The "three measures" of Fuquan City will improve the scientific management level of civil servants

Author:Yunqiannan Time:2022.09.19

In recent years, Fuquan City has effectively improved the scientific management level of civil servants through strict entrance and exit, consolidating training and training, and prominent assessment and evaluation, laying a solid foundation for the construction of high -quality professional civil servants.

Strictly put the entry and exit "excellent structure". Strictly care about the work of the fourth -level joint entrance examination, the targeted recruitment of all aspects of the selection, strictly put the import of civil servants, based on the needs of career development, strictly grasp the qualification conditions, and conscientiously do a good job of civil servant transfer. Since 2019, a total of 182 civil servants (selected students) have been hired, and 89 enterprises and institutions who have performed excellent and outstanding performance have been appointed to the civil servants' leadership positions. The age and academic structure of the civil servants have been further optimized, and their strength has been continuously enhanced. Strictly follow the relevant regulations of the Civil Service Law and resign from the public office, do a good job in the withdrawal of civil servants, remind strictly abide by the regulations of the industry, and urge the post -retirement behavior. Vigorously strengthen the construction of township cadre teams. After the service period of the township organs expires, it will be exchanged to the municipal departments to cultivate and exercise, or recommend it to the provincial and state departments to study. At the same time, in order to broaden the perspective of cadres, promote the growth of cadres, and strengthen the construction of the cadre team, for some outstanding civil servants, after meeting the qualifications, it will timely select to enter the township leadership team.

Cadres in Shuanggu Village, Shuanggu Village, Jinshan Street, Fuquan City helping farmers

Consolidate the "quality" of training and exercise. Strengthen organizational guarantee, and orderly promote the theoretical education of civil servants and party spirit education. Deepen leading cadres to the podium, so that leading cadres who have good teaching quality and students 'evaluation excellence have increased their practical background for theoretical training classrooms, and effectively promote the improvement of civil servants' political theory. I have introduced policy documents such as inspiring relevant personnel to work in the village and founding enterprises in the village leadership, and accurately select cadres to cultivate the first -line training and exercise work such as poverty alleviation, rural revitalization, and project construction. Since 2019, a total of more than 500 civil servants have taken root in the grass -roots level to carry out assistance and work in the village to work to provide strong organizational guarantees for the decisive battle and the orderly implementation of rural revitalization. Aiming at the problems of young cadres' vision of work, thinking and planning and planning work stations are not high, and comprehensively use the "upper+down -hanging" method to select outstanding young civil servants in a targeted manner to the provincial, state counterparts, townships, and enterprises to exercise exercise. , Improve the level of business capabilities. At the same time, carry out training courses for various capabilities and quality improvement, and help civil servants to improve their professional capabilities and broaden their working ideas through "going out+introduction", and reserve a group of outstanding young cadres for Jianqiang civil servants.

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Highlight the "strict management" of assessment and evaluation. Focusing on the key tasks such as rural revitalization, epidemic prevention and control, and major project construction, do a good job of investigating the performance of civil servants' performance, increase the evaluation of the evaluation and evaluation, and earnestly implement the tilt work. Civil servants compete with each other. Formulate policy documents such as the "Implementation Plan on the Forming and identification of cadres in the first line of poverty alleviation", and increase the inspection and identification of the first -tier civil servants of key tasks, and to give priority to the promotion of use or promotion of the level of civil servants with excellent performance in front line, outstanding performance, and recognized by the masses. , Stimulate the majority of civil servants to actively act as a role and start a business. Since 2019, it has been promoted to reuse or promotes 640 civil servants. Strengthen supervision and assessment, take the work of poverty alleviation, rural revitalization and other work as a key content, introduce the annual target assessment methods and the usual assessment methods of civil servants, and carry out daily supervision and investigation through centralized inspections, visits and investigations, democratic evaluation and other forms. Further implement the community behavior supervision mechanism of the "eight hours" of public officials, do a good job of supervision of civil servants at multiple angles, and urge civil servants to play a role of demonstration in life.

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