Teacher Development Center held the 97th teaching salon

Author:Dalian University of Technolog Time:2022.09.19


On the evening of September 16th, the 97th teaching salon of the Teacher Development Center was held through an online meeting. The event invited Professor Hu Yue, director of the School Psychological Health Education and Consultation Center as the guest speakers, and surrounded by more than 70 teachers from the school and outside. The theme of "Teacher Stress Regulation and Response in the epidemic" communicates.

Professor Hu Yue focuses on the changes in society and campuses in the epidemic. From the perspective of survival and life, it guides everyone to realize that survival is the first essential of life, and the life under the epidemic is a life education course. She analyzed multiple pressures such as teaching and scientific research, interpersonal communication, parent -child relationships faced by teachers under the epidemic, and pointed out that many existing lifestyles are destined to be changed. Negative emotions such as anxiety, panic and depression.

Professor Hu Yue introduced the law of Jeax Dodson, that is, when the pressure level exceeds the peak, the work efficiency will continue to decrease with the increase in intensity. Excessive pressure will even cause irreversible physiological crisis. Survey the fatigue period and maintain a good physical and mental state. She also combines the three stages of stress and adaptation of the three stages of alertness, resistance, and failure, so that everyone can learn the physical and mental reactions caused by stress such as epidemic situation. In the end, Professor Hu Yue started to share psychological adjustment and response methods with everyone from accepting reality, changing cognition, and establishing positive defense mechanisms.

The World Health Organization issued a report in March this year that during the global popularity period, the new crown epidemic increased the mental pressure of people in various places. Increased psychological crisis in the epidemic was a "invisible" challenge that every country had to face. During the epidemic, college teachers should shoulder the responsibility of "non -stop teaching, non -stop schooling, non -stop research", and at the same time face the students' ideological confusion, guide students to treat the psychological pressure caused by the epidemic and overcome the epidemic. In this issue, the online salon invites experts to teach self -regulation methods and skills, enhance the psychological adaptation ability during the epidemic situation of first -tier teachers, alleviate psychological pressure, and the activities have been well received by the participating teachers.

News source: Dalian Polytechnic News Network

Edit: Ji Ying Ce

School pair: Li Yixun

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