The "small" contract condenses the "big" power of home and school -Shanghai Jianping Experimental Middle School behavior contract education

Author:China Education News Time:2022.09.21

For a long time, "not allowing children to lose on the starting line" has become the creed of many parents, causing students to bear the prematurely overweight academic burden. For a long time, before school, after school, and during the holidays, some students may be academic, extended by the supervision of off -school training institutions under the supervision of off -school training institutions under the control of their parents. Learning and timeout. Under heavy pressure, these students are like small trees on the roadside, and they are crooked before they grow up. How to give play to the role of the school's main position and strengthen the interaction of home and school, so as to effectively reverse the concept of parenting people? In recent years, Shanghai Jianping Experimental Middle School has taken behavioral contract education as the starting point, effectively implemented the "five management" and "dual reduction" policies, and received the effect of both specimens.

Make up the shortcomings and sign a "behavioral contract" with students

In 2019, the school proposed to the entire school's initiative to "have an appointment first, and start with the end" to guide each parent to urge the children to sign and practice a self -improvement and improvement behavior contract to cultivate the child's contract spirit. At the same time, take this opportunity to establish a harmonious parent -child relationship to better promote the education of home and school.

The behavioral contract education refers to the voluntary communication and negotiation of students, parents, and schools under equality and mutual trust, stipulate the behavior of all parties in the form of contracts, and voluntarily accept supervision. The school fully recognizes that equal and mutual trust is the prerequisite for behavior contracts. Therefore, when various links that perform the contract, especially when there are differences, guide teachers, parents, and students to respect each other. Entality.

Considering that each student is good at different fields, there are differences in all aspects. The school guides parents to start from the "five education" based on the child's interests and specialty, find out the shortcomings that need to be supplemented, and set up reasonable goals.

For example, with students who can't control themselves, signing a contract that does not actively affect others inside and outside the school; students who sleep with class and do not do homework at class, sign the contract for the daily quality and quantity to complete the learning tasks; "Little Fat Pier", signed a weekly skipping exercise contract; and the partial student who only loves the number of physics and chemistry, sign a regular participation in the exhibition or appreciation of the concert and write a contract; , Sign a contract to master a new housework every week.

After the implementation of behavior contract education for a period of time, with the help of teachers and parents, many students discovered that in the past, the weakness that they were unwilling to face up were not as terrible at all, and on the basis of this Potential has enhanced self -confidence. Under the guidance of behavioral contract education, the children took a solid step on the road of comprehensive development.

Holding hands in the home and school, let the "five management" take effect

In 2021, the Ministry of Education issued a notice to regulate the mobile phones, sleep, extracurricular reading, homework, and physical health of primary and secondary school students. At that time, some parents raised doubts about how to implement: In order to control the children to play with their mobile phones, they have been fighting their children's wisdom for so long. How does the school teacher care about the child's sleep at home? How should children's physical health be grasped?

In order to dispel parents' concerns, the school combines the content requirements of the "five management" and sets the contract reference template with behavioral contract education. In order to prevent parents from simply reducing student's discipline operations and learning tasks, ignoring the development needs of students, the contract template pays special attention to promoting the comprehensive development of students, guiding students to set up contract targets as needed. Parents and teachers are common contractors. Assist and urge students to achieve their goals.

Students who are obsessed with online chats and play games have signed a mobile phone contract using music and family parent -child forums to replace mobile phones with mobile phones; "Night Elves" who refused to sleep at night and refused to start in the morning, signed a timely completion of learning tasks, sleeping on time, and getting up on time. Sleep contracts; students who are indulged in online novels have signed reading contracts for quantitative reading Chinese and foreign masterpieces every week; they always miss or do "small drags" who do not do their homework. ; The "little bean sprouts" that refuse to move at home and eat and picky at home, signed a health -improvement contract for healthy diet and scientific fitness ...

In order to ensure the effective implementation of the behavior contract, parents accompany their children to practice the contract, overcome the difficulties in the implementation of the contract, and share their experiences in the process of fulfilling the contract. After the joint efforts of home and school, the school's "five management" landed smoothly. In the process of completing the contract goal, the students changed their problems and gained growth.

Consolidate the results and stimulate the internal education of home and school

With the starting point of behavioral contract education, the school's implementation of "double reduction" can be said to be successful. In the process, it has further consolidated the effect of behavioral contract education. While the student's learning burden is reduced, the learning efficiency has been effectively improved. While teachers and parents reduce forcibly supervision, students' initiative to complete the consciousness and independent management ability of learning tasks has been significantly improved.

Behavioral contract education has also made positive changes in the relationship between teachers and students, home schools, and parent -child relationships. The school has continuously harvested unexpected surprises: students' guidance and parent supervision of teachers, strive to implement the contract goals set at the beginning of the semester, and some students gradually learn to learn When self -discipline and abide, they gradually developed good life and learning habits; some students began to understand their parents and realized the importance of changing thinking; some students began to learn to rely on parents and face difficulties independently. All teachers have a leading example to establish a role model for students to practice contracts, and apply the spirit of the contract to teaching practice, improve classroom efficiency and teaching effects, improve the quality of operations, and reduce the burden on students. Parents assume the role of companion, urging and encouraging in each link of the implementation of behavior contract education. No matter what occupation they are engaged in and how busy their work they are, each parent is a firm contract participant and peers, and even the child completes the contract to complete the contract. During the goal, it played a dominant role. What makes people feel gratifying is that a small incision such as behavioral contract has triggered a major change in home -school education. Because of discussing and supervising each other, and completing the contract of the agreement together, the father and son who could not say a few words in the past week, gradually willing to share bits and pieces of learning and work in each other; The relationship between the school has an equality and understanding. Students, parents, and teachers have more reasonable expectations for all parties, smoother conversations with each other, and closer cooperation. The small contract broke a certain deadlock in a silent way, and built an educational ecosystem that complements each other and blend with each other.

The famous German philosopher Yasberis repeatedly mentioned in "What is Education": "The education process is first of all a process of spiritual growth, and then it becomes part of the scientific knowledge." Behavioral contract education is such a promotion of spiritual growth Education model. In other words, the process of changing the behavior of behavioral contract education does not rely on external forces to conduct regular training, but to allow the educated to take the initiative to accept and realize the transformation. Therefore, unlike some external cause -driven education methods, behavior contract education will truly inspire people's internal drivers, awaken their internal subject consciousness, so that each participant can actively complete the task under the constraints of no external force. It is also the basis of behavioral contract education to support the co -education of the home and school and promote the harmonious symbiosis of the home and school.

(The author Li Baiyan is the dean of the Shanghai Pudong Education Development Research Institute, the former principal of Shanghai Jianping Experimental Middle School, and Ye Bin is a teacher of Shanghai Jianping Experimental Middle School)

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