Support to encourage private enterprises to play the role of employment capacity, and do this for education systems | Moby to promote employment

Author:Educational education Time:2022.09.21

Private enterprises, especially small and medium -sized enterprises, are important channels for employment of college graduates. In order to further promote market -oriented and social employment, the Ministry of Education cooperated with relevant departments to support and encourage private enterprises to stabilize their posts, and to actively guide college graduates to employment in small and medium -sized enterprises. Look with education ———

Focus on policy leadership

In May, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Notice on Further Doing a Between Young Employment and Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurs such as graduates such as universities", which clearly supports small and medium -sized enterprises to attract more employment of college graduates, and give social insurance subsidies, expand subsidies, entrepreneurial guarantees in accordance with regulations Support policies such as loans and discounts, taxes and fees and exemption.

The Ministry of Education guides the provincial education department to make good use of the coordination mechanism of the leading group of education work, and take the initiative to implement the policy and implementation with relevant local departments.

Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

SMEs who recruit college graduates in Ningxia will deduct relevant taxes and fees in accordance with the number of people per person per year within 3 years. 10,000 yuan entrepreneurial guarantee loan.


Hainan gives a one -time one -time employment subsidy for one -time employment subsidy to the college graduates and small and micro enterprises that meet the relevant conditions.

Development position resources

The Ministry of Education organized the implementation of the special operation of the "Secretary of the Secretary of the University" to tap more post resources for graduates. As of July 26, 2371 colleges and universities and presidents across the country visited 114,000 units through field visits and video conferences to expand 23.92 million employment positions for graduates.

The Ministry of Education, together with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, carried out the "Hundred Days of Recruitment of SMEs". The event attracted 2036 companies to participate, and a total of 107,000 recruitment positions were released.

The Ministry of Education will carry out the "private enterprise colleges and universities to promote employment actions" with the National Federation of Industry and Commerce, and consolidate the joint effort of employment.

Guizhou Province

The Guizhou Provincial Department of Education and the Guidam Federation of the Gui Merchants will do a good job of cooperation with the "school meeting" and "school -enterprise" cooperation, and establish a new mechanism for cooperation between private enterprises to recruit on campus.

Zhejiang Province

The Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education and the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce jointly formulated an action plan. This year, more than 1,600 private enterprises were mobilized to gather more than 23,000 jobs.

School -enterprise precise docking

Give full play to the role of 100,000 full -time employment staff and graduate counselors of the education system, and guide graduates to build their respective business in private enterprises.

The 42 "Internet+Employment Guidance" public welfare live class with the themes such as "broadening employment channels" and "changing employment concepts" was held to watch more than 120 million people.

Start the implementation of the "Thousands of Enterprises Entering Campus" and invite enterprises to enter the school to hold offline job fairs.

Give full play to the advantages of employment on online platforms. This year, the Ministry of Education has upgraded and launched the "National College Student Employment Service Platform". As of July 24, the platform has brought together 12.08 million various types of post resources.

The "supply and demand docking employment and education" project has been launched to launch widespread participation in private enterprises. This year, 291 employers and 6,381 projects declared by 1271 colleges and universities have completed the first batch of projects. In the second half of the year, the second batch of project collection and release will be launched.

Yunnan Province

The Yunnan Education Department organized a private enterprise offline job fair for private enterprises, with a total of more than 25,000 private enterprises.

Mastery to promote employment

The National Office issued a document to further do a good job of young people such as college graduates and other young employment and entrepreneurship

Minister of Education Huai Jinpeng: Do your best to do a good job in the employment of college graduates in the state of "100 days sprint"

Serve the village revitalization! All universities in various places guide college graduates to start a business at grassroots officers

Nearly 800,000 graduates have been trained.

Precise policy, set sail graduates' employment dream

Expansion of space, strong training, guarantee ... schools in various places guide college graduates to build merits at the grassroots level

Encourage college graduates to teach at grass -roots schools, and schools in various places do so

Help graduate employment "round dreams", universities do so

Specialized recruitment, special training, special assistance ... For graduates for employment difficulties, the education system does this

Help colleges and universities graduate employment.

Raise millions of employment trainees! This helps college graduates from employment in various places

Take platforms, assign mentors, policies ... Fully escort college graduates from all over the country

7 departments issued a document: Do a good job of the development of scientific research assistant positions, absorb the employment of graduates of 2022 colleges and universities

线 All the contract process is completed online! The Ministry of Education opened a nationwide college graduate online signing platform

3 departments issued a document to do a good job of publishing jobs in urban and rural grassroots graduates in colleges and universities

Facing the epidemic, colleges and universities fight such a good "employment" battle

@业: job information, employment opportunities ... Don't miss these employment help

These policies are "refueling bags" to help graduates employment

@, Employment and entrepreneurship in the community, there are these support measures

In order to employment of graduates, they work together

Employment roads, universities and universities in various places to help "do" ...

The Ministry of Education requires all universities to do everything possible to promote the employment of college graduates, and further standardize the statistical work of employment

Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance: In 2022, 67,000 special post teachers are recruited nationwide

Guide college graduates to employment and entrepreneurship in urban and rural communities. The latest notice of the four departments comes

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Education issued a document, requiring the public recruitment of kindergarten teachers in primary and secondary schools in 2022 to do this to do the "private enterprise universities to promote employment action"

Ministry of Education@教育: Fully develop and use scientific research assistants' positions to absorb graduate employment

Carry out employment ability training for key groups!The Ministry of Education implemented the "Hongzhi Airlines Plan" in 2022

The Ministry of Education launched the employment promotion of college graduates week and the "100 -day sprint" activity

The Ministry of Education@教育 教育 教育 教育, visit the enterprise to promote employment together!

8 departments join forces to create 2 million high -quality employment opportunities for college graduates

The Ministry of Education and other five departments jointly promoted the employment of college students. The 2022 "National employment action" came!

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