Physical exercise, eye exercises, labor practice ... The 127th Middle School of Urumqi City is not lacking Time:2022.09.20

Tianshan News (Reporter Shen Zuxiao Report) Physical exercise, eye health exercises, labor practice ... Since launching online teaching, teachers of 127th Middle School in Urumqi have not been taught, all arrangements for learning, exercise, and eye health exercises to ensure that students are taught online on online lectures. No shortage.

At 9:50 on September 19th, Shi Yifan, a sixth -year student in the school, sat in front of the computer on time and was ready to class. The first section is a math class. Teacher Zhao Yingying will teach the chapter of "Score Multipmentual". At a 30 -minute class, Shi Yifan reminded himself to focus on his attention and listen carefully.

"Although it is no more interactive than in the classroom, I will often throw problems, interact with students, and understand their online learning status in real time." Before each class, Zhao Yingying will arrange preparation for students and arrange questions. Let students understand the content of class the next day in advance to achieve high -efficiency classrooms.

On September 19, Qiao Chuxuan (right), a student of 127th Middle School in Urumqi City, exercised with his family. Pomegranate cloud/Xinjiang Daily reporter Shen Zuxiao Photo

During the online teaching period, the teaching and research group of 127th Middle School in Urumqi City formulated a weekly teaching plan to organize teachers to prepare lessons and mill lessons. The team leader of the teaching and research team prompts the difficulty and focus of the chapters of the textbooks in each grade, so that the teachers can flexibly arrange teaching content in teaching, explain the difficulties in depth, and ensure the quality of the curriculum.

"In addition to the establishment of the national prescribed courses, the school also adds courses such as art appreciation, parent -child games, psychological counseling, labor practice, exercise and other courses to allow children to study and live and interest at home.

"Eye health exercises, now start, close their eyes ..." Xu Yatong, a student in class (4), sat in front of the desk. With the music of eye health exercises from the computer, he followed the instructions to do it carefully.

Xu Yatong said that in addition to daily eye health exercises, the teachers of each get out of class will remind everyone to stand up and look at the green scenery, and relax.

In order to ensure the combination of students' work and rest and protect their vision, the low -section of the school in the school is 20 minutes per class, and the middle and middle school students are 30 minutes per class.

"During the online teaching period, 30 minutes of eye health exercises and class exercise time are arranged every morning and afternoon. Sexual courses are mainly to minimize students' time to look at the electronic screen.

On September 19, Bai Haoyang, a student of 127th Middle School in Urumqi, checked with his family after class. Pomegranate cloud/Xinjiang Daily reporter Shen Zuxiao Photo

The physical exercise activities designed by physical education teachers have become the content that students expect. According to the characteristics of the school section, students are required to complete physical exercise programs such as skipping rope, premature flexion, sit -ups, high legs raising legs, and opening and closing squat jumps.

"In order to ensure the training of our home physical fitness, the school launched home sports online activities, and physical education teachers took students to do sports." Student Zhan Xiaomeng said.

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