At the age of 52, he was confirmed in turns!Whose educational resources did he "waste"?

Author:Journal of China Science Time:2022.09.19

Text | "China Science News" trainee reporter Li Sihui

Recently, when the Vocational and Technical College of Wuhan, Hubei was welcomed, the 52 -year -old freshman was on the hot search by the teacher's "abnormal" by the teacher's "abnormal". Some people think that it is very inspirational to live when it is old and is worth learning. Some people believe that middle -aged and elderly people go to college not only waste educational resources, but also squeeze the opportunity of young people. What should we think about this?

First of all, the current college entrance examination admission system in my country is not limited to the age of admission. In addition to special enrollment forms such as military academies, police schools, and academy of the Academy of Aeronautics, most of the colleges and universities in my country do not have the age threshold for admission.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Education, the total number of higher education in my country exceeds 44.3 million, and the population of higher education has reached 240 million. In 2021, higher education gross enrollment rates reached 57.8%. China's higher education entered the world -recognized popularization stage.

Entering the stage of popularization means that the university is more open and tolerant. No matter what age, as long as they have the aspirations of their studies, they have learning conditions and ability, they will enjoy fair education opportunities. Whether it is 22 or 52, or 72, as long as it reaches the college admission score, it has the right to go to college. Others have no right to interfere.

Secondly, middle -aged and elderly people go to college to "waste resources". All social resources, including educational resources, are serving people in the final analysis. Only by continuously meeting the people's legitimate and positive needs can social resources generate value. Take higher education resources as an example.

In the 1980s and 1990s, my country had limited the age of college entrance examinations and universities. It was based on the lack of educational resources at that time and could not meet the temporary measures that the number of scholars needed to take. In order to improve the level of national education and meet the needs of the public to accept higher education, the state strives to expand the scale of higher education and make large educational resources.

By April 3, 2001, the Ministry of Education officially announced a new measure of the reform of the college entrance examination and enrollment system, that is, the restrictions on the cancellation of candidates from the college entrance examination from 2001 to cancel the candidates' "unmarried and not more than 25 years old". This measure seemed to be shocked, but it was far -reaching -it pushed the door to the university for tens of millions of scholars.

Today, the gate of higher education in my country is open for scholars at all ages. The college enrollment does not depend on age and achieve results. It is admitted in turn according to the high or low scores of the college entrance examination, showing its tolerance, openness and fairness. This is exactly a manifestation of the progress of social civilization.

Some people feel uncomfortable with older or old scholars to go to college, but actually ignore a fundamental problem -university is a university of everyone, not just young people's universities, learning is not just young people. Living to the old learning to meet the requirements of lifelong learning.

In fact, advocating lifelong learning has become an international consensus, and most countries and regions, including Europe, the United States and Japan, have liberalized the age limit of university entrance.

According to statistics from researchers, since the 1980s, the students of higher education in the United States have changed a lot -male and female college students are "getting old", and the proportion of college students aged at the age of 25 has exceeded 40%. The changes that have changed the school's school -running philosophy and teaching methods. This is a reflection of the humanistic spirit of the university.

Furthermore, recognizing and advocating lifelong learning is a scientific social mentality. It is unreasonable to question and accusations for university and elderly college students. On the contrary, it is regarded as a social phenomenon to accept it in an open mind. Only by seeing its positive significance, it is in line with the scientific spirit.

They are also senior scholars. The 82 -year -old American old lady Francis Wood completed her studies at a university and was named "Back to School Queen" at the school graduation ceremony. '"; Italian elderly Gicepe Patono was delayed by World War II. At the age of 94, he started to study university. At the age of 99, he obtained a master's degree with excellent results and became a role model for young people. The solid flower has completed the ceramics course at the Kyoto University of Styling Art for 11 years. At the age of 96, he obtained a graduation certificate and became the object of the Japanese media for reporting ... Learning is an instinctual needs for people, and it is a vigorous gesture of life.

Compared to the utilitarian input calculation, from "living to old learning", seeing the meaning of learning and the value of life, absorbing strength and hardships, it is undoubtedly more meaningful.

Fortunately, in response to the 52 -year -old freshman to go to college, most people on the Internet are appreciated. Many people were moved by his inspirational story and expressed respect to him, saying that he would learn from him. As for the applause and even a few people who are strange and short -sighted, they cannot represent the mainstream, nor will it affect the public's sober judgment of similar phenomena.

Edit | Zhao Lu

Capture | Zhihai

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