Focus on the teaching quality of the teaching of disciplines -the second small small of Liuzhi Special Economic Zone carried out the mathematical disciplines' standards

Author:Guizhou Window Time:2022.09.21

Guizhou National Daily (Liu Yu) In order to thoroughly implement the "double reduction" policy, promote the "strong teacher project" at a high quality, focus on the improvement of the quality of education and teaching, and allow teachers to continuously improve classroom teaching methods, and truly stabilize the quality of education and teaching to adapt to the background of the new era. Classroom teaching to create a high -quality new era teacher team. On September 21, the second primary school of Liuzhi Special Economic Zone carried out the mathematical discipline and the standards of the mathematics discipline.

The event was carried out under the organization of the party branch secretary and principal of the school. Teacher Tian Yingping started from the student's "exploration desire" to effectively combine the development of comprehensive practical activities, and use the curriculum resources of student life, social life and other disciplines. The practical activities of dare to guess and dare to do experiments, reflect students' mechanized learning into the activities of science and technology education practice; experience how much 100 million appearances "quantify 100 million" and "imagery of 100 million."

How high is the student's stinging through 100 million pieces of paper? How many rice is 100 million rice? How long is 100 million children gathered? The problem is boldly guessing that the difficulties of the group discussion are difficult to sort out from different angles from 10 pieces of paper, 100 pieces of paper, and 1,000 pieces of paper. There are also emotional sharing and resonance, so that the comprehensive goals of this lesson can be sublimated, helping students to sort out the methods of small subject research, so that students have a strong research atmosphere, confidence, and interest in further research after class after class , Combine inside and outside the class, let students return to life.

Through this teaching activity at the standard, children know the importance of saving every piece of paper, every rice, and every drop of water. Knowing that 100 million is indeed a big one starting from 1. Learning requires little effort, and can finally accumulate less, gather sand into a tower, and move towards greater success. During the event, students also learned a lot of knowledge and abilities that were not available in books and campuses, improved their comprehensive practical ability, cultivated the spirit of cooperation, and also enhanced the communication and learning between teachers. The teaching experience and experience between teachers have obtained barrier -free communication. It is believed that through the development of teaching and research activities, teachers' teaching concepts will be further transformed and updated, and it will further reduce, improve quality, and increase efficiency in teaching.

Editor on duty / Yu Lin Fu Ping Zimeng

Duty head teacher / Wang Xiaochuan

Editor -in -chief on duty / Liu Jiafei

Editor -in -chief on duty / Yang Xiaotian

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