Everyone tells the story of integrity, promoting cleanliness and positive energy 丨 This integrity story sharing meeting, full of positive energy!

Author:Kunming Aviation Rescue Detach Time:2022.09.18

Share the story of integrity and practice the virtue of integrity

Integrity means that we must have a clear behavior and a bright attitude. Lian is clean and honest, not greedy money. Jie is white, which refers to the bright attitude of life.

In order to strengthen the construction of the clean government culture and strengthen the awareness of team members, the emergency communication and vehicle service squadron of the Kunming Aviation Rescue Detachment organizes the "integrity story, promoting cleanliness and positive energy." Below, let's step into the scene to see their wonderful sharing, bringing inner different feelings.

Bao Zheng's "Commandment Lian Family Training"

Shareer: Yu Zhichao

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In the Song Dynasty, an official was named Bao Zheng, who called him Bao Qingtian. He is public and strict, and he does not cover any crimes. His knife, the relatives and relatives of the emperor, and the anti -corruption and death. As long as it was justice, he would glow in front of him. As long as he had sin and greed, he could not escape his fair and selfless eyes. Bao Zheng is such a good official, a good official, and a good government and a clean government. Bao Zheng has a lifetime, living in a high position, selflessly, hates corrupt officials. In his later years, he was worried that future generations would be unhappy. The well -known "Commandment of Lian Family" is engraved with alert future generations. It is about: "For those descendants of Bao's descendants, corruption and bribery cannot be called the descendants of the Bao family, and even after death, they cannot be buried into the cemetery of their family. Those who do not follow this order are not the descendants of Bao Gong. "So Bao Qingtian's beauty has been passed down for generations.

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Young people are to adhere to the integrity of the public, and to corrode the spirit of self -discipline. This spirit, whether we are in the position of leadership or whether we hold real rights or virtual power, this is the spirit that every player must have. For the people's consciousness, pragmatism lies in dedication, and cleanliness is to persist. Start with self -do, start with the small things around you, so as to better gift for the 20th major gifts of the party.

Persist in the bottom line of integrity and promote the wind and righteousness

Shareer: Zhang Zhangyu

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Can you imagine what it looks like a dress that wears sleeping every day for more than 20 years? Since the early 1950s, Chairman Mao's pajamas have been the same. At first it was a white cotton cloth, and it has become yellow over time, as thin as gauze, and has 73 patch. At that time, some people saw that the pajamas were broken everywhere, and the collar and sleeve were all leaking lines. Zhou Fuming replied bitterly: "Do you think I don't want? I persuaded Chairman Mao to many times, but Chairman Mao always said that he could wear it, and I was helpless." Change it. The chairman always disagreed: "What to change now, just wear it, just make a hole and make up for it." At present, our country is nervous and funds are so difficult. We must lead by example. As long as we use less, the people get the people to get the people. Just a little more.

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As a member of the national comprehensive fire rescue team in the new era, it is like a mirror. It reminds us to be able to resist the temptation, support faith, keep poverty, and resist loneliness. Regardless of how the times develop, integrity is always the call of the times. Integrity and self -discipline are our new generation responsibility and the mission of our young people. We must continue to improve ourselves, do our job well, and keep our own well, and do not get the legal red line. In the work, we firmly establish the correct view of status and interests, dedicated their careers to make integrity a natural habit. Let himself be a qualified and excellent firefighter, and welcomes the 20th National Congress of the Party with practical actions.

Zhou Enlai does not enter the house

Shareer: Yin Zhenghuan

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After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhou Enlai has been working and living in the West Flower Hall of Zhongnanhai. Old, dark, and humid. In the summer, a layer of white alkali flowers are often glowed on the blue bricks. The wood in the house is also decaying. The patent leather on the beams and columns is stripped. This is the prime minister's residence. If it is old and tolerate, humidity is very troublesome. During the lives of the West Flower Hall, Zhou Enlai's leg pain was often committed. After a long time, the secretary He Qian was also very distressed. He repeatedly advised the Prime Minister to repairs the Xihua Hall appropriately, but he was rejected. Seeing that the Prime Minister's attitude was so determined, He Qian quietly played his "small abacus".

At the beginning of 1960, Zhou Enlai went to Guangdong for two months. During that time, Deng Yingchao was not in Beijing. He Qian took advantage of this opportunity to report to the office director Tong Xiaopeng, hoping to do some maintenance of the Xihua Hall. Laying wooden floors on the humid blue bricks, winding windows that are leaked, replaced with moldy old carpets and old lamps, and replaced the broken white cloth curtains into thicker woolen curtains ... He Qian hurry up to repair, and at the same time Considering that the prime minister's diligent and thrifty style is also taken into account to minimize the expenses. After the renovation of the Xihua Hall, He Qian thought about it, so that he should be able to meet the requirements of the Prime Minister.

Who knew that Zhou Enlai returned and found these changes before entering the door of the house, so there was a thunderous scene.

He Qian quickly reviewed: "The Prime Minister, I'm wrong ... You have a rest ..."

Zhou Enlai asked angrily: "I go back to the house and accept your favorable facts?" Then he reached out and pointed to the room and said, "Move those things all, otherwise I won't enter!" After that, he turned away. Seeing this, the others were busy catching up to persuade the Prime Minister and only listened to him and said loudly, "I don’t enter, that is not my home!"

Later, under the persistence of Zhou Enlai, the staff moved all the carpets, lamps, curtains and other things in the Xihua Hall. The repair of the floor and window that has been repaired is another cost. Zhou Enlai had to ask the secretary to settle the account. He said: "The country is so difficult now, and the construction of all aspects requires funds. How can we use public funds to decorate my home? This cannot be allowed and tolerated." The Western Flower Hall restored the old appearance, and Zhou Enlai entered the house. Afterwards, he has been worried about the matter, reviewing himself at the office meeting of the State Council many times, and teaching the secretary: "As a prime minister, bring a good head and affect a large number; with a bad head, it must also affect a one -meter one. Large blockbusters. You spend so much money and make my house so well ... How can you get a level of first -level studies and levels? "

Save and saving is the habit of Premier Zhou's life. Whether it was the era of revolutionary war or during the peaceful construction period, he always maintained a difficult and simple, diligent and frugal style. Related stories are still widely circulated to this day, unforgettable.

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Everyone must be like me. After hearing this story, integrity is closely related to conservation. We must be honest and save. In fact, saving is around us. For example, the cafeteria does not waste meals. It is also a manifestation of the phenomenon of eliminating long light. Reasonable consumption is also a savings. In the past, the army used diligence and frugality as a glorious tradition, and we are now a quasi -military and quasi -active management. We must continue to inherit this glorious tradition of diligence and frugality, and effectively establish a good consciousness of everyone to save and save everyone.

Be a clean and talented

Shareer: He Xu

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Tao Xingzhi is a well -known educator and thinker in my country. He has been struggling for education throughout his life. He is not only knowledgeable, but also a very clean and self -discipline.

In order to work, Mr. Tao Xingzhi made two special pockets on work clothes, one used to install public funds, and the other was used to install private funds. One day, the money in his pocket was stolen, and he immediately looked at the two pockets, and his brows opened. It turned out that his private funds were stolen, and the public funds were still in their pockets. After getting out of the car, although he was exhausted at the time, he insisted on a penny in the pocket of public funds. He returned to school from a dozen kilometers outside.

Because he always associates integrity with patriotism. He once said that if you want to love alone, you only need to see his attitude towards public property, and whether he is unwilling to take it.

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Today, a hundred years later, in the new era, many new changes have been brought, but the topic of integrity is still not outdated. Go far away, don't forget the way when you come, don't forget why we set off. Time will pass, faith is inherited. We have the responsibility and obligations to dedicate our own strength for the party, the country, and the people, and always "look at the mirror and the dressing crown". Essence

During the event, the representatives of the integrity story shared on the stage and gave a wonderful storytelling, and each shared their deep integrity stories and feelings. In the end, instructor Ding Zhengguo described a classic example of the inheritance of the Huaxia National Family Style, and guided everyone to resonate in ideology, so that all staff deeply understood the significance of clear and honest and integrity.

"Many of our revolutionary ancestors have been honest and self -disciplined throughout their lives, and are strict with ourselves. He diligent in his life and dedicated himself to the true portrayal of the cause of the nation's liberation. After Li Dazhao, his descendants have always adhered to and practiced the fine family style of the ancestors so that the revolutionary fine traditions are passed down from generation to generation. Chen Duxiu, the main leader of the five major parties, never conspired with power and take the lead in living a hard life. Everyone must reflect on themselves through these stories, to be honest and self -disciplined, and to find in life, work, and training. Where you do not do it in place, improve your ability to resist anticorrosion and refuse. "

Draw on cultural nutrients

Concerning the power of integrity

Putting the awareness of cleanliness and integrity

Gradually penetrate into work, study and life

The "high line" of firm ideals and beliefs

Persist in the "bottom line" of disciplinary rules

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