total, and one is Qidong Chen Shijun. Qidong and Haimen Tangjia Town are next to each other. The student has studied at Qixiu Junior High School, or he is a junior high school classmate with Bian Zhilin. It is speculated that the three of them may go first. Bian Zhilin later heard good, so he went to work. There is another possibility that his father was both a reader, a private school, and inheriting the family management dyeing workshop. He often went to Shanghai. Bian Zhilin recalled that when he graduated from elementary school, he went to Shanghai with his father and purchased the children's reading "Touring the Earth" and Bingxin's poem "Star" at the Business Press. He said, "This is the first new poem I bought in my life, and I started to have interest in new poems since then." His father heard that Pudong Middle School was famous, so he sent his son to study. Of course, these are speculation.

During the study of Pudong Middle School, the "April Two" incident broke out, and the revolution was stifled in a pool of blood. Bian Zhilin described himself, like many young people, he was "sorrowful and indignant, and he had a sense of disillusionment." In Puzhong, he was influenced by Matt, a well -known logic and philosophy expert, and later read a little translated Marxist classic and "Thought" magazine. Of course, because he is still a middle school student, he is only aware of the deep thoughts, but at least he starts to expose the idea of ​​progress. This also went to Yan'an later and put on the revolution to pave the way.

In the summer of 1929, Bian Zhilin was admitted to the English Department of Peking University with excellent results, but because of his decline in his family, he was almost unable to enter the school. Fortunately, his mother sold jewelry, soft softness, and borrowed debts to make up the cost of going to Peiping. Therefore, there is a great and visible mother's support behind Bian Zhilin's success. In the article, Bian Zhilin remembered that my mother "specially encouraged me to learn more English, but this caused me to pay attention to Western literature." At that time, his parents, like the thoughts of Jiangnan Township, hoped that he would learn some foreign texts in order to go to the institutions such as postal service and customs. With the hope of looking at Jackie Chan with his mother, with his longing for Beijing and Peking University, Bian Zhilin temporarily ended his relationship with Pudong, left Shanghai by train, went to Peiping, and opened a brilliant page in his life. Although the time in Pudong is not long, the experience of the past two years is the starting point of his career in terms of literary creation, the first hunting of the Shaoxue, or the enlightenment of the revolutionary thought.

Later, Bian Zhilin passed Shanghai many times, or went north from Shanghai, or went abroad to Oxford University in the United Kingdom, or participated in the pilot work of agricultural cooperatives in Shanghai, or returned to his hometown. The gas station departing again.

Author: Zhang Wei

Edit: Qian Yutong

Editor in charge: Shu Ming

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