Liu Haijuan: Avenue to Jane Seeking True Nourishment

Author:Langfang Daily Full Media Time:2022.09.19

Liu Haijuan reporter Jia Minglei Photo

Liu Haijuan, a teacher in Gu'an County Fifth Middle School, engaged in education for more than 20 years. She was pregnant with education dreams, interpreting her persistence and diligence, and performed wonderful and touching. She believes that the mission of education is to clearly understand educational ideas, master educational methods through effective channels, and let the way of studying and teaching returning to the most true appearance.

In 2018, Liu Haijuan, who had just arrived at Gu'an 5th Middle School, was led by the school and set up a county -level primary school math master studio.秉持“专心研'数'·诚心育才”的教育理念,刘海娟组织工作室成员潜心研究数学教学技巧,并结合“双减”政策,关注教育教学效率的最优化,立足学生的终身发展,找到It is suitable for educational paths that are suitable for students' reality and development requirements.

In the process of teaching, Liu Haijuan attaches particular attention to the cultivation of students' thinking ability, allows students to try to do mental surfing topics, train students' thinking agility and creativity, and use practical problems to expand students' thinking space and the flexibility of solving problems. sex. In the review phase, the thinking map tool is used to integrate fragmented knowledge into a systematic knowledge module to improve students' understanding and memory of knowledge points.

"As an important leader in the basic education stage, primary school teachers need to practice lifelong learning concepts with their own actual actions." Liu Haijuan actively participated in training activities such as lectures, observation courses, learned the methods of experts, conversed with experts, reflected on himself, reflected himself on himself, reflected on himself, and reflected himself. The classrooms and leading the studio members actively write reflection, form a reflection set, and share their experience with teachers from other schools, so that everyone will bring up the education dream together.

Liu Haijuan believes that only by educating the original intention of education and educating and teaching can we shoulder the mission of teaching and educating people. Over the years, she has deeply realized that the "good" of good teachers is not only reflected in teaching level, teaching ability, but also in ideological quality and ethics.

In June this year, Liu Haijuan's mother entered the hospital for illness. Liu Haijuan took care of her mother during the day, took care of her mother at night, and insisted on the end of the semester. She was infected with a large number of young teachers.

Liu Haijuan uses the famous teacher studio as the platform to form a studio style of "diligence, music, and academic". Teaching effect. (Reporter Jia Minglei editor Zhang Hongxu)

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