AIDS's special lectures entered the third middle school of Zhuzhou City, and the freshman freshman collected a "health gift package"

Author:Zhuzhou News Network Time:2022.09.19

Zhuzhou News Network, September 19 (Reporter Xiang Rong) On the afternoon of September 19th, the "Ai Seasonless Sharing Health" adolescent health and AIDS special lectures entered the third middle school of Zhuzhou City, attracting more than 540 high school in high school New students listen carefully and interact positively. The event was jointly organized by Shifeng District Disease Control and Control Center and Zhuzhou Angel House Social Work Service Center (China Qing Ai Engineering Hunan Zhuzhou City Base).

Lecture site

China Qing Ai Engineering Hunan Zhuzhou Base Public Welfare Lecturer lecturer, Zhuzhou Disease Prevention and Control Center, Leico, in charge, Li Feng. Let students refuse "ignorant" and further understand the knowledge of adolescent health and AIDS prevention.

Li Feng's lecture

The unprepared office of the Shifeng District People's Procuratorate emphasized in the lecture that the "Opinions on the Establishment of the Ceremony of the Cases of the Minor Cases" stipulated in the 9 cases specified in the compulsory report. Fan Fuhua, the director of the District People's Procuratorate, said: "I hope to improve the self -protection awareness of minors through this activity and enhance self -protection capabilities. Once the relevant situation is required, the school teachers and students must report or report to the public security organs."

Wang Liang, a freshman in the first grade, said: "The theme of the lecture is very special and meaningful. The content and form of the lecture are not boring and interesting, so that you can quickly and clearly grasp the relevant health knowledge."

Wu Haixiong, vice president of Zhuzhou Third Middle School, delivered a speech

Lecture site

“本次讲座,让高一新生们初步掌握在日常生活中如何正确预防艾滋病,让学生收获'健康大礼包',推动学校健康教育工作发展。 ”株洲市第三中学副校长吴海雄表示,多年来The school's normalization of life education, health education, and safety education, eliminating campus violence, preventing sexual assault damage, and committed to promote the healthy development of students' physical and mental health.

AIDS Prevention Propaganda Knowledge

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