The method of class teacher 22 management class behaviors is too practical

Author:China Education News Time:2022.09.20

Education, the most taboo, has a strong temper, not only hurts the body, but also has nothing to do. However, as long as you encounter class discipline, there will always be "small flames" to ride upwards without control.

Many young teachers are distressed by this: Today, there are students who read extra -curricular books in class. Tomorrow will make a pot of porridge in the study class. The day after tomorrow, there will be no disciplinary behavior that you can't think of, no students can't do.

When a disciplinary problem occurs in the class, is there a better solution in addition to the punishment of fire? These 22 methods can help you, learn together.


Pay attention to emotional investment

There is such a famous saying: "Students don't care how much you know, let them know how much you care about them." Although you don't need to be a close friend with them. Use the time of the pre -class and after class to communicate with students, showing that you are really interested in their lives.

Of course, this may take time, but many successful teachers know the importance of maintaining a good teacher -student relationship with students. As long as you continue to invest in maintaining the feelings of teachers and students, you will always be rewarded for this.


Try your bottom line

This kind of tentative manifestation is a variety of violations of discipline (whispering, small difference, etc.), which is a test of your classroom management ability. You need to keep calm and give appropriate reactions in time, but do not over -react.


Guarantee the continuity of the teaching process

This means that teachers and students go all out, every student focuses on, and the entire teaching process is intense and orderly. However, there are inevitably various emergencies during the teaching process, such as the sound of birds and sudden knocks.

Sometimes, teachers will inadvertently break the continuity of teaching, such as audiovisual digital devices are not ready, the teaching aids are dislocated, and they are stopped to find, stopped criticizing students who violate discipline. Sudden events broke the normal teaching order, and the classrooms were chaotic. Teachers need to re -evoke the attention of students and spend a lot of time to restore the original teaching rhythm. Teachers especially need to note that from one teaching activity to another teaching activity, we must try their best to maintain stability to ensure the continuity of the entire process.


Guarantee classroom fun

Let students participate in the entire teaching process to ensure the fun, organicity, and teaching rhythm of teaching content, which can effectively reduce classroom behavior problems.

Most students who do not follow discipline are mostly reactions to tedious and boring teaching. Of course, even if they are preparing a full teacher, there are disciplinary issues, but the degree is relatively light. In addition, fast -paced teaching is easier to attract students' attention.


State your discipline and requirements positively

Some teachers are accustomed to asking students not to do anything, and rarely consider what students do. This negative requirement is often not efficient, don't expect students to guess your intentions.

To give students higher standards (including academic and classroom behaviors), although students are difficult to exceed your requirements, they generally do not violate your standards.


The key to the rules is to execute

You need to control your classroom.

But there is no need to set up restrictions on students everywhere. Put the class rules in the obvious place of the classroom.


Maintain students' self -esteem

Avoid confrontation with students, in the long run, this confrontation will not be a winner.

If you have different opinions with students, communicate as much as possible. Don't criticize the wrong students in front of other students.


Make your eyes exercise

View contact is the most powerful weapon to maintain classroom order.

Through timely contact, about 80%of potential violations can be stopped. Every time you only need to focus on 4-5 students, keep it for four or five seconds, and then transfer your eyes to another group of students. Most teachers rarely pay attention to students sitting in the remote class of the classroom, and students who do not follow discipline like to sit there.


Maintain normal teaching order

Some researchers mentioned that the teacher's head must have a pair of eyes behind, and they can always know what the classroom is happening.

For example, when participating in group activities, it is very difficult to face other students in the classroom while sitting on lectures and supervising the whole class. It is best to talk about walking around the classroom. Effective teachers seem to have a special sense of sixth, and they can foresee the problems to occur at any time and stop them in time.


Adhere to the principle of gradual upgrading

When the initial strategy does not work, more powerful measures can be taken; if a stronger measure is invalid, it is meaningless to take a gentle way.

If the student does not correct him (her), you need to take further measures at this time to approach him (her) and stand next to his (her) desk. This will not cause other students to be affected, thereby maintaining the continuity of the teaching process.


Borrow the power of silence

When contacting students, we should keep silent. Silence is power, and learn to use it effectively.

After each instruction is issued, stop for a moment and take a few deep breaths. This can keep you calm, and leave the time to reflect and realize your mistakes. If you feel need to take further upgrade behaviors, before upgrading, take a deep breath and stop for a moment, and consider whether there is a need to upgrade.

Avoid loud reprimation or humiliation, doing so will only cause students to hate you and make other students sympathize with students who violate discipline. You do not need students' hostility and fear of you, nor do you need to fall into a strong conflict. 12

Make a choice

The mild problem and the problem that cannot be determined at that time can be dealt with later, which will also win the time for you and consider better solutions.


To solve discipline issues by adjusting the position

If there are several students in the class sitting together and often colluding to destroy discipline, re -arrange their seats, and separate those who violate disciplines. You can do very cleverly without exposing your true intention.

For example, the number of reporting methods is used to re -group the students, divide the discipline in different groups, and then arrange different groups to sit in different areas of the classroom, so as to separate the troublemaker far away.



The error behavior is unacceptable, but do not deny students. Strict and full of love. When students do a good behavior, they should propose praise in a timely manner. After the students corrected bad behaviors, they should be encouraged.


Concentrate to formulate management procedures

For example: how to manage procedures, distribution and collection of learning supplies, leave for leave.


Don't stick to the failed label

Help them realize: each of us may make mistakes, and at the same time, we also have the obligation to learn from the errors.


Do not punish the whole class because of a student

Innocent students will be treated unfairly. Doing this will only lead to the students (may also include student parents) standing on your opposite side.


Follow and appreciation

Provide students with opportunities so that they can get attention through appropriate behavior performance.


Prepare "Elastic" operation activities

Such as: "brain storm", riddle, review game, etc. of the group. When an emergency occurs, let students do these homework.


Don't easily call the parents of the student to the school

If you do this frequently, you can only show that your classroom management is wrong. The results of this show that it can only lead to more serious and frequent bad behaviors.

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Private discussion

Help students analyze the essence and cause of the problem, and allow students to express personal opinions.

Help students formulate plans, sign a teacher -student contract, and gradually correct bad behaviors. Avoid speech attacks.

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Seek help from others

If there are some problems that make you feel tricky, actively solicit others' suggestions, and consult your principal, experienced teachers, school psychologists, and school consultants. They may have encountered the same problem as you.

Many parties seek different views, learn lessons from their failed experiences, and learn their successful experience. If you can ask them, they will also have a sense of accomplishment.

Source | Teacher Gang

Editor in charge | Li Zi

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