Opening the group, I am serious

Author:Journal of China Science Time:2022.09.18

Text | Li Jianguo

There are more than 10 people in our group, and many students are looking for me because they want to follow the process and fun of scientific research with the research group.

Because the basis of everyone's scientific research is basically 0, the links of professional software learning, journal reading, out -of -field sampling, indoor experiments and data analysis, thesis writing, etc. are zero foundation, let alone discovery and condensing scientific issues alone. Therefore, my responsibility of being a teacher is also important, and I am constantly exploring the model and method of training students' scientific research ability.

Of course, in the process of training, such unexpected situations will occur, and even things that are violated often occur. When you are alone, you also doubt yourself, do you doubt whether this road is right? I often think of the old words of the ancients, "Du Lele is not as good as the music."

Of course, there will not be so many unexpected situations to do it yourself, but the teacher's responsibility is to educate and train students. My own alone is really not a scene in my heart.

In fact, the biggest influence on me is an old professor in our college. He said to our young people (relatively young) at the teaching and research conference that at my age, I can understand that the biggest happiness of a teacher is to cultivate A large number of outstanding students, not the achievements they have made. This is the best philosophical answer to the uniqueness and music of teachers.

I also follow this idea to do it, and insist on cultivating the front line of students in hand, not limited to class. After a few years, my understanding of the group is becoming more and more profound.

At the beginning, a group meeting was opened once a month or two months. Now it is about to be opened once every 1-2 weeks. If you have nothing to do, you have to open up, and you have formed a system and habit.

During the group, of course, we could not be the breakfast meeting of Mr. Liu Qiangdong at 8:30 in the morning, let alone the crushing gas field of his "five, five, four frameworks". In fact, the plan of the day lies in the morning, and the plan of the year lies in spring. It is really important to use the morning time.

Due to the particularity of students in class, our group will generally be held on weekends in the afternoon, and some even at night. Of course, we also have our small tradition:

1. Encourage PPT report

Most of the students do not know enough about the importance of PPT, and think that it is another way to display Word. This is not to mention how to use PPT. Therefore, I encourage students to use PPT to talk about their work. This way of expression of highly demanding logic and expressive requirements can actually reflect the degree of understanding of a student from the side. At the same time, language expression and PPT collaboration, board layout, color configuration, body, and podium feel can be improved through PPT reports.

2. Student talk first, the teacher then talks

The leaders of the organs have an important principle, and the first lecture speaks. Although I am not a leader, the role of the teacher is destined to have an impact on the students' ideas. Therefore, we also follow the strategy of full discussion and the final speech of the teacher. The formation of thinking.

Third, the problem must be given countermeasures

The important work is to summarize gains and losses, solve problems, and propose future plans. To fully discuss the difficult problems encountered by the research team, to find out the core priority of solving the problem, and of course, countermeasures and methods are of course the most important.

If you can't find a solution in a short period of time, or that the many solutions cannot form a unified opinion, we also have our own way: In response to the first scene, we often adopt the form of a single chat after the meeting, dig details, read the literature, read the literature, and read the literature. For help and other forms to seek breakthroughs; the second situation generally takes multiple legs to walk. Two or three solutions are carried out at the same time. Although the resources are wasteful, the progress is often guaranteed.

Fourth, no long discussion, concise and concise

Some meetings are like the old lady's feet wrapped and long, which makes people feel physically and mentally exhausted. As soon as the meeting was heard, some people even formed a settlement thinking, that is, it was time to keep their eyes closed and play with mobile phones.

I do not encourage students to adopt a delay tactics adopted when speaking like foreign lawmakers in the literature explanation. If you can make a 10,000 -character paper and use a few charts to clearly explain its core ideas and innovation points, it indicates that your essence of this paper is really understood.

I think it is an unfamiliar manifestation of the expression of others.

5. A response after the meeting

Discuss the decision at the meeting, a reply must be given within a week, and the latest progress in the report.

If the student does not take the initiative, then I will report to the office to report it in person. The progress is still not smooth. I will continue to repeat this form. If it really affects the progress of the entire research team, I will generally increase the hand -up, but the right to use the data will be scattered accordingly.

(The author is an associate professor at the School of Geography and Mapping and Urban -Rural Planning of Jiangsu Normal University)

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