All schools in our district organize emergency drill and rescue training activities

Author:Beijing Haidian Time:2022.09.22

Security is the first lifeline. Campus safety work is related to students' health and family happiness. In order to implement the safety work of campus and improve the awareness of the safety prevention of teachers and students, a few days ago, many schools in our district carried out safety education theme activities, and took multiple measures to do a good job in various safety work on campus.

Carry out emergency evacuation drills

At 15:30 pm on September 19th, the harsh fire alarm sounded on all floors of Jianhua Experimental School Middle School. The simulated smoke permeated around the corridor. Under the guidance of the teachers, students bend over and covered their noses under the guidance of the teacher.

After waiting for the students to evacuate, the teachers are responsible for shouting and quickly checking the classrooms, toilets and other areas to ensure that all teachers and students in the teaching building have been safely withdrawn from the designated place. The process is efficient and orderly, and the evacuation time is controlled for 5 minutes.

After arriving at the designated place, the students are arranged neatly in the class, and the non -class teacher and teachers stand in an orderly manner; the class teachers of each class counted the students in this class, and the teachers confirmed each other to ensure that all personnel in the building arrived at the gathering place.

The emergency evacuation drill organized by the school will effectively help students master the escape skills, improve their self -rescue ability, and orderly escape the critical scene in an emergency, thereby avoiding damage accidents due to fires, as well as tramples in emergency evacuation due to crowded corridors. Injury accidents.

In order to avoid panic, before the emergency evacuation drill, the teacher was responsible for posting an emergency evacuation drill inside and outside the teaching building. Before the exercise, the class teachers of each class conducted safety education in the class based on the specific implementation plan of the evacuation exercise; focusing on the emergency situation, the evacuation route and order of the class, and if the evacuation method encountered the process of treatment of classmates falling, the emergency evacuation venue was in the place of emergency evacuation place. Location, etc. to ensure the exercise effect and teacher and student safety.

The principal Zuo Peng said: "Every emergency evacuation drill is an opportunity to promote us to continuously enhance the sense of safety responsibility, improve the safety management skills, and learn scientifically to deal with and deal with emergencies; 'Being good, successful, happy life' ".

Hold the Red Cross Campus Rescue Training

On the afternoon of September 15th, the Central School of Yuxin School affiliated to the Capital Normal University held a campus rescue training of the Red Cross Campus. The event was strongly supported by the Red Cross Society of Haidian District.

At the event site, the teachers and students scientifically wearing the mask to enter the field in an orderly manner, neatly seated, and concentrated. The Red Cross training teacher comprehensively explained the basic knowledge of the Red Cross emergency rescue and the operation of AED devices in a combination of theoretical and practical operation.

During the training process, the training teacher of the Red Cross explained in detail the cardiac arrest and survival chain, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, automatic body tremor, airway foreign body obstruction emergency rescue, trauma on -site treatment, campus safety related knowledge and emergency treatment methods. At the same time With the help of human models, the most intuitive way is to demonstrate on the spot.

Students listen carefully, and they are actively participating in subsequent practical training. Through the patient guidance of the teachers, most students have mastered the basic operation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The students have said: "Through training, they have learned emergency knowledge and skills. People who need help."

Director Sun Tianwang at the school moral education has once again emphasized the importance of campus safety education: "Guarding good life is not only a ability, but also a responsibility. This emergency training not only enhances the awareness of emergency rescue of teachers and students He also cultivates everyone's sense of awe of life and a sense of social responsibility to actively help. I hope that every classmate will contribute to our harmony and peace campus! "(Reporter Liu Chang)

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