Welcome to the Twenty Congress | Pay tribute!Chinese doctor (Chinese and English)

Author:Belt and Road report Time:2022.09.18


Text "Belt and Road Report" All -Media Journalist Lulu

"I don't know when I come back. If there is a boy, it is called Bin, and a girl is called Wen Wen ..." This is 59 years ago, Xu Xianze, the doctor of Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said to the pregnant wife before leaving. The meaning of the literary quality.

"I don't know when I'm be back. If you give birth to a boy, the name for his will be bin. If a girl, that her will be wen," said xu xianze, a doctor from hubei process HOSPITAL of TCM, to his pregnant wife before departure 59 Years Ago. The names we derived from the chinese idiom "wen zhi bin bin", which means "Well-Mannered".

In 1962, the Algerian government was independent and became the first country to gain freedom in Africa. The new regime faced realistic difficulties such as the people to endure hunger and limited medical conditions. Therefore, the Algerian government issued an emergency appeal to the international community and requested international assistance.

In 1962, Algeria declared its independence, making itself the first nation to gain freedom in Africa. The sovereign nation faced real difficulties, such as people suffering from hunger and limited access to medical care. The Algerian government therefore made an urgent appeal for international assistance Then, then, then

The Chinese government quickly responded to the request and urgently transferred 24 medical backbones from Beijing, Shanghai, Hubei and other places to form China's first foreign medical team. In 1963, they went to Algeria, a distant Algeria. Xu Xianze was one of them.

In quick response to the request, the Chinese government organized China's first foreign-aid medical team with 24 outstanding medical workers from Beijing, Shanghai, Hubei and other places, including Xu Xianze, and sent them to Algeria, which was far away from their motherland , in 1963.

This is the first time in the history of New China ’s diplomatic history that has supported foreign countries to support foreign countries, which opened the prelude to China’ s foreign medical care. After more than half a century, China has successively dispatched 28,000 medical players to Asia, Africa, La, and Oceania in Oceania. At the same time, foreign medical teams are also actively conducting disease prevention and control, hospital construction, and medical teams to "biography" ... have won high evaluations of the local government and people.

It was the first time in the diplomatic history of the People's Republic of China to support a foreign country with a medical team alone. Since then, China has sent 28,000 medical personnel to more than 70 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe and Oceania, where they have received 290 million patients. At the same time, foreign-aid medical teams have also proactively engaged in disease prevention and control, hospital construction, medical worker training... They have won high praise from the local governments and people The number is still accumulated, and the story is still continuing! Dr. Foreign Affairs Doctor is not afraid of hardships and dedication, and uses superb medical skills and high -quality products to brighten the international business card of "Chinese Doctor".

The efforts attract a growing number of medical workers. Regardless of hardships, foreign-aid doctors have made great contributions. With their consummate medical skills and noble conduct, they have set a shining example of Chinese doctors in the world.

On August 19, 2022, it is the fifth physician's day in China. On this occasion, let's walk into the stories of foreign aid doctors and foreign aids who are moving and warm!

August 19, 2022 Marks the Fifth Chinese DOCTORS ’Day. On this occasion, let’ s Know more about the touch and warm foreign-age doctors and foreign-actical stories.

Chinese government medical team doctor in Nepal

There is no great love, miracle shines overseas

Africa in July, the heat wave strikes people. As hot as the weather, there is also the national hospital operating room of San Domi and Princes Berbin ("Sanpu") in West Africa.

At this time, the operating room was conducted in the height of the surgery. The surgery was assisted by Bai Liping, the 17th batch of Chinese (Sichuan) batch of Sanpu Medical Team obstetrics and gynecology experts, and the medical team captain and surgeon Yang Yi.

Patient CarvalHo is a 31 -year -old child with a narcane age, who occasionally abdominal pain to Bai Liping's outpatient clinic. Through the preliminary examination, Bai Liping sent a huge cyst with a diameter of 12cm in the pelvic cavity. The diagnosis was diagnosed as a left attached cyst, and surgical resection was required.

After thoroughly evaluating and planning, Bai Liping decided to use single -hole laparoscopic technology for patients for surgery. Compared to ordinary laparoscopic technology, this technology is more minimally invasive and beautiful.

The operation was supported by the Chinese medical team, and also received the attention of the Cuban Dr. Pedro, the Captain Sanpu Medical Team Captain Pedro, and the local surgeons and nurse. They went to the operating room to observe and learn.

In front of the operating table, under the shadow lamp, the capable Bai Li was wearing work clothes, upholding the attitude of cautious and responsible medicalist, and with the full cooperation of teammates, with the superb professional technology, the patient's left tubal system was successfully completed in a single -hole laparoscope. Membrane cyst removal and retain the fallopian tubes and ovaries for patients.

As the surgery ended smoothly, Bai Liping was unanimously praised by the onlookers' colleagues, and the patient was also satisfied with the small wounds of only 2cm.

This operation is not only an unforgettable experience in Bai Liping's career, but also created a record of the first single -hole laparoscopic huge pelvic cyst removal in the history of Sanpu National history.

The essence of a record is aggressive and hard work. Since China sent the first foreign medical team in 1963, Chinese doctors have always adhered to the benevolence and professional ethics, creating countless "records" for the aid countries.

In November 2021, China (Jiangsu) 31st Sang Sang gave Balta Medical Team on the first laparoscopy in Balba Island to remove the first laparoscopy. In August 2021, in the Tangjiadogo Hospital of Burkina Faso, the inland country in West Africa, the fourth batch of the Chinese Red Cross Faiso Medical Team and the local doctor completed the country's first abdomen Aortic replacement surgery.

In October 2017, the 26th group of China ’s batch of Guinea medical teams performed breast opening surgery for a patient with a lung cysts in a long -term friendly hospital in China. This was the first chest opening surgery implemented in Guinea.

There are many records like this in the China Foreign Aid Medical Team! The first micro -neurosurgery surgery; the first intracranial aneurysm embolism of the country; the first laparoscopic thyroid slicing surgery; The first nerve endoscopic pituitary tumor cutting ...

A group of Chinese doctors, saying goodbye to their loved ones and going overseas ... They interpreted the spirit of the Chinese foreign medical team who "love without the country and save wounds", and sprinkled healthy and safe seeds to the world!

Bai Liping took a photo in front of the local doctor in front of Sanpu National Hospital

Teach people to fish, leave a medical team that can not be taken away

There is a saying in China that "granting people to fish is worse than granting people to fish", and it is to teach knowledge to others. It is better to teach others to learn knowledge.

Tens of thousands of Chinese foreign aid doctors took this sentence, and Zhao Yanbing, the 14th batch of Chinese leaders of the Eristria medical team, was one of them. He hopes that it is not unilateral external aid to the recipient, but to help them realize the independence and self -reliance of medical technology.

Eritrea is located in the northeast of Africa, adjacent to Sudan in the west, neighbor Ethiopia, Djibati in the south.

Although it has an excellent geographical location, the medical resources of Eritleia are very scarce. On average, there are only 7 hospital beds per 10,000 people. There are only one nuclear magnetic resonance instrument in the country, a X -ray machine, and a bad 16 row of CT ... Mowing

Zhao Yanbing, who first arrived, saw these dilemma in his eyes, remembering it in his heart, and silently planning -to do something real for the recipient country.

Therefore, he reported various work ideas to the National Health and Health Commission and Henan Health Commission. After being fully affirmed, China began to donate medical supplies for Elitria air transportation for air transportation in China, and officially launched the preliminary preparations for the project of China Aid Chinese Medicine Center and the China -E -Doujia Cooperation Hospital Project.

Not only does it have hardware assistance, but also the talent training in software.

Due to special geographical location and climate characteristics, Djibati has a lot of local cataract patients and affected by economic conditions. Most of the patients who come to the doctor have reached the late stage, and their vision is almost zero.

Niu Yantao is the 20th batch of Ophthalmology experts in China (Shanxi). When she first went to work at the ophthalmology of Dabebertier Hospital, she was scared by the local doctor's surgery. " There are many cornea, without the concept of the front room and the capsule film, can patients implant artificial crystals in the first phase to see the luck. "

Seeing this scene, Niu Yantao made up his mind to teach the theory of cataract surgery to the local doctor. She went to the operating table to demonstrate the local doctor, and the scientific medical technology and good and safe postoperative effect were recognized by local doctors and patients.

At the same time, Niu Yantao also extended the "classroom" to daily work. As long as the patient is reviewed, she consciously reminds local colleagues to master this operation not only small incisions, but also rarely removed from vitreous in the operation. Patients can implant artificial crystals in the first phase of the patient, no need for stitching, and so on.

Hard work pays off. Half a year later, a local doctor said to Niu Yantao: "I want to learn your surgical methods." Since then, Niu Yantao has started technical teaching. Actual combat. To her gratitude, in just more than a month, local doctors can perform standard cataracts for patients, and truly cultivate a medical team that can not be taken away for the aid.

Today, the connotation of China Foreign Aid Medicine is more abundant, and it has gradually developed from a single dispatch of foreign medical teams to the dissemination of foreign medical teams, clinical medical and public health two -wheel drive, innovative projects, counterpart hospitals, capacity building, personnel and technical exchanges Comprehensive foreign aid pattern.

The 18th batch of China (Sichuan) rectify the Buddhist Federation Medical Team

Mountains and rivers are exotic, storms and rain

At the end of 2019, a sudden new crown pneumonia's epidemic swept the world. Subsequently, WHO announced that the speed and severity of the new crown pneumonia's epidemic was worrying, and the epidemic had constituted global popularity.

As of 22:00 on August 19, 2022, Beijing time, a total of 5916,83619 cases of new crown diagnosis in the world reached 644,3306 cases.

Faced with unprecedented disasters, governments and organizations of various countries and organizations actively adopted corresponding measures to curb the rapid spread of new coronal viruses. In this global anti -epidemic operation, the tough and upright figures of Chinese foreign aid doctors always appear on the front line.

On March 19, 2020, the epidemic of the new crown pneumonia spread to the beautiful island country Buddha, and the local government immediately announced that it entered the state of emergency. At this time, the only hospital in the horns of Buddha's fixed -point treatment of new crown pneumonia -Praja Central Hospital's execution of foreign aid mission was the 18th group of China (Sichuan) the 18th batch of Buddha -Denjiao medical teams. Prior to the outbreak of the Buddha's horn, the medical team provided the Buddhist party with the "2020 Foer Horner's Prevention and Control Plan for the New Coronatte Virus Pneumonia"; after the outbreak of the epidemic, the medical team repeatedly had many pre -hospital consultation and a ricler. Communicate with the Palaia Central Hospital with the prevention and control of infection and control in the hospital, and provide the Portuguese Edition and English Version of the Portuguese and English Version of the New Coronary Virus Pneumonia infection (Seventh Edition) "Four Anti -Two Balance" rescue strategy and other information files.

Despite being prepared, there are still many medical staff and patients infected with new coronary pneumonia virus in the hospital, and even patients have died.

In this case, Chinese foreign aid doctors always fight side by side with colleagues in Buddha's horn, faithfully performing the duties of medical staff to cure diseases and saving people. The most vivid footnote!

Throughout the past, in a special period, Chinese doctors have never been absent.

On December 26, 2004, a earthquake occurred in the Indian Ocean and triggered a tsunami, and tens of thousands of innocent lives were swallowed ruthlessly. In this context, China sent disaster relief medical teams to Thailand, Indonesia and other severe affected countries. In Indonesia, the Chinese rescue medical team should even take the request of local medical institutions to take over the rescue work of a hospital and start emergency medical assistance.

In 2014, Ebola virus raged Africa, one of the most fatal viruses in the world, with strong infectivity and high mortality. The WHO announced that the Ebola bleeding and fever in West Africa was an internationally concerned public health incident. It is suggested that a country announced that the country has announced that the country has entered an emergency. In the face of crisis, the Chinese government sent three experts to run to West Africa to provide technical assistance to the local prevention and control epidemic.

At 14:15 on April 25, 2015, a magnitude 8.1 earthquake occurred in Nepal. The epicenter was located in Bocrat. This is the second largest city and a well -known tourist attraction in Nepal. This earthquake caused a large number of casualties. After the earthquake, a rescue charter carrying 58 medical staff and 15 tons of medical supplies took off from Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport to Nepal Kandu to carry out rescue.


Difficulty with the same, wind and rain.

Chinese doctors have used strong professional skills and the heart of boxing to compose stories one after another. pay tribute! Chinese doctor.

Source: "Belt and Road Report (Chinese and English)" 2022 Issue 5

Edit: Lulu

Review: Xiangwen

School pair: Qin Sufeng

Editor: Deng Zhuo

For more exciting details, see "Belt and Road Report (Chinese and English)" ↓↓↓

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