The resume of the 985 college professor, netizens laughed!More than one place →

Author:The official account of Xi'an Time:2022.09.19

Remember what the personal introduction of your professor on the official website of your college school? Generally very serious and concise (and glittering)

However, netizens have recently discovered a professor who "does not take an unusual way". The professor, yesterday, rushed to hot search second

What the hell is going on?

It turned out that some netizens found that Professor Hu Jinniu from the School of Physics of Nankai University on the official website of the college's official website comes with "barrage vomiting" humor plus "self -black" to make netizens shout "I want to choose his class!"

In the resume of Professor Hu, he wrote in the education experience. In 2006, he graduated from undergraduate and started studying in 2007.

A long string of academic research experience: "mainly because he couldn't find a job at the time" and mentioned that he was promising when he was currently a director of the Chinese Society of Nuclear Physics.

In terms of research direction, Professor Hu also introduced funny and really some directions.

To introduce your own teaching courses, you must also add to the instructions.

In terms of honorary title, Professor Hu also considered the "2006 Weekly Magazine Character" (PS. The winner is "You", all netizens)

There is also "In the 2008 Moved Chinese Special Award winner" (the winner is "all Chinese")

The Olympic Cup winner in 2022 (the winner is the "Chinese People's") He also hops that if he doesn't believe it, he can search himself

Before the bracket is a strong academic achievement

"Interesting Soul" netizen: So cute professor

Of course, some netizens calculated the approximate age of Professor Hu, and then emotioned:

With Professor Hu's resume on the hot search, some netizens discovered another interesting professor at the School of Physics of Nankai University: Professor Chen Yan, his homepage and BGM

Professor Chen wrote the most proud of professor is

Before you were 30 years old, he went to visit the country. After reading the book, he also got some diplomas by the way (two bachelor, two masters, one doctoral)

When introducing the research direction, he said that the professor should not get the Nobel Prize, so he only does the topic you are interested in (the physical and simple, the simple mathematics)

In terms of honor title, a picture is placed directly: Those are just named ...

Netizen: I like this frank to meet!

Some netizens said that the class is really interesting, but I really don’t want to read it.

Seeing these professors Zi Qian also carry "Fan" ~

Who wouldn't say "love and love"! Do you have such a fairy teacher?

Source: China Youth Daily, Observer Network, Netizens Comments

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