Anhui Engineering University explores the road of innovative application -oriented talent training -out of the university out of industrial engineers

Author:China Education News Time:2022.09.19

Economic development and industrial upgrading should be based on talents. How can university students get out of the school gate to meet the needs of the industry?

As a local engineering college, Anhui Engineering University used industrial needs to reverse the design talent training plan, and explored a set of distinctive industrial engineers talent training model.

"We explore the road of talent training based on industrial, professional, employment, and entrepreneurship, and formed a new ecology of talent training models with integration of industry, professionalism, courses, and teachers. Question. "From the perspective of Ye Changlin, vice president of the school, the school's adhering to the school for many years is an important weight for local universities to achieve high -quality connotative development at the moment.

"Construction" on the industrial chain

In recent years, Anhui University of Engineering has actively optimized the strategic emerging fields and future cutting -edge field majors, and took the lead in launching the construction of "New Engineering". Emerging majors are built on the industrial chain.

With a group of fresh "IP" in the mobile Internet, the Internet of Things, and cloud computing, the traditional majors such as information management and information systems still adhere to the original teaching routines, causing the graduates to "not apply" the "unsuitable" problem after the enterprise. How to solve the contradiction between talent supply and demand? The school's data science and big data technology major came into being.

"We actively cope with the changes from information management to big data applications, and grasp the logic of not conflicting information, knowledge and intelligence production methods and information chain logic of big data in essence. According to the characteristics of data, information, and knowledge Professional transformation and adjustment to meet the needs of social talents in society. "Wang Jun, Dean of the School of Computer and Information, introduced that as early as September 2018, the school's data science and big data technology majors ushered in the first student.

The new major is like a dark horse killing the siege, and the improvement of the quality of the students' employment. Wang Jun proudly revealed that according to incomplete investigation, after professional adjustment, the distribution of student employment positions has expanded from pure software development, e -commerce and other industries to financial enterprises, artificial intelligence enterprises, industrial enterprises and other industries. In terms of salary, the proportion of income files of less than 5,000 yuan a monthly salary has dropped from 25%to 9%, and the proportion of income files of more than 7,000 yuan has increased from 62.5%before adjustment to 77.9%.

Teaching integration workshop to "live" knowledge

"College teachers generally exist from schools to school, and lack of corporate practical backgrounds. How to solve it? The best way is to give them a lesson of 'corporate training'." Zhou Xiaohong, director of the school's Academic Affairs Office, said that in the past three years The school has selected 251 teachers to work in the enterprise, which effectively improves the practical ability of teachers' engineering.

Open the "Methods of Teachers to Enterprises and Institutions in Anhui Engineering University", "Teachers enter the enterprise and enter the workshop, strengthen the professional application and engineering practical ability of teachers, promote teachers to participate in social practice exercises, so as to build a strong practical ability and The provisions of technical innovation capabilities of high -quality teachers "came into view.

Yuan Yiming, a teacher of the School of Electrical Engineering, is the beneficiary of this move.

In the past, some of the contents of the textbooks were relatively abstract, the formula derivation was more interpreted, and there were some difficulties in learning and understanding of students. Through the experience of corporate exercise, Yuan Yiming mastered a large number of new engineering cases. In the class, she introduced the actual solution of engineering problems to assist in teaching. For example, "aircraft video noise removal of actual engineering application" not only solves the difficulties of students 'understanding, but also greatly improves students' learning interest and the ability to solve practical engineering problems. Essence

"The teaching problem that has troubled me for a long time has been solved in this way." Yuan Yiming said happily.

Cultivate the most need for enterprises

With the continued deepening of the industry chain in the training plan, the cultivation of practical talents has become the focus of joint attention of enterprises in colleges and industrial chains.

On the basis of sorting out and summing up practical experience, Anhui Engineering University has formed a professional setting and structural adjustment mechanism for "early warning, reducing recruitment, stopping, renovation, and revocation" of industrial needs and employment quality at the school level, and allows enterprises to actively participate in participation Come in.

Taking the local pillar industry and emerging industries in the aspects of knowledge, abilities, and quality as the ruler, the school's reverse design professional talent training goals, optimize the talent training plan, and follow the "entry subjects, laboratories, teams, and competitions. "Entering the enterprise", the "five -way and three -way" model of "personalization, small class, and mentorization" is carried out by talent training, and the "title class" is the typical representative of this educational concept.

Talking about the Chery's title class in the School of Mechanical Engineering, local companies clapped their hands and praised. When at school, the class took students as a "preparatory engineer". In March 2021, the first Chery Excellence Engineer training class was officially opened. All courses were taught by high -level enterprises, technical backbones, and front -line engineers. In the graduation design link, the school -enterprise parties will jointly guide students to graduate.

The school college students' employment and entrepreneurship guidance center believes that in addition to solving the problem of inconsistency of unreasonable needs of colleges and corporate talents, the title classes also allow students to truly realize rational and autonomous career planning.

According to the person in charge of the School Student Employment and Entrepreneurship Guidance Center, after investigation and understanding, graduates participating in campus recruitment generally care about future career development and salary and benefits. It is difficult for students to get comprehensive answers by the introduction of job fairs. In addition, the psychological gap caused by the three -month -old pre -job training has led many students to leave the job before they joined the job. "Enterprises involve in the training link of talent training in advance, and school -enterprise co -teaching will make students know more about the enterprise and clearer the future career goals." With the "tubes and jade" of Chery Class, the names of enterprises have sprung up after the rain. This year, Anhui Engineering University plans to open 12 titled classes. Under the demonstration effect, the pace of deep integration of schools and enterprises has become more firm.

Professional and industry "go to two -way" to empower each other and achieve win -win. "In the next step, Anhui Engineering University, as the first batch of" People's City Construction Partners 'in Wuhu City, will follow the positioning of the "talent pool, technology library, ideological library' and 'industrial chain, professional chain, innovation chain'. Create a talent training base that is compatible with the economic and social development of Wuhu City, and technological innovation, and cultural innovation. "Ye Changlin said. (Reporter Fang Mengyu Correspondent Cha Guiyi)

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