Classic Online | Bao Pengshan speaks of "The Analects": parents in the world have old illnesses (2)

Author:Chinese newspaper Time:2022.09.21

In these chapters of "The Analects of Confucius", I have repeatedly said that filial piety is very important in the culture of Confucianism, but it is by no means the core.

In the first part of the Analects, Confucius also said that Confucius said that adoptive parents are not the most important, and respect for parents is the most important thing. Well, this chapter talks again. In fact, Confucius is talking about how to really go to filial piety from his parents, making your parents feel your filial piety and respect for him.

It is actually not so important today. Most people can enjoy the elderly treatment given by society and the country in modern society. Therefore, the important thing is no longer to raise, but respect.

Similarly, "something is wrong, disciples serve their work; there are wine and food, sir," it is no longer important. Today there are many service agencies in society, volunteers, and "labor" is not difficult today. Where is it? Difficult to face the face of the child.

In the previous chapter, Confucius talked about "respect". This chapter Confucius talked "color", and respect must be colored. There must be a good face, you need to respect in your heart. Therefore, "color difficulty". The face is difficult, it is not because of raising, it is difficult to respect, respect.

Let's take a look at a story recorded by Mencius. This story is very interesting. It is about Zeng Zi, Zengzi's father and Zengzi's son. This is the story of the three generations of Zeng's family.

When Zeng Zi was filial piety to his father, Zeng Xi, "there must be wine and meat", every meal he must prepare wine and meat for his father. When my father finished eating and to bring these leftovers, Zeng Zi will definitely ask his father: "Who do you want to give?" Then, according to the father's wishes Others go to eat.

To make an explanation here, today we do not eat things leftovers. However, this is not the case in ancient times, especially the exquisite foods such as wine and meat. Others can't finish it. If who wants to give it, it is a great gift to others. Therefore, every time Zeng Xi finished eating, the rest of the things he wanted to give to the person he wanted to eat. Zeng Gang knew that his father had such a will, so he must ask his father every time. If Zeng Xi has to ask, "Is there any extra in the kitchen?" Zeng Shen would definitely say, "Yes. You can rest assured." Why do you want to ask if there is an extra? Those who have extra may Zeng Xi also want to take it out for others. This is the practice of Zeng Gin.

When Zeng Xi died, Zeng Gang, Zeng Gin's son Zeng Yuan was different when he was filial piety. Zeng Yuanxiao Zengzi is also "there must be wine and meat" per meal. The two are the same. The difference is that when Zeng Yuan took the rest of Zeng Zi, he

No longer ask his father who wants to give for the rest. If Zeng attended his son Zeng Yuan, is there any in the kitchen? Then Zeng Yuan would say, gone. Why is it gone? Because he was unwilling to let his father give these things to others, he had to keep the next meal for his father.

Mencius made a comparison of the attitude and practices of Zeng Gong and Zeng Yuan's father and son. He said that Zeng Zixiao's father was called Yangzhi; Zeng Yuanxiao's father was just nourishing and raising his mouth.

Why did Zeng Zishun Zeng Xi call for his will? Because Zeng will respect Zeng Xi's wishes, I not only let you eat well, but also give you the rest you want to give you the rest of the people who want to give. You see, two actions, raising your body, letting you eat; at the same time, you must also satisfy your wishes, satisfy your will, what you want, what I do.

The previous chapter talks about "respect", it is not easy to do it. This chapter talks about "color", which is actually more difficult. Sometimes we are impatient even if we are respectful. There is a saying in the folk that there is no filial son in front of the sick bed. It is difficult to have filial sons for a long time. It does not mean that children will abandon the elderly, no longer come to the elderly, and even have no respect for the elderly in their hearts. It often means that it is difficult for children to maintain a pleasant and respectful look at this time. Essence

Confucius told this sentence really understanding humanity. Who can we maintain a respectful and loving face in front of the elderly parents' bed? This is really a big challenge to humanity.

But at the same time, we say that Confucius is difficult to talk about color, and requires us to maintain a pleasant and harmonious face even when we are impatient, even at the bedside of the elderly parents. A deep sympathy and understanding from the heart.

Difficulty is because we have weaknesses in human nature, but it is difficult to maintain it, because the parents of the old illness need our respect from the heart. They are very fragile at this time. Our unpleasant face, a little uncomfortable and impatient face may cause them to be deeply hurt.

These two words not only understand the weaknesses of human nature, but also reflect Confucius' compassion for the elderly on the world. Parents in the world have old illnesses, but children in the world also have a impatient day. The difficulty of parents is an inevitable old illness of everyone, and the difficulties of their children in the persistence and patience of the day.

We must be considerate of our parents' difficulties, that is the helplessness of life; but we also lament the difficulties of our children, which is a understanding of children.

Life is alive, how many troubles are there, and if you taste these, you will be more tolerant. A "color difficulty" of Confucius is both the requirements for their children, but also tolerance for their children, or comfort and compassion for their parents. A "color difficulty" is Confucius' compassion for the world.

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